Sebagai negara yang baru lahir, Indonesia belum memiliki undang-undang terjemahan - Sebagai negara yang baru lahir, Indonesia belum memiliki undang-undang Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Sebagai negara yang baru lahir, Ind

Sebagai negara yang baru lahir, Indonesia belum memiliki undang-undang dasar yang berfungsi untuk mengatur segala aspek kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. 1. Pembentukan Kelengkapan Pemerintahan Sehari sesudah proklamasi kemerdekaan, pada tanggal 18Agustus 1945 PPKI mengadakan sidangnya yang pertama di Gedung Kesenian Jakarta. Sidang dipimpin oleh Ir. Soekarno dengan Drs. Mohammad Hatta sebagai wakilnya. Anggota sidang PPKIsebanyak 27 orang. Melalui pembahasan secara musyawarah, sidang mengambil keputusan penting, antara lain sebagai berikut. Penetapan dan pengesahan konstitusi sebagai hasil kerjaBPUPKI yang sekarang dikenal dengan Undang-UndangDasar 1945 sebagai konstitusi RI. a. Ir. Soekarno dipilih sebagai presiden RI dan Drs. MohammadHatta sebagai wakil presiden Republik Indonesia. b. Pekerja Presiden RI untuk sementara waktu oleh sebuahKomite Nasional. Pembukaan UUD 1945 yang disahkan oleh PPKI hamper seluruh bahannya diambil dari Rancangan Pembukaan UUD hasil kerja Panitia Perumus pada tanggal 22 Juni 1945 yang disebut Piagam Jakarta. Bahan tersebut telah mengalami beberapa perubahan, yaitu sebagai berikut. a. Kata "mukadimah" diganti "pembukaan". b. Kata "hukum dasar" diganti dengan "Undang-Undang Dasar". c. Kata "menurut dasar" dalam kalimat "Berdasarkan kepada Ketuhanan menurut dasar kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab" dihapus. d. Kalimat ... "dengan kewajiban menjalankan syariat Islam bagi pemeluk-pemeluknya" dihapus. Adapun isi batang tubuh Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, bahannya diambil dari rancangan konstitusi hasil penyusunan Panitia Perancangan pada tanggal 16 Juli 1945. Bahan itu juga mengalami beberapa perubahan, antara lain sebagai berikut. a. Pasal 6 Ayat 1, semula berbunyi "Presiden ialah orang Indonesia asli yang beragama Islam". Kata yang "beragama Islam" dihilangkan karena dinilai menyinggung perasaan yang tidak beragama Islam. b. Pasal 29 Ayat 1, kalimat di belakang ... "Ketuhanan" yang berbunyi dengan kewajiban menjalankan syariat Islam bagi pemeluk-pemeluknya" dihilangkan. Kalimat tersebut terdapat pada pembukaan UUD alinea ke-4. Setelah melalui pembicaraan dan pembahasan yang matang, akhirnya dengan suara bulat, konstitusi itu diterima dan disahkan oleh PPKI menjadi Konstitusi Negara Republik Indonesia. Konstitusi itu disebut Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Pada tanggal 18 Agustus 1945 presiden dan wakil presiden RI untuk pertama kali dipilih oleh PPKI, karena MPR yang berhak memilih dan melantiknya belum terbentuk. Hal itu diatur dalam Pasal III Aturan Peralihan UUD 1945. PPKI memilih Ir. Soekarno sebagai presiden dan Drs. Mohammad Hatta sebagai wakil presiden RI. 2. Pembentukan Komite Nasional Indonesia PPKI kembali mengadakan sidang pada tanggal 22 Agustus1945 yang memiliki agenda pokok tentang rencana pembentukan Komite Nasional dan Badan Keamanan Rakyat. Komite Nasional dibentuk di seluruh Indonesia dan berpusat di Jakarta. Tujuannya sebagai penjelmaan tujuan dan cita-cita bangsa Indonesia untuk menyelenggarakan kemerdekaan Indonesia yang berdasarkan kedaulatan rakyat, KNIP diresmikan dan anggotanya dilantik pada tanggal 29 Agustus 1945 di Gedung Kesenian, Pasar Baru, Jakarta Pada saat itu terjadi perubahan politik, pada tanggal 11 November 1945, Badan Pekerja KNIP mengeluarkan Pengumuman Nomor 5 tentang Peralihan Pertanggungjawaban menteri-menteridari Presiden kepada Badan Pekerja KNIP. 3. Pembentukan Alat Kelengkapan Keamanan Negara Pada akhir sidang PPKI tanggal 19 Agustus 1945 dibentuk panitia kecil yang bertugas membahas pembentukan tentara kebangsaan. Sebagai tindak lanjut dari usulan tersebut, presiden menugaskan Abdul Kadir, Kasman Singodimedjo, dan Otto Iskandardinata untuk menyiapkan pembentukan tentara kebangsaan. Hasil kerja panitia kecil itu dilaporkan dalam rapat Pleno PPKI pada tanggal 22 Agustus 1945. Kemudian rapat pleno memutuskan pembentukan Badan Keamanan Rakyat (BKR). Sementara itu, situasi keamanan tampaknya akan makin buruk karena dibayang-bayangi oleh datangnya tentara Sekutu dan Belanda di Indonesia. Dengan Maklumat Pemerintah pada tanggal 5 Oktober 1945,terbentuklah organisasi ketentaraan yang bernama Tentara Keamanan Rakyat (TKR). Semula yang ditunjuk menjadi pimpinan tertinggi TKR adalah Supriyadi, pimpinan perlawanan Peta di Blitar (Februari 1945), dan sebagai Menteri Keamanan