ABSTRAKDiare sampai saat ini masih menjadi masalah kesehatan dunia. Be terjemahan - ABSTRAKDiare sampai saat ini masih menjadi masalah kesehatan dunia. Be Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

ABSTRAKDiare sampai saat ini masih

Diare sampai saat ini masih menjadi masalah kesehatan dunia. Besarnya masalah tersebut terlihat dari tingginya angka kesakitan dan kematian akibat diare. Penerapan prilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS) merupakan faktor yang sangat berhubungan dengan kejadian diare. Beberapa artikel ilmiah termasuk artikel dengan topik PHBS dan diare masih belum memenuhi standar artikel ilmiah yang baik. Literatur Review ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan hasil review beberapa artikel yang berhubungan dengan topik bahasan yaitu perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat dengan kejaian diare. Penulusuran literatur review yang relevan dengan topik dilakukan menggunakan google scholar, Pub med dan Lontar UI, DOAJ tahun 2005 sampai 2013. Kata kunci yang digunakan adalah : Perilaku Kesehatan, PHBS, Diare, Pendidikan Kesehatan dan Anak. Makalah literature review ini akan membahas latar belakang dan tujuan, kritik artikel yang meliputi metodologi (sampel, tempat penelitian, prosedur, pengumpulan data, analisa data), hasil penelitian, dan implikasi dalam praktek Keperawatan. Artikel fulltext dan abstrak yang diperoleh direview untuk memilih artikel penelitian atau literatur yang sesuai dengan topik yang dipilih. Artikel yang dipilih dan digunakan sebagai sampel selanjutnya diidentifikasi. Dari Google Scholar diperoleh 2 buah jurnal penelitian, Pub Med 1 jurnal dari 2 penelitian yang ada global Jurnal of Health Science, Lontar UI 1 buah jurnal, DOAJ 1 buah jurnal penelitian dari 24 penelitian yang ada. PICO dari key word Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) Health Education, Health Behaviour, Children, and Diare. Kesimpulan Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah diskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional, lokasi penelitian terbatas pada lingkup desa, teknik sampling menggunakan total sampling atau cluster random sampling, Instrumen penelitian umunya menggunakan kuisioner dan check list. Rekomendasi literatur review apabila melakukan penelitian yang sama dengan penelitian ini sebaiknya dilakukan dengan populasi yang lebih luas dan heterogen, baik dari sisi ekonomi, sosial spiritual maupun budaya sehingga hasilnya bisa digeneralisasikan dalam lingkup yang lebih luas.

Kata kunci : Literatur Review, Perilaku Kesehatan, PHBS, Diare, Anak, Pendidikan Kesehatan
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
ABSTRACTDiarrhea till now remains the world's health problems. The magnitude of the problem is visible from the high number of sicknesses and deaths from diarrhea. Application of clean and healthy life behavior (PHBS) it is very related to the incidence of diarrhea. Several scientific articles including articles with topics PHBS and diarrhoea still do not meet the standards of a good scientific article. Literature Review aimed to expose the results of the review a few articles related to the topic of discussion that is clean and healthy life behavior with kejaian diarrhea. Penulusuran literature review that is relevant to the topic is done using google scholar, Pub med and ejection UI, DOAJ 2005 until 2013. Keywords used were: Behavioral health, PHBS, diarrhea, health education and children. Paper literature review will discuss the background and goals, a criticism article which covers the methodology (samples, where research, procedures, data collection, data analysis), research results, and the implications in the practice of nursing. Fulltext articles and abstracts obtained reviewed to select research articles or literature that corresponds to the selected topic. Articles were selected and used as samples further identified. From Google Scholar retrieved 2 research journal, Pub Med 1 journal of 2 existing global research Journal of Health Science, Lontar UI 1 piece 1 piece of DOAJ journals, Journal of research of the 24 existing research. PICO key word from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Health Education, Health Behaviour, Children, and diarrhea. Conclusions the types of studies that used was diskriptif korelasional with approach cross sectional research locations, limited the scope of the sampling technique, using total sampling or cluster random sampling, umunya research instrument using a detailed questionnaire and check list. Literature review recommendations when doing the same research this research should be done with the wider population and heterogeneous, both in the economic, social or spiritual culture so that the results can be generalized to a broader in scope.Keywords: Literature Review, Behavioral health, PHBS, diarrhoea, children, health education
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Diarrhea is still a public health problem world. The magnitude of the problem is evident from the high morbidity and mortality due to diarrhea. Application of clean and healthy behaviors (PHBs) is a factor that is associated with the incidence of diarrhea. Several scientific articles, including articles on the subject and diarrhea PHBs still not meet the standards of good scientific article. Literature Review the aim of presenting the results of a review several articles related to the topic that is clean and healthy living behavior with kejaian diarrhea. Penulusuran literature review relevant to the topic conducted using google scholar, Pub med and Lontar UI, DOAJ 2005 to 2013. The key words are: Behavioral Health, PHBs, diarrhea, Education and Children's Health. This literature review paper will discuss the background and purpose, criticism of articles covering the methodology (sample, where research, procedures, data collection, data analysis), research results, and the implications in practice of Nursing. Fulltext articles and abstracts were reviewed to select articles obtained research or literature appropriate to the chosen topic. Articles are selected and used as samples are further identified. From Google Scholar obtained two pieces of research journals, Pub Med 1 journal of the existing research global 2 Journal of Health Science, Lontar UI 1 piece journals, research journals DOAJ 1 piece of 24 existing research. PICO key word from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Health Education, Health Behavior, Children, and diarrhea. Conclusion This type of research is descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach, the research sites is limited in scope villages, using a sampling technique total sampling or cluster random sampling, research instruments generally use questionnaires and check list. Recommended literature review when conducting research similar to this study should be done by a wider population and heterogeneous, both in terms of economic, social, spiritual and cultural so that the results can be generalized to a broader scope.

Keywords: Literature Review, Behavioral Health, PHBs , Diarrhea, Children, Health Education
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