Dear Ms.Putri Rahma,Pertama-tama, kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih  terjemahan - Dear Ms.Putri Rahma,Pertama-tama, kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Dear Ms.Putri Rahma,Pertama-tama, k

Dear Ms.Putri Rahma,
Pertama-tama, kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih untuk kesempatan yang diberikan kepada perusahaan kami untuk memberikan Alarm Life jacket. Kami sangat senang untuk mengutip Anda sebagai berikut:

Tidak. Deskripsi Unit Q Order harga per Unit Total Harga / Item
1 Daniamant Life cahaya M3 PCS 5 Rp.775.000,00 Rp.3.875.000,00
TOTAL Rp.3.875.000,00

Kondisi dan persyaratan:
1. Harga belum termasuk pajak 10%
2. Harga berlaku 1 minggu dari tanggal penerbitan dari negeri kutip di atas
3. Pembayaran Transfer penuh jumlah sebelum Jasa pengiriman
4. pengiriman layanan (gratis untuk wilayah Jakarta)
5. nomor rekening: Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), no.7087717466 an. Mira Triyanti R
6. kutipan validitas: 7 hari
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:
Sayang Ms.Putri Rahma,
Pertama-tama kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kesempatan yang diberikan kepada perusahaan kami untuk menyediakan jaket Alarm Life. Kami sangat senang untuk mengutip Anda sebagai berikut: No. Deskripsi Satuan Q Pesanan Harga per Unit Jumlah Harga / Item 1 Daniamant Lifejacket Cahaya M3 PCS 5 Rp.775.000,00 Rp.3.875.000,00 TOTAL Rp.3.875.000,00 Syarat dan kondisi: 1. Harga Dikecualikan Pajak 10% 2. Validitas Harga 1 minggu dari tanggal penerbitan negara kutipan di atas 3. Alih pembayaran penuh dari jumlah sebelum jasa pengiriman 4. Jasa pengiriman (Gratis untuk daerah Jakarta) 5. Nomor rekening saat ini kami: Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), no.7087717466 sebuah. Mira Triyanti R 6. Quotation Validitas: 7 Days
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Dear Ms. Princess Rahma,First of all, we would like to thank you for the opportunity given to our company to give Alarm Life jacket. We are pleased to quote You for the following:It is not. Description Unit price of Order Q per Unit Total price/Item1 Daniamant Life light M3 PCS 5 Rp RP Rp 775,000 is RP 3.875.000.A TOTAL of Rp 3.875.000 RPConditions and requirements:1. The prices do not include 10% tax2. price valid 1 year from the date of publication of the above quotes State3. Transfer payments full amount before shipping services4. service delivery (free for Jakarta area)5. account number: Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), no. 7087717466. Mira Triyanti R6. quotation validity: 7 daysResults (Indonesian Language) 2:Dear Ms. Princess Rahma, First of all we would like to thank you for the opportunity given to our company to provide Alarm Life jacket. We are pleased to quote You as follows: No. Description Unit price of Order Q per Unit the number of price/Item 1 Daniamant Lifejacket Light M3 PCS 5 Rp RP Rp 775,000.3.875.000 for a TOTAL of RP 3.875.000 Rp. Terms and conditions: 1. The tax Excluded Price 10% 2. The validity of the price 1 week from date of issuance of the citation in the top 3 countries. Over the full payment of the amount of prior service delivery 4. Service delivery (free for Jakarta area) 5. Our current account number: Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), no. 7087717466 a. Mira Triyanti R 6. Quotation Validity: 7 Days
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Dear Ms.Putri Rahma,
First of all, we want to thank you for the opportunity given to our company to give Alarm Life jacket. We are very pleased to quote you as follows: No. Description Q Order Unit Price per Unit Total Price / Item 1 Daniamant Life light M3 PCS 5 Rp.775.000,00 Rp.3.875.000,00 TOTAL Rp.3.875.000,00 Terms and conditions: 1. Prices do not include tax 10% 2. Prices are valid one week from the date of issuance of the countries cited above 3. Transfer payments full amount before delivery services 4. delivery service (free for Jakarta) 5. account number: Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), an no.7087717466. Mira Triyanti R 6. quote validity: 7 days Results (Indonesian) 2: Unfortunately Ms.Putri Rahma, First of all we would like to thank you for the opportunity given to our company to provide alarm Life jackets. We are very pleased to quote you as follows: No. Description Q Order Unit Price per Unit Total Price / Item 1 Daniamant Lifejacket Light M3 PCS 5 Rp.775.000,00 Rp.3.875.000,00 TOTAL Rp.3.875.000,00 Terms and conditions: 1. Price 10% Tax Excluded 2 . validity Price 1 week from the date of issuance of the above quote states 3. Transfer the full payment of the amount before delivery services 4. services delivery (Free for Jakarta area) 5. The account number we currently: Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), no.7087717466 a. Mira Triyanti R 6. Quotation validity: 7 Days

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