Rakyat ad interim diangkat Muhammad Surjoadikusumo, mantan Daidanco Peta. 4. Dukungan Daerah terhadap Pembentukan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia Dukungan terhadap proklamasi pembentukan negara danpemerintah Republik Indonesia, antara lain datang dari daerah berikut. a. Keraton Kasultanan Jogjakarta Pada tanggal 29 Agustus 1945 Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX dari Jogjakarta mengirimkan telegram ke Jakarta yang isinya menyatakan bahwa Kasultanan Jogjakarta sanggup berdiri di belakang pimpinan Soekarno-Hatta. b. Sumatra mendukung pemerintah Republik Indonesia Gelora kemerdekaan Indonesia yang telah menyebar ke mana-mana mendorong para pemuda, khususnya Sumatra Timur untuk bergerak. Munculnya semangat kebangsaan yang tinggi menyebabkan para pemuda bergerak dari Jalan Jakarta No. 6 Medan di bawah pimpinan A. Tahir, Abdul Malik Munir, M.K. Yusni mendukung pemerintah Republik Indonesia yang telah berdiri. c. Sulawesi Utara mendukung pemerintah Republik Indonesia Pada tanggal 14 Februari 1945 para Pemuda Sulawesi Utara di bawah pimpinan Ch. Taulu mengadakan pemberontakan untuk mendirikan RI di Sulawesi Utara. Awalnya, pemberontakan itu muncul di Manado yang kemudian menyebar ke Tondano, Bitung, dan Bolang Mongondow. 5. Pembentukan Lembaga Pemerintahan di Seluruh Daerah di Indonesia Bentuk pemerintah daerah di Indonesia diatur dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 Pasal 18 (sebelum diamandemen) yang berbunyi: Pembagian Daerah Indonesia atas daerah besar dan kecil dengan bentuk susunan pemerintahannya ditetapkan dengan undang-undang dengan memandang dan mengingat dasar musyawarah dalam sistem pemerintahan negara, dan hak-hak asal-usul dalam daerah-daerah yang bersifat istimewa Hal ini berarti daerah Indonesia akan dibagi dalam daerah provinsi dan setiap daerah provinsi akan dibagi pula dalam daerah yang lebih kecil. Berbagai kegiatan yang dilakukan di daerah antara lain: a. Pada awal September 1945, pemerintah Republik Indonesia Provinsi Sulawesi terbentuk. Dr. G.S.S.J. Ratulangi dilantik sebagai gubernur Sulawesi dan mulai menjalankan roda pemerintahan. b. Di Medan, pada tanggal 30 September 1945 para pemuda dipimpin oleh Sugondo Kartoprojo membentuk Barisan Pemuda Indonesia. Gubernur Sumatra, Teuku Mohamad Hassan juga segera membentuk pemerintah daerah di wilayah Sumatra. c. Di Banjarmasin, pada tanggal 10 Oktober 1945 rakyat melakukan rapat umum untuk meresmikan berdirinya pemerintah Republik Indonesia Daerah Kalimantan Timur. Pada tanggal 1 Januari 1946 di Pangkalan Bun, Sampit, dan Kota Waringin diresmikan berdirinya pemerintahan Republik Indonesia dan Tentara Republik Indonesia. Selain daerah-daerah tersebut di atas, daerah lain juga mengikuti langkah-langkah yang diinstruksikan oleh pemerintah pusat untuk segera menjalankan pemerintahan di daerah di bawah pimpinan para gubernur masing-masing. Sesuai dengan keputusan PPKI tanggal 18 Agustus 1945 bahwa tugas presiden dibantu oleh Komite Nasional, maka di daerah-daerah tugas gubernur (kepala daerah) juga dibantu oleh Komite Nasional di Daerah. Dengan terbentuknya pemerintahan di daerah yang dibantu oleh Komite Nasional di daerah diharapkan roda pemerintahan dapat berjalan, baik di tingkat pusat maupun di daerah.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
As a newborn country, Indonesia has not had a Constitution which serves to regulate all aspects of the life of nation and State. 1. formation of the completeness of the Government a day after the proclamation of independence, on December 18Agustus 1945 PPKI held the first hearing in Jakarta art Building. The Council is headed by IR. Soekarno with Drs. Mohammad Hatta as his Deputy. Members of the Council of 27 PPKIsebanyak people. Through the deliberations of the Council, conversationally took important decisions, such as the following. The determination and approval of the Constitution as a result of kerjaBPUPKI which is now known as the Constitution of 1945 as UndangDasar RI. a. Sukarno was elected President of RI and Drs. MohammadHatta as Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. b. Workers President RI for a while by National sebuahKomite. Opening of the Constitution passed by the PPKI nearly all the material taken from the draft Preamble Framers Committee work on 22 June 1945, called the Charter of Jakarta. Such material has undergone some changes, which are as follows. a. the word "preamble" was replaced by "opening". b. the word "Basic Law" is replaced with "the basic law". c. the word "basic" in the sentence by "based on the humanitarian basis to the Godhead according to a