Saat liburan sekolah saya dan temanku pergi ke Yogyakarta mengikuti st terjemahan - Saat liburan sekolah saya dan temanku pergi ke Yogyakarta mengikuti st Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Saat liburan sekolah saya dan teman

Saat liburan sekolah saya dan temanku pergi ke Yogyakarta mengikuti study tour. Kami berangkat pukul 03.30 menggunakan bus. Saat di perjalanan kami bernyanyi bersama. Pukul jam 4 kami berhenti untuk melakukan solat subuh. Setelah solat subuh kami melanjutkan kembali perjalanan.
Tidak terasa sudah 3 jam kami melanjutkan perjalanan sebelum kami berhenti untuk istirahat.
Sambil memakan bekal yang dibawa. Lalu kami melanjutkan kembali perjalanan ke candi borobudur. Saat di dalam bus saya dan temanku bernyanyi kembali dengan riang. Hingga sampai di candi borobudur. Di candi borobudur cuacanya sangat cerah hingga terasa panas. Disana kami berkeliling melihat patung yang ada disana. Kami juga berfoto bersama. Karena hari semakin siang kami memutuskan kembali ke bus untuk melanjutkan perjalanan. Sesampainya di bus saya tidur dengan lelap.
Bus sudah berjalan 3 jam sebelum saya bangun dan sampai di pantai parangtritis.
Lalu tak lama kemudian sampai di pantai parangtritis. Disana saya merasa kurang bersemanagat, tetapi temanku sangat gembira saat di sana. Mereka bermain bola, berfoto serta bermain air laut. Karena merasa sudah lelah kami memutuskan melanjutkan perjalanan ke malioboro.
Saat ke malioboro cuaca berubah menjadi hujan tetapi itu tidak menghalangi kami. Saat sampai di malioboro hujan sudah reda. Kami pun langsung pergi berbelanja untuk oleh – oleh keluarga di rumah.
Sudah 10 menit lamanya kami berjalan sebelum kami mulai berbelanja.
Saat jam menunjukkan pukul 09.30 kami segera kembali ke bus untuk pulang. Di perjalanan kami semua tidur lelap. Hingga tidak terasa sampai lah kami di sekolah, kami langsung menggubungi orang tua kami.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
During the school holidays me and my friend went to Yogyakarta following a study tour. We set off at 03 o'clock bus. While on the journey we sang together. At 4 hours we stopped for doing 30ru dawn. After our subuh 30ru resumed travel.
does not feel already 3 hours we went on a trip before we stopped for a break.
While eating the food brought. Then we continue the return journey to borobudur Temple. While on the bus I and my friend sang it back cheerfully. To reach the temple. In the temple the weather is very bright and warm. There we toured the viewed image that was there. We also take pictures together. Since the day the day we decided to go back to the bus to go on. Arriving on the bus I sleep soundly with.
Bus already running 3 hours before I woke up and got to the parangtritis beach.
and then shortly thereafter to parangtritis beach. There I feel less bersemanagat, but my friend was delighted when the there. They play ball, take pictures and play sea water. Feeling tired already we decided to continue the journey to malioboro.
When the weather turns rainy malioboro but that does not deter us. When arriving at malioboro rain already has subsided. We also directly went shopping for a gift – the family at home.
Already we were walking 10 minutes long before we started shopping.
When the clock shows at 09.30 we soon went back to the bus to go home. On the trip we were all sleeping soundly. To not feel to our school, that we direct our parents menggubungi.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
When my school holidays and my friend went to Yogyakarta following the study tour. We set off at 03.30 by bus. On the way we sang together. At 4 o'clock we stopped to perform the dawn prayer. After the dawn prayer we resumed the trip.
was already 3 hours not we move on before we stopped for a break.
carried While eating lunch. Then we went on a trip back to the Borobudur temple. Currently in my bus and my friend singing back cheerfully. To arrive at the Borobudur temple. Borobudur temple is very sunny weather until hot. There we were walking around looking at the statue there. We also took a picture together. Because the day wore on we decided to return to the bus to continue the journey. Arriving at the bus I slept soundly.
Buses have been running 3 hours before I woke up on the beach and parangtritis.
then shortly thereafter got parangtritis coast. There I feel less bersemanagat, but my friend was so happy when there. They play ball, take pictures and play sea water. Feeling tired we decided to continue the journey to malioboro.
malioboro When the weather turns to rain but it did not deter us. When I got malioboro rain had stopped. We immediately went shopping for by the - by the family at home.
been 10 minutes long we walk before we start shopping.
currently indicates at 09.30 hours we were soon back on the bus to go home. On the way we all slept soundly. Until we do not feel up to the one at school, we immediately menggubungi our parents.
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