In the sentence The hailstorm lasted the whole night. It destroyed his entire field of precious crops Rocho appears that the family will have a big problem. Problems that will override the release felt by children Roncho so they say The boys asked them, "what we are going to do? Everything is destroyed, does this mean we are going to die of hunger? "Of the sentence is very clearly reflected worries children Rocho with the rain storms will be bad. Roncho trying to calm her children, and she said "Rancho said," my sons, no body dies of hunger. Always remember we have God ". At the quotation Roncho take their children believe must trust that God will help them.
Rancho believe that God will help her family. He wrote a letter to God and send the letter at the post office. He believes God will avenge his letter and whims. This can be seen in the excerpt sentence "He put the letter inside an envelope and addressed it to" God, 7th heaven "and placed a stamp on it and dropped it in the mailbox". He was very confident that he wrote a letter would be up to God.
He (postman) wanted to open the letter but his job ethics stopped him from doing so, he Decided to take the letter to the postmaster. The postmaster was a very nice and kind gentlemen. He always helped people in any way he could
quote above explains that the letters sent to the Lord inspires the heart Ranchan postman. He is a man who very kindly. Postman very surprised with actions taken by Ranchan. However, he was very sad to read the contents of the letter Ranchan. He believes that Rancha are human beings who believe and feel close to God this is expressed in the phrase It takes a man with strong faith to start a communication with God. I wish I had such strong faith. After reading the letter Posman memngambil decision to help Rancha so that families do not starve. He wants to realize the desire Ranch she wrote. This is illustrated in the following sentences.
After much thought, he (the postmaster) Decided to read the letter and perhaps replay it. Since he had already Decided to help rancho, he Decided to give part of his salary, and he asked his friends and co-workers to Contribute.
An idea thought postman to help Ranchan very describes a caring good value. He also tried to invite his friends to do good. Adalh good human man who has a habit of positive thinking or belief.
Reply letter sent by the postman has reached the hands Ranchan. He thanks I am really grateful to the sentence sending the money to prove the existence of a very deep belief by Ranchan. I Knew you would not let my family go hungry She was very happy and thanked God many times. This can be seen in the excerpt sentences And he kept repeating thank you God! Thank you God! I Knew you would not let me down. Ranchan have enormous trust in God. He believes God will help him and his family. However, when she opens the letters and counting the cash in the envelope is less than he wants him angry. He was sure he could not be wrong to send money. This is reflected in the sentence But he was counting the money he Become very angry. God could not have made mistake in sending the money. Ranchan supposed besyukur on what he can.
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