fair and civilised" removed. d. Expressions of ... "with the obligation of running Islamic jurisprudence for the pemeluk-pemeluknya" deleted. As for the content of the stems of the body Constitution of 1945, the material is drawn from the results of the drafting Committee of the draft Constitution Drafting on July 16, 1945. The material was also undergoing some changes, such as the following. a. Article 6 paragraph 1, originally read "President was the original religion of Islam Indonesia". The word "Muslim" was removed because it was judged offensive are not Muslim. b. Article 29 paragraph 1, sentences in the back ... "The Godhead" that goes with the obligation of running Islamic jurisprudence for the pemeluk-pemeluknya "is omitted. The sentence is found in the preamble of the 4th paragraph. After going through a thorough discussion of the talks and, finally, the Constitution unanimously it is accepted and endorsed by the Constitution of the Republic into PPKI Indonesia. The Constitution was referred to as the 1945 Constitution. On 18 August 1945, President and Vice-President of the REPUBLIC of INDONESIA for the first time elected by the MPR, as the PPKI reserves the right to chose and appointed him has not been formed. It is regulated in article III of the rules of a transitional Constitution. PPKI selected Sukarno as President and Drs. Mohammad Hatta as Vice President of RI. 2. the establishment of the National Committee of Indonesia PPKI again held a hearing on the 22nd of Agustus1945 which has the basic agenda of the plan the establishment of the National Committee and the people's security agency. A National Committee was formed throughout Indonesia and based in Jakarta. The goal as the embodiment of the aims and ideals of the nation Indonesia to organise independence Indonesia based on popular sovereignty, the KNIP was established and its members are sworn in on August 29, 1945 in the building arts, new markets, Jakarta at the moment it changes politics, on 11 November 1945, the KNIP working body issued an Announcement number 5 on the transition of menteridari Minister-President Accountability to the KNIP working body. 3. the establishment of State security Fittings at the end of the hearing on 19 August 1945 PPKI formed a small Committee in charge of discussing the formation of a national army. As the follow-up of the proposal, the President commissioned Abdul Kadir, Kasman Singodimedjo, and Otto Iskandar for preparing the formation of the national army. The work of the Committee that little reported in the PPKI plenary meeting on 22 August 1945. Then the plenary meeting decided formation of people's security Body (BKR). Meanwhile, the security situation seems to be overshadowed by increasingly bad as the arrival of Allied troops in the Netherlands and Indonesia. With the edict of the Government on 5 October 1945, resulting in the Organization of the army named people's security Army (TKR). Originally designated to become Commander-in-Chief of the TKR is a resistance leader, Lenroy Map in Blitar (February 1945), and as the people's Security Minister ad interim was Muhammad Surjoadikusumo, the former Daidanco Map. 4. support The establishment of the unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia to support the proclamation of the establishment of the State of danpemerintah of the Republic of Indonesia, among others, coming from these regions. a. the Royal Sultanate of Jogjakarta on August 29, 1945, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX of Jogjakarta sends telegram to Jakarta claiming that the Sultanate of Jogjakarta was able to stand behind the leadership of Soekarno-Hatta Airport. b. the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in support of Sumatra Heats the independence of Indonesia which has spread everywhere encouraged the youth, especially the Eastern Sumatra to move. The emergence of the high national spirit leading the youth moving from the Jakarta Field No. 6 under the direction of a. Tahir, Abdul Malik Munir, M.K. Yusni supports the Government of the Republic of Indonesia that has been established. c. North Sulawesi to support the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on 14 February 1945 the youth of North Sulawesi under ch. Taulu revolt to establish a REPUBLIC in North Sulawesi. Initially, the rebellion appears in Manado, which then spread into the Tondano and Bitung, Cargo Mongondow. 