Masyarakat Toraja menganut

Masyarakat Toraja menganut "aluk" a

Masyarakat Toraja menganut "aluk" atau adat yang merupakan kepercayaan, aturan, dan ritual tradisional ketat yang ditentukan oleh nenek moyangnya. Meskipun saat ini mayoritas masyarakat Toraja banyak yang memeluk agama Protestan atau Katolik tetapi tradisi-tradisi leluhur dan upacara ritual masih terus dipraktekkan.

Masyarakat Toraja membuat pemisahan yang jelas antara upacara dan ritual yang terkait dengan kehidupan dan kematian. Hal ini karena ritual-ritual tersebut berterkaitan dengan musim tanam dan panen. Masyarakat Toraja sendiri mengolah sawahnya dengan menanami padi jenis gogo yang tinggi batangnya. Di sepanjang jalan akan Anda temui padi dijemur dimana batangnya diikat dan ditumpuk ke atas. Padi dengan tangkainya tersebut disimpan di lumbung khusus yang dihiasi dengan tanduk kerbau pada bagian depan serta rahang kerbau dibagian sampingnya.

Tana Toraja memiliki dua jenis upacara adat yang populer yaitu Rambu Solo dan Rambu Tuka. Rambu Solo adalah upacara pemakaman, sedangkan Rambu Tuka adalah upacara atas rumah adat yang baru direnovasi.

Khusus Rambu Solo, masyarakat Toraja percaya tanpa upacara penguburan ini maka arwah orang yang meninggal tersebut akan memberikan kemalangan kepada orang-orang yang ditinggalkannya. Orang yang meninggal hanya dianggap seperti orang sakit, karenanya masih harus dirawat dan diperlakukan seperti masih hidup dengan menyediakan makanan, minuman, rokok, sirih, atau beragam sesajian lainnya.Upacara pemakaman Rambu Solok adalah rangkaian kegiatan yang rumit ikatan adat serta membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Persiapannya pun selama berbulan-bulan. Sementara menunggu upacara siap, tubuh orang yang meninggal dibungkus kain dan disimpan di rumah leluhur atau tongkonan. Puncak upacara Rambu Solok biasanya berlangsung pada bulan Juli dan Agustus. Saat itu orang Toraja yang merantau di seluruh Indonesia akan pulang kampung untuk ikut serta dalam rangkaian acara ini. Kedatangan orang Toraja tersebut diikuti pula dengan kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara.

Dalam kepercayaan masyarakat Tana Toraja (Aluk To Dolo) ada prinsip semakin tinggi tempat jenazah diletakkan maka semakin cepat rohnya untuk sampai menuju nirwana. Bagi kalangan dari bangsawan yang meninggal maka mereka memotong kerbau yang jumlahnya 24 hingga 100 ekor sebagai kurban (Ma’tinggoro Tedong). Satu diantaranya bahkan kerbau belang yang terkenal mahal harganya. Upacara pemotongan ini merupakan salah satu atraksi yang khas Tana Toraja dengan menebas leher kerbau tersebut menggunakan sebilah parang dalam sekali ayunan lalu kerbau pun langsung terkapar bermandikan darah beberapa saat kemudian.

Masyarakat Toraja hidup dalam komunitas kecil dimana anak-anak yang sudah menikah meninggalkan orangtua mereka dan memulai hidup baru ditempat lain. Meski anak mengikuti garis keturunan ayah dan ibunya tetapi mereka semua merupakan satu keluarga besar yang tinggal di satu rumah leluhur (tongkonan). Tongkonan merupakan pusat kehidupan sosial suku Toraja. Ritual yang berhubungan dengan tongkonan sangatlah penting dalam kehidupan spiritual suku Toraja. Oleh karena itu, semua anggota keluarga diharuskan ikut serta sebagai lambang hubungan mereka dengan leluhur

