Separator didefinisikan sebagai suatu tabung bertekanan dan bertempera terjemahan - Separator didefinisikan sebagai suatu tabung bertekanan dan bertempera Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Separator didefinisikan sebagai sua

Separator didefinisikan sebagai suatu tabung bertekanan dan bertemperatur tertentu yang digunakan untuk memisahkan fluida sumur ke dalam fasa cairan dan gas. Cara kerja separator ini yaitu fluida yang masuk melalui fluid inlet akan menumbuk deflector plate yang merupakan pelat yang berfungsi memecah cairan yang masuk melalui fluid inlet.
Pada pelat tersebut fluida terlebih dahulu akan mengalami tumbukan. Kemudian fluida akan jatuh di bagian pengumpul cairan. Liquid yang telah terkumpul di bagian pengumpul cairan belum sepenuhnya terpisah dari gas. Gas yang masih tercampur dengan liquid akan melewati proses pemisahan dengan metode gravity settling yaitu metode pemisahan yang berdasarkan dari perbedaan densitas antara gas dengan liquid. Perbedaan densitas antara gas dengan liquid adalah liquid lebih berat dari pada gas, sehingga gas akan memisahkan diri dari liquid dan naik ke bagian dinding atas dari pada separator.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Separator is defined as a pressurized tube and has a certain fluid used to separate wells into the liquid and gas phases. The workings of this separator i.e. fluid entering through the fluid inlet deflector plate collides with the will which is a plate that serves to break the liquid enters through the inlet fluid. At the plate the fluid must first be having collisions. Then the fluid will fall in parts of the collectors liquid. Liquid that has accumulated in the collectors liquid not fully separated from the gas. The Gas is still mixed with a liquid will pass through the separation process with the method of gravity separation methods of settling on the basis of the difference between the densities of gases with liquid. The difference between the densities of gases with liquid is liquid is heavier than gas, so that gas will be separated from liquid and rise to the top of the wall in the separator.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Separator is defined as a certain temperature and pressure tube which is used to separate the well fluid into the liquid and gas phase. The workings of this separator is the fluid that goes through the fluid inlet deflector plate which will grind the plate which functions to break down fluids entering through the inlet fluid.
At the plate first fluid will experience a collision. Then the fluid will fall in the collecting fluid. Liquid which has accumulated in the collector fluid has not been completely separated from the gas. The gas is mixed with a liquid to pass through the process of separation by gravity settling method is the method of separation is based on the difference in density between the liquid gas. The difference in density between the liquid gas is heavier liquid from the gas, so the gas will break away from the liquid and rise to the top wall of the separator.
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