D. Masing-masing akronim dari BERMARTABAT tersebut akan dijelaskan seb terjemahan - D. Masing-masing akronim dari BERMARTABAT tersebut akan dijelaskan seb Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

D. Masing-masing akronim dari BERMA

D. Masing-masing akronim dari BERMARTABAT tersebut akan dijelaskan sebagai berikut:
Bersih, Kota Salatiga yang bersih tentunya menjadi harapan seluruh warga Kota Salatiga. Lingkungan kota yang bebas dari tumpukan sampah dan limbah adalah kondisi yang diharapkan dalam pembangunan Kota Salatiga sepanjang periode 2015 -2020. Selain itu, bersih juga harus menjadi ciri dari penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. Pemerintahan yang bersih (clean governance) harus diciptakan agar kepentingan masyarakat dapat terlayani dengan sebaik - baiknya.
Makmur, Masyarakat yang makmur adalah cita-cita yang dipercayakan kepada pemerintah untuk diwujudkan melalui serangkaian kewenangan yang dipunyai pemerintah. Kondisi makmur di Kota Salatiga tercapai jika seluruh masyarakat Salatiga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup mereka secara layak sesuai dengan strata sosial masing-masing. Dalam kaitannya dengan upaya mencapai kemakmuran, kemandirian adalah hal penting. Masyarakat makmur yang dibangun di atas pondasi kemandirian merupakan kondisi yang hendak diwujudkan dalam periode pembangunan Kota Salatiga 2015 - 2020
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
D. each acronym of DIGNITY is explained as follows:Clean, clean, Salatiga city is certainly the hope all the citizens of the town of Salatiga. The city environment that is free of the piles of garbage and waste is the expected conditions in the development of the town of Salatiga throughout the period 2015-2020. In addition, the net should also be a hallmark of the Organization of the Government. Good governance (clean governance) must be created in order for community interests can be served as well-as good.Affluent, prosperous Society are goals entrusted to the Government to be realized through a series of powers that belong to the Government. A prosperous condition in Salatiga city is reached if the whole community of Salatiga can meet the needs of their lives is worth the social strata in accordance with each. In relation to the efforts to achieve prosperity, self-reliance is an important thing. A prosperous society built on a foundation of self-reliance is a condition that would be realized in a period of development of the town of Salatiga 2015-2020
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
D. Each acronym of dignity will be explained as follows:
Clean, clean Salatiga certainly be the hope of all citizens of Salatiga. City environment that is free from the garbage and waste is expected conditions in the construction of Salatiga over the period 2015 -2020. In addition, net also should be a hallmark of governance. Clean government (clean governance) should be created so that the public interest can be served as well - good.
Makmur, prosperous communities are ideals entrusted to the government to be realized through a series of authority that belongs to the government. Prosperous condition in Salatiga Salatiga achieved if the whole society can meet their needs appropriately in accordance with the respective social strata. In connection with efforts to achieve prosperity, independence is crucial. Prosperous society that is built on a foundation of self-reliance is a condition to be realized in the period of construction of Salatiga 2015 - 2020
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