According to the Data of teaching hospitals in some parts of Indonesia, the maternal mortality rate ranged from 51.6 to 206.3 per 10,000 deliveries. The maternal mortality rate in RS Pirngadi per 10,000 labor is 140.2 (1965-1969), 102 (1970 to 1974) and 92.3 (1975-1979) (Mochtar, 1998). Sepsis, hemorrhage and preeclampsia-eclampsia is still the top three causes of maternal mortality and morbidity obstetrics (Benson, 1982). According to WHO (2004) as a whole, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are very responsible for Approximately 14% of maternal deaths per year is around 50000-75000 roomates death. Preeclampsia is a disease that can lead to 17.6% of maternal deaths in the United States (Lim, 2009). In 2005, the Maternal Mortality Rate (AKM) in Hospitals throughout Indonesia as a result of preeclampsia and eclampsia amounted to 4.91% (8397 of 170 725) (Desi Risthiana Wati, 2009)
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