TOLONG DI BACA SHAHEER Pada suatu hari ketika ia sedang menawarkan bar terjemahan - TOLONG DI BACA SHAHEER Pada suatu hari ketika ia sedang menawarkan bar Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan


TOLONG DI BACA SHAHEER Pada suatu hari ketika ia sedang menawarkan barang dagangannya, tiba-tiba ada seorang wanita yang melihatnya. Begitu melihat pemuda tersebut wanita itupun terpesona dan dia mempersilahkan pemuda tersebut masuk kedalam rumahnya. Timbullah rasa cinta yang begitu besar dalam hati wanita tersebut. Lalu si wanita itu berkata: ''Aku memang memanggilmu tidak untuk membeli dagangan mu, tetapi aku memanggilmu karena kecintaanku kepadamu. Dan di rumah ini sekarang sedang kosong''. Selanjutnya wanita tersebut membujuk dan merayunya agar mau berbuat ''sesuatu'' dengan dirinya. Pemuda itu menolak, bahkan dia mengingatkan si wanita kepada Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala dan menakut-nakutinya dengan adzab yang pedih disisi-Nya.
Tetapi sayang nasihat itu tidak membuatnya takut bahkan semakin bertambah hasratnya pada pemuda tersebut. Akhirnya, karena si pemuda itu tidak mau melakukan yang haram, maka wanita itu mengancamnya dengan berkata: ''Bila engkau tidak mau menuruti perintahku, aku akan berteriak kepada semua orang dan akan aku katakan kepada mereka, bahwa engkau telah masuk ke dalam rumahku dan ingin merenggut kesucian ku.
Dan mereka akan mempercayai ku karena engkau telah berada dalam rumahku, dan sama sekali tidak mencurigai ku.'' Setelah si pemuda itu melihat betapa si wanita itu terlalu memaksanya untuk mengikuti keinginannya berbuat dosa akhirnya dia berkata: ''Baiklah, tapi apakah engkau mengizinkan ku untuk ke kamar mandi agar bisa membersihkan diri dulu?'' Betapa gembiranya wanita itu mendengar jawaban ini, dia mengira bahwa keinginannya sebentar lagi akan terpenuhi. Dengan penuh semangat dia menjawab: “Bagaimana tidak, wahai kekasihku, ini adalah sebuah ide yang bagus.''
Kemudian masuklah si pemuda ke kamar mandi, sementara tubuhnya gemetar karena takut dirinya akan terjerumus dalam kubangan maksiat. Sebab, wanita itu adalah perangkap syaitan dan tidak ada seorang laki-laki yang menyendiri bersama seorang wanita kecuali syaitan akan menjadi pihak ketiga. ''Ya Allah, apa yang harus kuperbuat? berilah aku petunjuk-Mu, Wahai Zat yang dapat memberi petunjuk bagi orang-orang yang sedang kebingungan.''
Tiba-tiba timbullah ide dalam benaknya. ''Aku tahu benar, bahwa termasuk salah satu kelompok yang akan dinaungi oleh Allah dalam naungan-Nya pada hari yang tidak ada naungan saat itu kecuali naungan-Nya adalah seorang laki-laki yang diajak berbuat mesum oleh wanita yang mempunyai kedudukan tinggi dan berwajah cantik''. Kemudian dia berkata ''Aku takut kepada Allah'' Dan aku yakin bahwa orang yang meninggalkan sesuatu karena takut kepada-Nya pasti akan mendapat ganti yang lebih baik dan seringkali satu keinginan syahwat itu akan melahirkan penyesalan seumur hidup. Apa yang akan aku dapatkan dari perbuatan maksiat ini selain Allah akan mengangkat cahaya dan nikmatnya iman dari hatiku...tidak..tidak..aku tidak akan mengerjakan perbuatan yang haram...
