Dampak negatif demonstrasi:1. Terjadinya pengerusakan fasilitas-fasili terjemahan - Dampak negatif demonstrasi:1. Terjadinya pengerusakan fasilitas-fasili Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Dampak negatif demonstrasi:1. Terja

Dampak negatif demonstrasi:
1. Terjadinya pengerusakan fasilitas-fasilitas pribadi da umum.
2. Merugikan diri sendiri dan masyarakat luas.
3. Mengganggu ketertiban umum.
4. Membuat masyarakat ketakutan terhadap aksi anarkis yang dilakukan demonstran.
5. Sampah berserakan di jalanan akibat aksi anarkis yang dilakukan, seperti batu/kerikil, pecahan kaca.
6. Dapat menimbulkan polusi tanah akibat lelehan ban yang telah dibakar, polusi udara akibat suara-suara teriakan, polusi udara akibat asap yang ditimbulkan oleh pembakaran ban.
7. Mengurangi minat para investor dari luar negeri.

Dampak positif demonstrasi:
1. Mengeluarkan aspirasi rakyat yang selama ini tertahanka.
2. Mengeritik pemerintah dalam menjalankan pemerintahan yang lebih baik sesuai dengan harapan rakyat.
3. Mengeluarkan pendapat rakyat yang belum terelasikan.
4. Menyadarkan pemerintah akan kebijakannnya dalam pengambilan keputusan yang menyangkut hidup rakyat.
5. Dapat membuka pikiran semua orang, baik pemerintah maupun masyarakat terhadap masalah yang didemonstrasikan.
6. Merupakan ciri Negara demokrasi yang tidak dapat dihilangkan sebagai akibat dari pemerintahan demokrasi, yaitu pemerintahan yang berasal dari rakyat, oleh rakyat, dan untuk rakyat.
7. Untuk mengetahui keberhasilan dari program pemerintah yang telah dijalankan.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The negative impact of the demonstration:1. The occurrence of pengerusakan personal amenities da public.2. Harm themselves and the wider community.3. Disrupt the public order.4. Making the public fear of anarchist action done demonstrators.5. Garbage strewn on the streets due to the anarchist action done, like a stone/gravel, broken glass.6. Can lead to pollution of the soil due to melt the tires that have been burned, the air pollution due to the sounds of screams, smoke resulting from air pollution caused by burning tires.7. Reduce the interest from overseas investors.Positive impact demonstration:1. Pull out the aspirations of the people for this tertahanka.2. the Mengeritik Government in running a better government in accordance with the expectations of the people.3. Pull out the opinions of people who have not been terelasikan.4. Where the Government would kebijakannnya in decision-making related to living people.5. Open the minds of all people, Governments and the public to problems that are demonstrated.6. Is the hallmark of democracies that can not be eliminated as a result of the Government of a democracy, that is, a Government that comes from the people, by the people, and for the people.7. To know the success of government programs that have been run.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
The negative impact of the demonstration:
1. The vandalism of private facilities da general.
2. Harming themselves and society at large.
3. Disturbing public order.
4. Create public fear of anarchy that made ​​the demonstrators.
5. Garbage strewn in the streets due to the anarchic actions undertaken, such as stone / gravel, broken glass.
6. Can cause soil pollution due to melt the tires that have been burned, air pollution caused by voices shouting, air pollution caused by smoke from burning tires.
7. Reducing the interest of investors from abroad. The positive impact of the demonstration: 1. Issued aspirations of the people who have been tertahanka. 2. Criticized the government in running a better government in accordance with the expectations of the people. 3. Expression of the people who have terelasikan. 4. Will the government realize kebijakannnya in decisions concerning the life of the people. 5. Can open the minds of everyone, both the government and the public to the problem demonstrated. 6. Is characteristic of democracies that can not be eliminated as a result of a democratic government, the government comes from the people, by the people and for the people. 7. To determine the success of government programs that have been run.

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