5. the establishment of government institutions in the region in the form of local government in Indonesia Indonesia is set out in the 1945 Constitution, article 18 (prior amended) which reads: the Division of areas of Indonesia over large areas and small with his arrangement of form specified by the legislation with respect to and remember the basic system of Government in the State Assembly, and the rights of its origins in the areas which are exceptional areas this means Indonesia will be divided in provinces and each province and territory will be divided in smaller areas. The various activities carried out in the region among other things: a. at the beginning of September 1945, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Sulawesi province was formed. Dr. G.S.S.J. Ratulangi was appointed Governor of Sulawesi and start the wheels of Government. b. in Medan, on September 30, 1945 these young men led by the youth ranks of forming Kartoprojo Sugondo Indonesia. The Governor of Sumatra, Teuku Mohamad Hassan also soon formed local governments in the area of Sumatra. c. In Banjarmasin, on 10 October 1945 the people conducting the general meeting to formalize the establishment of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in East Kalimantan. On January 1, 1946 in The Bun, Sampit, and the City Government of Republic inaugurated K. Indonesia and Indonesia Republic Army. In addition to the areas mentioned above, other regions also follow the steps instructed by the Central Government to immediately run the Government in the area under the command of the Governor of each. In accordance with the decision of the PPKI on 18 August 1945 that the duties of the President, assisted by the National Committee, then in areas the task Governor (prefect) were also assisted by National Committees in the region. With the formation of the Government in the area aided by the National Committees in the region is expected to wheel could run Government, both at the central level and in the regions.Make Money at:
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
As a newborn country, Indonesia does not have a constitution that serves to regulate all aspects of life of the nation. 1. Formation of Government Completeness day after the proclamation of independence, on 18Agustus 1945 PPKI held its first session in Jakarta Arts Building. The session was led by Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Mohammad Hatta as its representative. Congregation PPKIsebanyak 27. Through discussion of deliberation, the trial took important decisions, among others, as follows. Determination and validation of the constitution as a result kerjaBPUPKI now known as UndangDasar Act 1945 as the constitution of RI. a. Ir. Elected president of Indonesia Sukarno and Drs. MohammadHatta as vice president of the Republic of Indonesia. b. Workers President for a time by the National sebuahKomite. 1945 opening PPKI adopted by almost all the material taken from the preamble of the Constitution Draft Committee for Formulating the work on June 22, 1945 called the Jakarta Charter. The material has undergone some changes, as follows. a. The word "preamble" replaced "opening". b. The word "basic law" is replaced with "Constitution". c. The word "on an" in the sentence "According to the Deity according to the basis of a just and civilized humanity" removed. d. Sentence ... "with the obligation to enforce Sharia Law adherents" removed. The contents of the body of the Constitution of 1945, the material was taken from the results of the preparation of the draft constitution Design Committee on July 16, 1945. The material is also undergoing some changes, among others, as follows. a. Article 6 Paragraph 1, the original reads "The President is the original Indonesian Muslim". The word "Muslim" is omitted as it is considered offensive to non-Muslims. b. Article 29, paragraph 1, sentence behind ... "Godhead" which reads the obligation to enforce Sharia Law adherents "removed. The sentence is contained in the opening paragraph 4 of the Constitution. After going through a mature conversation and discussion, eventually with sound round, the Constitution was accepted and ratified by PPKI into the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The Constitution is called the Constitution of 1945. On August 18, 1945 the president and vice president of the Republic of Indonesia for the first time selected by PPKI, because the Assembly has the right to choose and anoint not yet formed . It is provided for in Article III of the Transitional Provisions of the 1945 Constitution PPKI choose Ir. Soekarno as president and Drs. Mohammad Hatta as vice president of Indonesia. 