Program Jaminan PensiunJaminan pensiun adalah jaminan sosial yang bert terjemahan - Program Jaminan PensiunJaminan pensiun adalah jaminan sosial yang bert Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Program Jaminan PensiunJaminan pens

Program Jaminan Pensiun
Jaminan pensiun adalah jaminan sosial yang bertujuan untuk mempertahankan derajat kehidupan yang layak bagi peserta dan/atau ahli warisnya dengan memberikan penghasilan setelah peserta memasuki usia pensiun, mengalami cacat total tetap, atau meninggal dunia.
Manfaat pensiun adalah sejumlah uang yang dibayarkan setiap bulan kepada peserta yang memasuki usia pensiun, mengalami cacat total tetap, atau kepada ahli waris bagi peserta yang meninggal dunia.

Kepesertaan Program Jaminan Pensiun
Peserta Program Jaminan Pensiun adalah pekerja yang terdaftar dan telah membayar iuran. Peserta merupakan pekerja yang bekerja pada pemberi kerja selain penyelenggara negara, yaitu peserta penerima upah yang terdiri dari:
1. Pekerja pada perusahaan
2. Pekerja pada orang perseorangan
Selain itu, pemberi kerja juga dapat mengikuti Program Jaminan Pensiun sesuai dengan penahapan kepesertaan.
Pekerja yang didaftarkan oleh pemberi kerja mempunyai usia paling banyak 1 (satu) bulan sebelum memasuki usia pensiun. Usia pensiun untuk pertama kali ditetapkan 56 tahun dan mulai 1 Januari 2019, usia pensiun menjadi 57 tahun dan selanjutnya bertambah 1 (satu) tahun untuk setiap 3 (tiga) tahun berikutnya sampai mencapai Usia Pensiun 65 tahun.
Dalam hal pemberi kerja nyata-nyata lalai tidak mendaftarkan Pekerjanya, Pekerja dapat langsung mendaftarkan dirinya kepada BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.Dalam hal peserta pindah tempat kerja, Peserta wajib memberitahukan kepesertaannya kepada Pemberi Kerja tempat kerja baru dengan menunjukkan kartu peserta BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. Selanjutnya Pemberi Kerja tempat kerja baru meneruskan kepesertaan pekerja.

Iuran Program Jaminan Pensiun
• Iuran program jaminan pensiun dihitung sebesar 3%, yang terdiri atas 2% iuran pemberi kerja dan 1% iuran pekerja.
• Upah setiap bulan yang dijadikan dasar perhitungan iuran terdiri atas upah pokok dan tunjangan tetap. Untuk tahun 2015 batas paling tinggi upah yang digunakan sebagai dasar perhitungan ditetapkan sebesar Rp 7 Juta (tujuh juta rupiah). BPJS Ketenagakerjaan menyesuaikan besaran upah dengan menggunakan faktor pengali sebesar 1 (satu) ditambah tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan produk domestik bruto tahun sebelumnya. Selanjutnya BPJS Ketenagakerjaan menetapkan serta mengumumkan penyesuaian batas upah tertinggi paling lama 1 (satu) bulan setelah lembaga yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan dibidang statistik (BPS) mengumumkan data produk domestik bruto.
• Mekanisme pembayaran iuran mengikuti program paket.
• Pemberi kerja wajib membayar iuran paling lambat tanggal 15 bulan berikutnya.
• Pemberi kerja yang tidak memenuhi ketentuan pembayaran iuran dikenakan denda sebesar 2% setiap bulan keterlambatan.

Manfaat Program Jaminan Pensiun
1. Manfaat Pensiun Hari Tua (MPHT)
Berupa Uang tunai bulanan yang diberikan kepada peserta (yang memenuhi masa iuran minimum 15 tahun yang setara dengan 180 bulan) saat memasuki usia pensiun sampai dengan meninggal dunia;

2. Manfaat Pensiun Cacat (MPC)
Berupa Uang tunai bulanan yang diberikan kepada peserta (kejadian yang menyebabkan cacat total tetap terjadi paling sedikit 1 bulan menjadi peserta dan density rate minimal 80%) yang mengalami cacat total tetap akibat kecelakaan tidak dapat bekerja kembali atau akibat penyakit sampai meninggal dunia. Manfaat pensiun cacat ini diberikan sampai dengan meninggal dunia atau peserta bekerja kembali;

3. Manfaat Pensiun Janda/Duda (MPJD)
Berupa Uang tunai bulanan yang diberikan kepada janda/duda yang menjadi ahli waris (terdaftar di BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) sampai dengan meninggal dunia atau menikah lagi, dengan kondisi peserta:
• meninggal dunia bila masa iur kurang dari 15 tahun, dimana masa iur yang digunakan dalam menghitung manfaat adalah 15 tahun dengan ketentuan memenuhi minimal 1 tahun kepesertaan dan density rate 80% atau
• meninggal dunia pada saat memperoleh manfaat pensiun MPHT.

