Kepada Yth.,Bpk/Ibu Personalia PT. Lentera Jaya BagusJl. Panglima Caha terjemahan - Kepada Yth.,Bpk/Ibu Personalia PT. Lentera Jaya BagusJl. Panglima Caha Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Kepada Yth.,Bpk/Ibu Personalia PT.

Kepada Yth.,
Bpk/Ibu Personalia
PT. Lentera Jaya Bagus
Jl. Panglima Cahaya Utama No. 30

Dengan hormat,
Sesuai dengan informasi adanya lowongan pekerjaan dari PT. Lentera Jaya Bagus yang saya dapatkan dari harian Radar Bogor pada tanggal 10 September 2015. Saya bermaksud untuk melamar pekerjaan dan bergabung ke perusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin. Adapun bagian pekerjaan yang saya maksudkan adalah bagian Marketing dengan kode (MG) di perusahaan PT. Lentera Jaya Bagus.

Berikut ini adalah biodata singkat saya
Nama : Supardi Ayaka Misazaki
Tempat / tgl. lahir : Tokyo, 14 Juni 1994
Pendidikan Terakhir : S1 Manajemen Informatika
Alamat : Jl. Nakazawo Cifor No. 16, Bogor
Telepon (HP) : 085678566787653

Dan pada saat ini saya dalam keadaan yang sehat, baik jasmani maupun rohani. Selain itu kemampuan berbahasa Inggris saya sangat fasih. Kejujuran selalu saya utamakan dalam bekerja, dan latar belakang pendidikan saya cukup memuaskan, dan saya juga dapat mengoperasikan beberapa software komputer dengan baik, seperti Lotus Spreedsheet, MS Office Word, Excell, Access dan beberapa macam software perkantoran lainnya.

Sebagai bahan pertimbangan, saya lampirkan beberapa data, antara lain :

Daftar Riwayat Hidup
Foto Copy Ijazah S1
Foto Copy Transkrip Nilai
Foto copy Sertifikat Kursus dan Pelatihan
Foto 3x4 yang terbaru

Kesempatan wawancara dari Bapak/Ibu Personalia sangat saya harapkan agar saya dapat menjelaskan lebih detail lagi mengenai potensi dan kemampuan saya yang bisa berguna untuk perusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin saat ini.

Demikian surat lamaran kerja ini saya informasikan, terima kasih atas kerjasama dan perhatian Bapak/Ibu Personalia.

Hormat Saya,

Supardi Ayaka Misazaki
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
To The Designation.Cpc Personnel/Mother Pt. Jaya Lantern NiceJL. Panglima Main Light no. 30BogorWith respect,In accordance with the information of the existence of job vacancies from PT. Jaya Lantern Nice I got from daily Radar Bogor on 10 September 2015. I intend to apply for a job and join the company that led the father/mother. As for the parts of the job that I am referring to is part of the Marketing code (MG) in the company of PT. Jaya Lantern nice.Here is my brief bioName: Supardi Ayaka MisazakiPlace/date. born: Tokyo, 14 June 1994Education: Bachelor Of Informatics ManagementAddress: JL. Nakazawo No. 16 Cifor, BogorPhone (mobile): 085678566787653And at this moment I am in a healthy state, either physical or spiritual. In addition my United Kingdom language proficiency very eloquently. I always preferred the honesty in the work, and my educational background is quite satisfactory, and I can also operate several computer software, like Lotus Spreedsheet, MS Office Word, Excell, Access and other Office software of some sort.As consideration, I attach some data, among other things: List Of Biography Copy Of Diploma Degree Copy Of The Transcript Value Photo copy of certificate courses and training 3x4 's latest photosInterview opportunities from the father/mother Personnel very I expect so I can explain in more detail about potential anymore and my ability that can be useful for companies that father/mother is pimpin today.Thus this work cover letter I informed, thank you for your cooperation and attention of the father/mother Personnel.Respect Me,Supardi Ayaka Misazaki
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Mr. / Mrs. Personnel
PT. Lantern Jaya Good
Jl. Commander of the Main Light No. 30

Dear Sirs,
In accordance with the job opening information from PT. Lantern Jaya Good that I got from the Daily Radar Bogor on September 10, 2015. I intend to apply for jobs and join the company that Mr / Mrs lead. As part of the work I mean is part of Marketing with the code (MG) ​​in the company of PT. Lantern Jaya Good.

Here is a brief bio of my
name: Ayaka Supardi Misazaki
Place / Date. Birthplace: Tokyo, June 14, 1994
Last Education: S1 Information Management
Address: Jl. Nakazawo CIFOR No. 16, Bogor
Phone (HP): 085678566787653

And at this moment I am in a healthy state, both physical and spiritual. Besides my ability to speak English fluently. Honesty is always my priority in the work, and my educational background is quite satisfactory, and I also can operate computer software well, such as Lotus Spreadsheet, MS Office Word, Excel, Access and several kinds of software other office.

For your consideration, I enclose some data, such as:

Curriculum Vitae
copy of diploma S1
copy of Transcript
copy of Certificate courses and Training
Photo 3x4 newest

opportunities interview of Mr. / Ms Personnel so I hope that I can explain in more detail about the potential and my ability that could be useful for a company that Mr / Mrs lead today.

So my job application letter is to inform you, thank you for your cooperation and attention of Mr. / Mrs Personnel.


Supardi Ayaka Misazaki
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