developed by otimal, a healthy young generation and intelligent is through Exclusive breast feeding. BREAST MILK is the most suitable intake for infants, besides his nutritional value, as well as security for the baby's digestive organs. Given the importance of BREAST MILK Exclusively for toddlers and still need for increased coverage of BREAST MILK Exclusively in Kab. Probolinggo Regency Probolinggo, Hj. p. TATRIANA SARI, SE as ambassadors of the ASI Kab. Probolinggo with health service since April 2013 has been doing some of the activities include:• Seminar on BREAST MILK Ekskluif with participants from women's organizations, community organizations, Religious Leaders, the business community, the public and Government spheres in karyawati Kab. USAID supported Probolinggo – performance. This seminar was also organised on the deal and a joint Commitment to increase breast milk Exclusively in Kab. Finally reached by representatives of the various elements of the stakeholders.• Appeal to the Director and the head of the company in the area of Kab. Probolinggo to provide facilities for karyawatinya ASI flushed according the letter finally reached Regent June 25, 2013 number: 440/3178/426.102/2013.• Provision of facilities and infrastructure in the sphere of commercial Dairy BREAST MILK of local government, 2 HOSPITALS and seven Clinics. Facilities and infrastructure provided at Government facilities and healthcare facilities is to serve as a pilot for the corporate world and the public, facilitating karyawati and society to be flushed and storing BREAST MILK for her child.• Improved KIE IMD and BREAST MILK EXCLUSIVELY on Bumil Class held by midwives, both in villages and health centers, so that pregnant women since the beginning have got understanding and knowledge about safe childbirth, IMD and BREAST MILK Exclusively.• Creation and dissemination of media promotion, in the form of leaflets, billboards and increase the frequency of a radio broadcast about the BREAST MILK Exclusively.• Drafting and endorsement of the Regulation number 24 Regent. 2013 about Safe Childbirth, IMD and Exclusive breast feeding, which contains the rights and obligations of the mother giving birth, all citizens, health care personnel and local government as well as the role of the community in the national program delivery safe, IMD and BREAST MILK Exclusively.In the near future will be community empowerment activities in training support group BREAST MILK ASI Counselor Training, and assessment Firms care about BREAST MILK Exclusively. Training activities support group BREAST MILK GRANT funds supported Kab. Probolinggo important done, given the necessary support, cooperation and participation of the husband, parent, family, society and the environment, so that nursing mothers are increasingly confident only give BREAST MILK Exclusively during their newborn to 6 months of continued until 2 years and given MP ASI.ASI counselor in Kab. Probolinggo is still small when compared with the number of target pregnant women. The number of counselors ASI still 30 people, and needs to be increased in number, in order to make BREAST MILK Exclusively.Company valuation Matter Exclusive BREAST MILK carried as tindaklanjut agreement and joint commitment in April 2013 and urging the mother of Regent Probolinggo. This activity is carried out also in order to enrich the national health day to 49.
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