(REFLECTION) Reprimand for women and warning to us along sorry not mean to be rude especially to the sisters to be sensitive, compassionate human Prophet Muhammad is the number one, if there is a claim not he, better need not be heard. Among penyayangnya nature, he also preach to us all, that the Prophet is only a warner to his people, why? so that we are saved from eternal suffering and a painful doom who, if disimpen argument for good baseball, even nuisance meet ntar The Prophet Hereafter, one-one we follow sin because not bilangin Sodara fellow believers. Na'udzubillah. Let us consider the following explanation: O women ... did you know that: The more the view of men who are tempted to you pile up too sins, the man menghayalkanmu More ... increasingly eager to you then pile up too your sins Do you think your smile that you scatter indiscriminately would not be accountable in the future ..!. It could be your smile become the heartbeat of a man who does not daydream lawful for days .. Imagine ... how accumulated sins of the artists and performers who aurotnya diumbar in front of thousands ... even millions of men ?? If you keep beauty and elegance of your body only for your husband ... then your future will be more beautiful and more comely in heaven God ... But if you Umbar beauty and kemolekanmu then remember it will all be gone and will melt in the grave a meal worms and caterpillar ... and the next ... it could be turned into fuel hell! God forbid Allah wa Ta'ala Subhannahu Speaking And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then indeed he has gone astray, misguided real. (Al-Ahzab: 36) The Prophet Shallallaahu alaihi wa Salam said: All my people are guilty will be forgiven, except the who openly commit adultery (HR-Bukhari and Muslim) From Abu Musa al-Asyari said: the Prophet said: Whoever the woman who wears perfume and then left the house and walked past the people so that they can smell it, then he are women FORNICATORS. (HR an-Nasai) Prophet said: The woman who dressed but naked, wiggle-swing when walking. Menghayun-hayunkan shoulder. Their heads were placed on one side like a camel hump. This class WILL NOT to heaven and would not be able to smell the fragrance. Indeed fragrance that can already be kissed paradise of a very long journey thereof. (Reported by Muslim) May those sisters who are not veiled, dibukain door of his heart and going to the right path with the veiled, together we Doain with sincerity. World mah not until 100th, while the Hereafter only God can stand up in court until 50,000 years. Let's try our seriousness and continue to pray for His help.
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