2. Establishment of the National Committee of Indonesia PPKI back convene on 22 Agustus1945 who have an agenda point on the planned formation National Committee and the People's Security Agency. National Committee set up in Indonesia and based in Jakarta. The goal as an incarnation of the goals and ideals of the Indonesian nation to hold the independence of Indonesia based on popular sovereignty, and members KNIP inaugurated inaugurated on August 29, 1945 in the Art Building, New Market, Jakarta At the time of political change, on November 11, 1945, KNIP Working Committee issued Announcement No. 5 on Transitional Liability menteridari minister-president to the Working Committee KNIP. 3. Establishment of the State Security Equipment Completed PPKI At the end of the trial date of August 19, 1945 A small committee tasked to discuss the formation of the national army. As a follow up of the proposal, the president commissioned Abdul Kadir, Kasman Singodimedjo, and Otto Iskandardinata to prepare the formation of the national army. The work of a small committee that reported in PPKI Plenary meeting on August 22, 1945. Then the plenary meeting to decide the formation of People's Security Agency (BKR). Meanwhile, the security situation seems to be getting worse since been overshadowed by the arrival of Allied troops and the Dutch in Indonesia. By government edict on October 5, 1945, the Army formed an organization called the People's Security Army (TKR). Originally appointed to the supreme leader TKR is Supriyadi, opposition leader in Blitar Map (February 1945), and as Minister of People's Security Surjoadikusumo Muhammad appointed ad interim, ex Daidanco Map. 4. Regional Support to the Establishment of the Republic of Indonesia on the proclamation of statehood Support danpemerintah Republic of Indonesia, among others, came from the following areas. a. Keraton Yogyakarta Sultanate On August 29, 1945 lane IX of Jogjakarta to Jakarta sent a telegram stating that the Sultanate of Yogyakarta able to stand behind the leadership of Soekarno-Hatta. b. Sumatra supports the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Indonesian Independence Stadium has spread everywhere encouraging the youth, especially the East Sumatra to move. The advent of high national spirit caused the youths to move from Jakarta Road No. 6 field under the leadership of A. Tahir, Abdul Malik Munir, MK Yusni support the government of the Republic of Indonesia who had stood. c. North Sulawesi to support the government of the Republic of Indonesia On February 14, 1945 the North Sulawesi Youth under the leadership of Ch. Taulu held to establish the uprisings in North Sulawesi Indonesia. Initially, it appeared in Manado revolt which then spread to Tondano, Bitung, and Bolang Mongondow. 5. Establishment of Local Government in Indonesia in All Forms of local government in Indonesia is regulated by Law 1945 Article 18 (before amendment) which reads: Regional Distribution Indonesia over large and small areas with the structure of government established by law with regard and considering the deliberation in the system of government, and the rights of its origins in the areas that are special This means Indonesia will be divided into regions of the province and every region of the province will be divided also in smaller areas. Various activities are carried out in areas such as: a. In early September 1945, the government of the Republic of Indonesia Sulawesi formed. Dr GSSJ Ratulangi sworn in as governor of Sulawesi and began to run the government. b. In Medan, on 30 September 1945 the youth led by Sugondo Kartoprojo formed Barisan Pemuda Indonesia. Governor of Sumatra, Teuku Mohammad Hassan also immediately establish local governments in Sumatra. c. In Banjarmasin, on 10 October 1945 the people doing general meeting to formalize the establishment of the government of the Republic of Indonesia East Kalimantan. On January 1, 1946 in Bun Base, Sampit, and K. City inaugurated the establishment of the Indonesian government and the Army of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition to the areas mentioned above, other areas are also to follow the steps as instructed by the central government to immediately run the local government under the leadership of the governors of each. In accordance with the decision PPKI dated August 18, 1945 that the job the president is assisted by the National Committee, then the governor of the task areas (regional head) is also assisted by the National Committee of the Regions. With the formation of local government, assisted by the National Committees in areas expected to be able to run the wheels of government, both at central and regional levels. Make Money at:

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