Danamon Access Center or DAC services unit is in 24-hour access via the phone number 500-900. This service is available to any client or pegguna service Danamon good who has had an account or service users who do not have an account Stated however do financial transactions through Danamon. DAC team is always ready to provide the required service assistance, ranging from requests for information to the settlement of the complaint.DAC continually strives to continue to improve the existing service standards. This endeavor seen in 2014 where CCSEI agencies issued results (Contact Center Service Excellence Index) that the DAC get 5 awards. Priority Banking made it the 4th rank, while the Regular a Regular Credit Card, Banking, Platinum CC as well as incoming Email TOP 10 rankings. One of the focus of attention of the DAC to continuously improved is an area settlement of complaints. In this case Customer Care DAC is present to answer these claims as a centralized customer compliance service unit. The mechanism of handling and customer compliance settlement refers to the regulations on the protection of Consumers OJK financial services sectors number 1/POJK. 07/2013 and Bank Indonesia Regulation number 16/1/PBI/2014 regarding consumer protection services of the payment system. To continue to make refinements and improvements in the quality of the settlement of complaints, enhancing supervision of the DAC remains the handling and resolution of such complaints. DAC also ensures achievement of SLA target completion of the complaint. DAC in this case do not work alone but also in collaboration with related work units as well as Service Quality Team. This cooperation is not only limited to do a review on the existing problems, but also give feedback in order to increase the effectiveness of complaint handling and resolution of customer. And periodically to management the bank delivered a report on the matter of customer complaint and settlement.
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