In the city of Yogyakarta diarrheal disease is also stilla matter of health. The incidence of diarrhea thatcome on medical treatment to clinics in 2009ranks second after RESPIRATORY with7769, while the number of cases in 2008 isand 2007 was 9640 10995 cases. Soalso the diarrhea cases treated to hospital-homepain in the city in 2009 is8835 increased from 2008 and 2007each 8819 and 2993 5 cases.The city is situated right in the middle of the provinceYogyakarta Special Region. Geographicallylocated between 1100 24 ' 7 "-1100 28 ' 53" Longitude Eastand 070 49 ' 26 "-070 15 ' 24" South latitude byan area of 32.50 km2 or 1.02% of total areaThe Province Of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Distance furthestfrom North to South approximately 7.5 Km and fromWest to East approximately 5.6 Km 6Administratively, the city is composed of14 subdistrict, Subdistrict, among others, Operatingand Kotagede. The second is located in the subdistrictthe southern part of Yogyakarta city, and bordersdirectly with the Bantul District 6Operating sub is located in Plainslow 114 m over the sea level, is thethe largest sub i.e. 8.12 Km2 and traveled 3River: River of the inauguration Wong, River Belikand the Code. There are 7 villages withthe population of 73243 people, and the density of 9020inhabitants/Km2. The existing health facilities is rumahBerita Medicine society, vol. 27, no. 1, March, 2011 z 11Risk factors of acute Diarrhea in Toddlers, Hannif, et al.pain clinics, 5 units 2 units and clinicsMaid 3 unit 6
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