4. Manfaat Pensiun Anak (MPA)
Berupa Uang tunai bulanan yang diberikan kepada anak yang menjadi ahli waris peserta (maksimal 2 orang anak yang didaftarkan pada program pensiun) sampai dengan usia anak mencapai usia 23 (dua puluh tiga) tahun, atau bekerja, atau menikah dengan kondisi peserta;
• meninggal dunia sebelum masa usia pensiun bila masa iur kurang dari 15 tahun, masa iur yang digunakan dalam menghitung manfaat adalah 15 tahun dengan ketentuan minimal kepesertaan 1 tahun dan memenuhi density rate 80% dan tidak memiliki ahli waris janda/duda atau
• meninggal dunia pada saat memperoleh manfaat pensiun MPHT dan tidak memiliki ahli waris janda/duda atau
• Janda/duda yang memperoleh manfaat pensiun MPHT meninggal dunia.

5. Manfaat Pensiun Orang Tua (MPOT)
Manfaat yang diberikan kepada orang tua (bapak / ibu) yang menjadi ahli waris peserta lajang, bila masa iur peserta lajang kurang dari 15 tahun, masa iur yang digunakan dalam menghitung manfaat adalah 15 tahun dengan ketentuan memenuhi minimal kepesertaan 1 tahun dan memenuhi density rate 80%.