Tapi apa yang harus aku lakukan? Apakah aku harus melemparkan diri dari jendela ini? Tidak bisa, jendela ini tertutup rapat sekali, kalau begitu aku akan mengolesi tubuhku dengan kotoran yang ada di WC ini, dengan harapan bila nanti dia melihatku dalam keadaan begini dia akan jijik dan membiarkan aku pergi.'' Ternyata memang benar, ia mengerjakan ide tersebut, dia mulai mengolesi tubuhnya dengan kotoran-kotoran itu. Memang menjijikan, sambil menangis dia berkata ''Ya Rabbi, perasaan takutku kepada-Mu itulah yang mendorongku melakukan hal ini. Karena itu karunikan lah kepadaku kebaikan sebagai gantinya.''
Kemudian ia keluar, tatkala wanita itu melihat pemuda tersebut dalam keadaan demikian, si wanita itu berteriak: ''Keluar kau, hai orang gila!'' Dia pun cepat-cepat keluar sambil membawa barang dagangannya. Sementara orang-orang di jalan tertawa melihatnya. Setibanya dirumah ia bernafas lega. Lalu meninggalkan pakaiannya, mandi dengan sebersih-bersihnya.
Kemudian apa yang terjadi? Adakah Allah akan membiarkan hamba-Nya begitu saja? Ternyata setelah ia selesai dari mandi Allah memberikan karunia yang besar untuk dirinya. Allah memberikan untuknya aroma yang harum semerbak yang tercium dari tubuhnya. Semua orang dapat mencium aroma tersebut dari jarak beberapa meter. Sampai akhirnya ia mendapat julukan ''AL-MISKI'' (yang harum seperti kesturi).
Masya Allah, Allah telah mengganti bau kotoran yang dapat hilang dengan sekejap dengan aroma kesturi yang tercium sepenjang masa. Ketika ia meninggal dan dikuburkan, mereka tulis diatas kuburannya ''inilah kuburan Al-Miski'' dan banyak orang yang menziarahinya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
PLEASE READ SHAHEER one day while he was offering the wares, suddenly there was a woman who saw it. So look the youth women also was fascinated and she lets the young man into her home. There is such a huge sense of love in the hearts of women. Then the woman said: '' I was indeed calling not to buy merchandise, but I'm calling because of my love to you. And in this House now being empty ''. The woman subsequently persuaded and persuade them to do '' something '' with him. The young man declined, in fact he reminds the woman to Allaah and frighten with a poignant adzab beside him.But it's a shame that advice doesn't make it scared even their desire growing in the youths. Finally, because the young man was unwilling to do the unlawful, then the woman is threaten by saying: '' If you do not want to obey my commandments, I will shout out to everyone and I will tell them that you came into my house and want to deprive my chastity.And they will trust me because you have been in my house, and not at all suspicious. '' After the young man was seeing how the woman was too forced him to follow his desire to sin he finally said: '' all right, but do you allow me to to the bathroom to get cleaned up first? '' How excited the woman heard this reply, he thinks that his wish will be fulfilled soon. Eagerly he replied: "How does not, o my beloved, and this is a good idea. ''Then enter the young man into the bathroom, while her body was shaking in fear itself will fall in a puddle immoral. For women it is the trap of the devil and is no longer a lone man with a woman unless the devil is going to be a third party. '' O God, what must I do? give me hint thee, O substances that can give instructions to people who are bewildered. ''All of a sudden came the idea in her mind. '' I know full well, that included one of the groups that will be overshadowed by God in his shade on the day when there is no shade except his shade is a man who invited do nasty by women who had high positions and the pretty-faced ''. Then he said, '' I fear to God '' and I'm sure that people who leave something for fear of him will definitely get better and change is often a desire desire it will give birth to a lifetime of regret. What will I get from this immoral deeds but God will lift light and enjoy faith from my heart ... No. No. I will not be working on the unlawful deeds ...But what should I do? If I should throw myself from this window? You can not, this sealed window once, then I'll be smearing my body with dirt that is in the TOILET, with hope when he see me in the State later this way he will be disgusted and let me go. '' Turns out it's true, he worked on the idea, she began smearing his body with shit-shit it is. Indeed disgusting, all the while crying she said '' Yes, feeling takutku to you that's what pushed me to do this. Therefore karunikan is to me a favor instead. ''Then she came out, and when the woman saw the youth in a State case, the women shouted: '' get out you, you crazy! '' He