Gelatin merupakan salah satu bahan yang semakin luas penggunaannya, baik untuk produk pangan maupun produk non pangan. Gelatin memiliki sifat yang khas, yaitu berubah secara reversible. Tulang ikan merupakan salah satu limbah industri fillet ikan beku. Tulang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan gelatin, karena tulang mengandung kolagen. Asam fosfat dan enzim papain diketahui dapat menghidrolisis kolagen menjadi gelatin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sifat fisiko – kimia gelatin tulang ikan Nila (O. niloticus) yang diproses melalui hidrolisis dengan asam fosfat dan enzim papain serta untuk mengetahui konsentrasi asam fosfat dan enzim papain terbaik yang ditambahkan pada proses perendaman curing pembuatan gelatin ikan Nila. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian pendahuluan adalah dengan cara pembuatan gelatin tulang ikan nila menggunakan konsentrasi asam fosfat 4 %, 5 % dan 6 % serta enzim papain 0,5%, 1% dan 1,5% yang ditambahkan pada proses perendaman curing selama 24 jam. Hasil dari penelitian pendahuluan didapatkan konsentrasi bahan hidrolisa terbaik 6% asam fosfat dan 1,5% enzim papain dengan parameter yang diamati yaitu kekuatan gel. Penelitian utama menggunakan konsentrasi asam fosfat 6% dan enzim papain 1,5% dengan tiga kali pengulangan. Parameter utama yang diamati adalah kekuatan gel dan viskositas, sedangkan parameter pendukung adalah rendemen, kadar protein, kadar air, dan nilai pH. Analisis data menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan aplikasi SPSS 17.0. Uji lanjut menggunakan metode Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ). Hasil terbaik yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini adalah gelatin dengan bahan hidrolisa enzim papain konsentrasi 1,5% dengan kriteria mutu: kekuatan gel 376,21 g.bloom; viskositas 7,57 cP; rendemen 6,30%; kadar protein 86,46 %; kadar air 7,12 %; dan nilai pH 5,11.
Gelatin is one of the more extensive use of materials, for both food products and non-food products. Gelatin has a distinctive nature, i.e. changes in the reversible. Fish bone is one of the frozen fish fillets industrial waste. Bone can be used as raw material for the manufacture of gelatine, because bones contain collagen. Phosphoric acid and the enzyme papain is known to be able to hydrolyze collagen into gelatin. The purpose of this research is to know the physico-chemistry of gelatin bone fish Tilapia (o. niloticus) that are processed through hydrolysis with papain enzyme and phosphoric acid, as well as to know the concentration of phosphoric acid and the enzyme papain is best added at the process of immersion curing fish gelatin manufacture of Indigo. The methods used in the preliminary research is in a way making use of Tilapia fish bone gelatin concentration of phosphoric acid 4%, 5% and 6% as well as enzyme papain 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% is added to the process of immersion curing for 24 hours. The results of the preliminary research found the best hidrolisa ingredient concentration of 6% phosphoric acid and enzyme papain with 1.5% of the observed parameters of power gel. Primary research using phosphoric acid 6% concentration and enzyme papain 1.5% with three repetitions. The main parameters are observed is the strength and viscosity gel, while supporting parameter is yield, protein content, water content, and pH values. Data analysis using a complete Randomized Design (RAL) with application of SPSS 17.0. Advanced test method using the real Honest Difference (BNJ). The best results obtained in this study are the gelatin with enzyme papain hidrolisa 1.5% concentration with quality criteria: power gel 376,21 g. bloom; 7,57 viscosity cP; yield 6.30 percent; 86,46% protein; moisture content of 7, 12%; the pH value and 5.11.
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Gelatin is one ingredient that is increasingly widely used, both for food products and non-food products. Gelatin has distinctive characteristics, namely the change in reversible. Fish bone is one of the industrial waste frozen fish fillets. Bones can be used as raw material for making gelatin, because it contains bone collagen. Phosphoric acid and papain enzyme known to hydrolyze collagen into gelatin. The purpose of this study was to determine the nature of the physico - chemical bone gelatin tilapia (O. niloticus) were processed through hydrolysis with phosphoric acid and the enzyme papain as well as to determine the concentration of phosphoric acid and the enzyme papain best added to the immersion curing process of making gelatin Tilapia . The method used in the preliminary study is a way of making bone gelatin tilapia using phosphoric acid concentration of 4%, 5% and 6%, and the enzyme papain 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% is added to the immersion curing for 24 hours . The results of the preliminary study found concentrations of hydrolysis best 6% and 1.5% phosphoric acid enzyme papain with parameters observed that the strength of the gel. The main research using phosphoric acid concentration of 6% and 1.5% papain enzyme with three repetitions. The main parameters measured were gel strength and viscosity, while supporting parameter is yield, protein content, water content and pH value. Analysis of the data using a completely randomized design (CRD) with SPSS 17.0. Further trials using Honestly Significant Difference (HSD). The best results were obtained in this study is gelatin with papain enzyme hydrolysis material concentration of 1.5% with the quality criteria: 376.21 g.bloom gel strength; viscosity of 7.57 cP; yield of 6.30%; protein content of 86.46%; water content of 7.12%; and the pH value of 5.11.
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