6. Manfaat Lumpsum
Peserta tidak ber
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Retirement Security ProgramGuarantee of retirement social security is aimed at maintaining a proper degree of life for participants and/or heirs with earnings after participants entering retirement age, disabilities total fixed, or died.Pension benefits is the amount of money that is paid each month to participants who are entering retirement age, suffered a total disability remain, or to the beneficiary for participants who died. Membership Of The Pension Guarantee ProgramRetirement Security Program participants are workers who registered and have paid their dues. Participants is workers who work on employer in addition to the organiser the participant countries, namely wage consisting of:1. Workers on the company2. Workers on individual peopleIn addition, the employer can also follow Pension Assurance Program in accordance with the penahapan membership.Workers who are registered by the employer have age at most 1 (one) month prior to entering retirement age. The retirement age for the first time set 56 years and beginning January 1, 2019, the retirement age being 57 years and further increased by one (1) year for each three (3) of the following year until reaching retirement age 65 years.In the event the employer distinctively negligent not to register Workers, workers can immediately register himself to BPJS Employment. in case the participants move work, participants are obliged to notify the kepesertaannya to a new workplace Employer by showing participants BPJS Employment card. Furthermore the new workplace Employer continued retention of workers. Defined Contribution Pension Guarantee Program• Retirement security program counted Dues amounted to 3%, comprising 2% employer contribution and 1% dues of workers.• Wages per month contribution calculation basis consists of the principal wage and benefits anyway. For the year 2015 limit most high wages that are used as the basis of calculation is set at Rp 7 million (seven million dollars). Adjust the magnitude of Employment wages BPJS by using a multiplier of 1 (one) plus an annual growth rate of gross domestic product last year. Next the BPJS Employment setting and the highest wage limit adjustments announced the longest one (1) month after the agency that organizes the Affairs of Government in the field of statistics (BPS) announced the gross domestic product data.• The mechanism of payment of dues following program packages.• The employer is obligated to pay dues no later than the 15th of the next month.• An employer who does not comply with the payment of the dues levied a fine of 2% per month of delay. Retirement Security Program Benefits1. Old age pension benefits (MPHT)In the form of monthly cash given to participants (that meet the minimum contribution period is 15 years, equivalent to 180 months) when entering the age of retirement up to his death; 2. Disability Retirement Benefits (MPC)In the form of monthly cash given to participants (the events that cause the total disability remain at least 1 month of being participants and density rate of at least 80%) of total permanent disabilities due to accidents can not work due to illness or death. Disability retirement benefits was given up to death or participants working again; 3. Retirement benefits the Widow/Widower (MPJD)In the form of monthly cash given to the widow/widower who becomes an heir (listed in the BPJS employment) up to his death or remarriage, with the condition of the participants:• died any time iur less than 15 years, the iur is used in calculating the benefits is 15 years with conditions meet minimum 1 year membership and density rate 80% or• died at the time of retirement benefit MPHT. 4. Pension benefits (MPA)In the form of monthly cash given to a child who becomes the beneficiary participants (maximum of 2 children that registered on the retirement program) up to the age of the child reached the age of 23 (twenty three) years, or work, or a married participant conditions;• dies before the age of retirement any time iur less than 15 years, the iur is used in calculating the benefits is 15 years with provision for a minimum of a 1 year membership and meets the density rate of 80% and has no heirs, the widow/widower or• died at the time of retirement benefit MPHT and has no heirs, the widow/widower or• Widow/widower pension benefit that MPHT died. 5. Retirement benefits the elderly (MPOT)Benefits granted to parents (father/mother) who becomes the beneficiary participants are single, single participants iur any time of less than 15 years, the iur is used in calculating the benefits is 15 years with conditions meet minimum membership 1 year and meets the density rate of 80%. 6. A Lumpsum BenefitParticipants are not apparent
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Security Program Retirement
Security pension is a social insurance that aims to maintain the degree of a decent life for participants and / or their heirs to provide income after the participant retires, suffered permanent total disability, or died.
The pension benefits is the amount of money paid each month to participants who have reached retirement age, suffered permanent total disability, or to the beneficiary for participants who died. Kepesertaan retirement Security Program participant retirement Security Program is a registered trade and have paid contributions. Participants are workers who worked on the employer, other than the state, ie wage earners participants consisting of: 1. Workers at the company 2. Workers on individual Additionally, employers can also follow Retirement Security Program in accordance with the phasing in of participation. Workers who are registered by the employer to have aged at most 1 (one) month prior to retirement. The retirement age for the first time set 56 years and starts January 1, 2019, the retirement age to 57 years and then increase by 1 (one) year for every 3 (three) years until reaching age pension is 65 years. In that case the employer was obviously negligent did not register Workers, Workers can directly register themselves to BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.Dalam participants move things work, participant shall notify the Employer of membership to the new workplace to show the card BPJS employment. Furthermore Employer new workplaces continue the participation of workers. Contribution Program pensions • Contribution programs pension insurance calculated at 3%, consisting of 2% contribution of the employer and 1% of employee contributions. • The wages every month in the calculation of contributions consist of wages principal and fixed allowance. For 2015, the highest limit of wages used as the basis for calculation is set at Rp 7 million (seven million). Employment BPJS adjust their wages by using a factor of 1 (one) plus the annual growth rate of gross domestic product last year. Furthermore Employment BPJS set and announce any adjustment higher wage than 1 (one) month after the agency who held government affairs in the field of statistics (BPS) announced gross domestic product data. • The mechanism of payment of dues to follow the program package. • Employers are obliged to pay the fee at the latest 15th of the following month. • An employer who does not comply with the payment of dues a penalty of 2% per month of delay. Benefits Retirement Security Program 1. Retirement benefits Retirement (MPHT) Form of monthly cash provided to participants (who meet the minimum contribution period of 15 years which is equivalent to 180 months) when the retirement age until death; 2. Benefits Disability Retirement (MPC) Form of Cash monthly granted to the participants (of events leading to permanent total disability occurred at least one month to the participants and the density rate of at least 80%) who suffered permanent total disability due to an accident does not return to work or as a result of the disease until die. The disability pension benefits given up to death or participant returned to work; 3. Pension Benefit Widow / Widower (MPJD) Form of Cash monthly given to the widow / widower who becomes heir (registered in the Employment BPJS) until death or remarriage, with the condition of the participant: • dies when time iur less than 15 years , where iur period used in calculating benefits is 15 years with provision meets at least one year of membership and density rate of 80% or • died at the time of retirement benefit MPHT. 4. Retirement Benefit Children (MPA) Form of Cash monthly given to children who are the heirs of participants (maximum 2 children who were enrolled in the pension plan) up to the age of the child reaches the age of 23 (twenty three) years, or work, or marry the condition of the participants; • dies before retirement age when time iur less than 15 years, a period iur used in calculating benefits is 15 years with the minimum requirements of membership one year and meet the density rate of 80% and has no heir widow / widower or • died at the time of retirement benefit MPHT and has no heir widow / widower or • widow / widower pension benefit MPHT died. 5. Retirement Benefit Parents (MPOT) Benefits provided to parents (father / mother) who became heirs singletons, when the period iur participants singles less than 15 years, a period iur used in calculating benefits is 15 years with provision meets the minimum membership 1 year and meet the density rate of 80%. 6. Benefits Per diems Participants are not air

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