quickly came out while carrying merchandise. While people on the street laughing look. Upon arrival home she breathed a sigh of relief. Then left his clothes, and bathe with sebersih-bersihnya.Then what happened? Is there any God would let his servants for granted? It turns out that after he finished off a shower of large gifts that God gave to him. God gave her the smell of fragrant aromas wafted from her body. Everyone can smell the scent from a distance of several meters. Until finally he got the nickname '' AL MISKI '' (fragrant as musk).Jove, God has replace the smell of shit that can be lost in an instant with the scent of musk that wafted sepenjang time. When he died and was buried, they wrote above his grave '' this is the grave of Al Miski '' and many people who menziarahinya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
PLEASE READ IN Shaheer One day when he was offering his wares, suddenly there was a woman who saw it. When he saw the young woman even then fascinated and he invited the young man into his home. There arose so great love in the hearts of women. Then the woman said: '' I did not call you to buy your merchandise, but I'm calling you because of my love to you. And in this house is now empty ''. Furthermore, women are persuaded and persuade them to want to do '' something '' with him. The young man refused, he even warned the woman to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and frighten him with a painful torment his side.
But unfortunately it did not frighten her advice even increasing desire on the youth. Finally, because the young man was not willing to do that is unlawful, then the woman threatened him by saying: '' If you do not want to obey my orders, I will shout to everyone and I'll tell them that you have entered into my house and wanted claimed the sanctity of me.
And they will believe me because you have to be in my house, and did not suspect me. '' After the boy was to see how the woman was too forced him to follow his desire to sin finally he said: '' All right, but if you allow me to go to the bathroom to get cleaned up first? '' How excited she was to hear this answer, he thinks that his wish will soon be fulfilled. Vigorously he replied: "How could I not, O my beloved, this is a good idea. ''
Then the boy go to the bathroom, while she was trembling for fear he would fall into a puddle immoral. Therefore, the woman is a trap of Satan and no one man alone with a woman but the devil will be a third party. '' Oh God, what should I do? Give me thy guide, O Substances which can provide guidance for those who are confused. ''
Suddenly there arose the idea in his mind. '' I know for a fact, that is one group that will be shaded by Allah in the shade of his day there was no shade at that time except the auspices of His is a man who was invited to do nasty women who have a high position and a beautiful face ''. Then he said, '' I fear Allah '' And I'm sure that people leave something for fear of him surely will get in exchange better and often the desire of lust that will give birth to a lifetime of regret. What will I get out of this immoral act but God will lift up the light and joy of the faith of my heart ... tidak..tidak..aku will not work on the unlawful act ...
But what should I do? Do I have to throw myself out of the window? It can not, the window is closed once, then I will smear my body with dirt in the toilet, with the hope that if he saw me in this condition he would be disgusted and let me go. '' It is true, he was working on the idea He started smearing his body with dirt it. It is disgusting, crying, she said '' Yes Rabbi, my fear to you that's what pushed me to do this. Therefore karunikan was to me goodness instead. ''
Then he came out, when she had seen the young man in such circumstances, the woman shouted: 'Get out of you, O crazy!' 'He was a quick exit while carrying goods merchandise. While people in the street laugh. Upon arriving home she was relieved. Then left his clothes, a shower with a thorough cleansing.
Then what happens? Is there a God would let His servant for granted? Apparently after he finished out of the shower of God gave a great gift for him. God gave him the fragrant aroma that wafted from her body. Everyone can smell it from a distance of several meters. Until he got the nickname '' AL-Miski '' (fragrant as musk).
Masha Allah, Allah has replaced the smell of feces that can disappear with a snap with musk aroma that wafted sepenjang period. When he died and was buried, they wrote above his grave '' This is the grave of Al-Miski '' and a lot of people who menziarahinya.
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