Sarana pembuangan tinja yang buruk tidakberhubungan dengan kejadian di terjemahan - Sarana pembuangan tinja yang buruk tidakberhubungan dengan kejadian di Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Sarana pembuangan tinja yang buruk

Sarana pembuangan tinja yang buruk tidak
berhubungan dengan kejadian diare akut pada balita.
Kemungkinan lainnya septitank responden tidak
memenuhi syarat (tidak kedap air), peneliti tidak
dapat memastikan apakah memenuhi syarat karena
lokasinya tertanam di dalam tanah.
Sarana pembuangan tinja yang buruk dalam
penelitian ini bukan merupakan faktor risiko
terjadinya diare akut pada balita. Hal ini tidak sesuai
dengan teori yang ada karena sarana pembuangan
tinja yang tidak memenuhi syarat kesehatan dapat
menjadi penyebaran penyakit atau tempat
berkembang biak lalat dan dapat meningkatkan risiko
kesehatan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa baik
kasus maupun kontrol sebagian besar sarana BABnya
sudah memenuhi syarat dan kemungkinan
penularan kuman penyebab diare tidak melalui
sarana BAB.
Kualitas Bakteriologis Air Bersih
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara
statistik ada hubungan yang bermakna antara total
coliform yang tinggi dengan kejadian diare akut pada
balita. Tingkat kualitas total coliform (101 – 1000/ml)
bakteri air bersih berhubungan dengan terjadinya
diare pada balita.19
Namun hasil penelitian lain menunjukkan, tidak
ada hubungan total coliform yang >0/100 ml sampel
air dengan terjadinya diare pada bayi (p = 0,883,
OR = 1,044).9
Penelitian lain menemukan tidak ada
hubungan bermakna secara statistik antara indikator
bakteri dengan penyakit gastrointestinal akut
OR = 1,52 (95% CI : 0,33 – 6,92).20
Hasil penelitian ini sesuai dengan teori-teori
yang ada, secara subtansi bahwa telah terjadi
pencemaran lingkungan (kotoran hewan, tinja,
sampah) terhadap sumber/sarana air bersih. Adanya
pencemaran lingkungan tersebut telah ditunjukkan
dengan indikator adanya total coliform pada sarana
air bersih. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan gangguan
kesehatan terhadap para pemakai sarana air bersih
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Means of disposal of faeces is not badthe incidence of acute diarrhea-related on toddlers.Another possibility septitank respondents did noteligible (not waterproof), researchers do notcan ascertain whether eligible becausethe location is embedded in the ground.Means of disposal of feces is bad inThis research is not a risk factorthe occurrence of acute diarrhea in toddlers. It is not appropriatewith theories that exist because the means of disposalthe stools are not eligible health canbe the spread of disease or the placebreed flies and can increase the risk ofhealth. The results showed that bothcases or controls most means of BABnyaalready qualified and the possibilitythe transmission of germs cause diarrhea not throughthe CHAPTER means.Quality Be Bacteriologically Clean WaterThe results showed that inmeaningful statistical relationships between totalhigh coliform occurrences of acute diarrhea attoddlers. The level of quality of total coliform (101 – 1000/ml)clean water bacteria associated with the occurrence ofdiarrhea in toddlers. 19But other research shows, notThere is a total coliform relationship > 0/100 ml samplethe water with the occurrence of diarrhoea in infants (p = 0,883,Or = 1,044) 9. Other studies have found nothe relationship between indicators statistically meaningfulacute gastrointestinal disease bacteriaOr = 1.52 (95% CI: 0.33 – by 6.92) 20.The results of this study in accordance with the theoriesexisting substances, in that there has beenenvironmental pollution (dung, feces,garbage) against source/water supply. The existence of aenvironmental pollution has been shown towith total coliform presence indicators on meansclean water. This can lead to the disorderthe health of the user water supplythe
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Means of excreta disposal were bad not
associated with the incidence of acute diarrhea in children under five.
The other possibility septitank respondents did not
qualify (not waterproof), researchers were not
able to ascertain whether qualified because of
its location embedded in the ground.
Means of disposal of excreta bad in
this study is not a risk factor for
the occurrence of acute diarrhea in infants. This is not in accordance
with the existing theory as a means of disposal of
excreta that do not meet health requirements can
be spread disease or a
breed flies and can increase the risk of
kesehatan.Hasil showed that both
cases and controls largely means the chapters
already qualified and the possibility of
contagion germs that cause diarrhea do not through
means of BAB.
Quality Bacteriological Water
Results showed that
statistically there is a significant correlation between total
coliform with a high incidence of acute diarrhea in
children under five. The quality level of total coliform (101 - 1000 / ml)
bacteria clean water associated with the occurrence
of diarrhea in balita.19
But the results of other studies have shown, there
is no correlation total coliform> 0/100 ml of sample
water with the occurrence of diarrhea in infants (p = 0.883 ,
OR = 1.044) .9
Other studies have found no
correlation statistically significant between the indicator
bacteria with acute gastrointestinal illness
OR = 1.52 (95% CI: 0.33 to 6.92) .20
The results are consistent with the theory- the theory
that there is, in substance that there has been
environmental contamination (manure, feces,
garbage) of the source / clean water facilities. The existence of
environmental pollution has been shown
by the indicator of total coliform means
clean water. This can lead to disruption
of health of the users of clean water
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