Durian PasuruanDurian fruit is one of the leading commodity Pasuruan Regency. Some areas of the county town of Pasuruan that became centers of the durian fruit production among other Sub Lumbang, Pasrepan, Puspo and Said. Durian fruit production in Pasuruan Regency reached approximately 13970.08 tons/year production of land with an area of 899.96 ha.These kinds of durian growing in Pasuruan Regency, among others, of local types, durian, durian petruk montong, and others. From the mainstay types is the type of petruk and montong because both have large and thick fruit, strong fruity aroma, sweetness, as well as small seeds.At the time of harvest season along the way – the unfortunate and Mace Purwosari Pasuruan – Grati sold durian harvest of sentra-sentra production. In addition marketed in Pasuruan Regency, this fruit is also marketed to the region of Malang, Surabaya and Jakarta.To development as well as increased production of durian then there are several Regency Pasuruan potential for durian planted among other Sub Lumbang, Puspo, said, Pasrepan, Purwodadi, and Purwosari. While the vast potential of 1500 ha.From several producing Pasuruan Regency in the durian, there are destinations that are often targeted by some durian lovers. The location of these destinations are:1. Sub Said: there are along the way Purwosari-Said (towards Nongkojajar) that there is in the village of Ngembal to be exact. In this place there are also Natural Bhakti, that is a tourist spot famous for its fruit duriannya, both in terms of research, breeding up to the provision of the durian fruit for sale. Types of Durian in Said these include Durian sticky rice, Turmeric, pepper and Durian Sun2. Sub Purwosari: location where sale of durian in Kecamatan Purwosari is along Highway Purwosari – Mace Malang. However, if you want to enjoy a direct ngunduh of durian tree, you can visit the village of Source Rejo Village arm in and find exactly the village Tejowangi.3. Sub District of Purwodadi: durian residing in Purwodadi this could you encounter in some villages of Gerbo, Dawuhan, Cowek and Sengon Tambak Sari. You will get quality stylish durian because direct Cook from the tree.4. Sub Puspo and Pasrepan: two districts it is the largest producer of durian in Pasuruan Regency. Next, followed by the subdistrict of Lumbang and Said. The spread of durian in Puspo and dominated Pasrepan to meet the needs (sold) outside the city. However, if the durian season comes, you will find a place along the road Pasrepan – durian Puspo – Tosari.
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