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Toraja society embraced "aluk" or custom is belief, traditional rituals and rules, strictly defined by his ancestors. Although the majority of Toraja society many who embraced Protestantism or Catholicism but the ancestral traditions and ceremonies are still being practiced.Toraja society makes a clear separation between the rites and rituals associated with life and death. This is because the berterkaitan rituals with the planting and harvesting season. Toraja society themselves to cultivate it with the rice plant type of the high stem gogo. Along the way you will meet rice is dried stem is tied and which piled up. Rice with radishes are stored in special barns decorated with Buffalo horns on the front as well as the Buffalo jaw next to it.Tana Toraja has two types of popular ceremony which Signs Solo and Tuka. Signs Solo is a funeral, while the ceremony is the Tuka over the newly renovated traditional House.Special Signs Solo, Toraja society believed this then the burial ceremony without the ghosts of those who died will give the misfortune to people that he left behind. The man who died was only regarded as sick people, so should still be taken care of and treated like a still life by providing food, drinks, cigarettes, betel leaves, or a variety of other offerings. Funeral Signs Solok is a series of complex events and customary ties need not cost a bit. His preparation was for months. While waiting for the ceremony to be ready, the body of the dead wrapped in cloth and kept in ancestral houses or tongkonan. The Summit ceremony usually takes place at Solok Signs in July and August. At that time people Toraja wandering all over Indonesia will return home to participate in this series of events. The arrival of the Toraja people followed by visits of foreign tourists.In the belief of the society of Tana Toraja (Aluk To Dolo) there is the principle of the higher places body is placed then the sooner his spirit to get to Nirvana. Among the nobility who died then they cut the Buffalo totaling 24 to 100 tail as a sacrifice (Ma'tinggoro Tedong). One of them even the famous striped Buffalo expensive price. This cutting ceremony is one of the typical attractions of Tana Toraja with slashing the neck of the Buffalo uses a machete in one swing and then Buffalo jump was bathed in the blood of sprawl moments later.Toraja society live in a small community where children who are married leave their parents and start a new life elsewhere. Although the child follows the lineage of his father and mother but they are all one big family who lived in an ancestral houses (tongkonan). Tongkonan is the Centre of social life of the Toraja. The rituals connected with the tongkonan is very important in the life of torajan spiritual. Therefore, all members are required to participate as a symbol of their relationship to ancestors
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Toraja society embraces "aluk" or custom which is trust, rules, and traditional rituals strictly determined by his ancestors. Although today the majority of the Toraja people who embraced many Protestant or Catholic but ancestral traditions and rituals are still practiced. Toraja people make a clear separation between the ceremonies and rituals associated with the life and death. This is because these rituals berterkaitan with planting and harvesting. Toraja society cultivate their fields with rice planting upland types of high trunk. Along the way you will encounter in which the dried rice stalks tied and stacked up. Rice stalks are stored in a special barn decorated with buffalo horns on the front and beside her jaw buffalo section. Tana Toraja has two popular types of ceremonies that are Signs Solo and signs Tuka. Signs Solo is a funeral, while signs Tuka is a ceremony on the newly remodeled custom home. Special Signs Solo, Toraja people believe without a burial ceremony is the spirit of the deceased will give misfortune to those he left behind. People who died just regarded as a sick person, therefore they must be cared for and treated like a still life by providing food, beverages, tobacco, betel nut, or a variety of offerings lainnya.Upacara funeral Solok Signs is a complex series of traditional ties and need not cost a little . Preparations were for months. While waiting for the service is ready, the body of the dead man wrapped in cloth and stored in the ancestral house or tongkonan. Peak Solok Signs ceremony usually lasts in July and August. When the Toraja people who migrated throughout Indonesia will return home to participate in this event. The arrival of the Toraja people followed by tourist arrivals. In public confidence in Tana Toraja (Aluk Dolo) is no higher principle where the body is located, the faster his spirit to get towards the nirvana. For the nobles who died then they cut the buffalo whose numbers 24 to 100 individuals as a sacrifice (Ma'tinggoro Tedong). One of them even buffalo famous striped expensive. This cutting ceremony is one of the typical attractions Tana Toraja with slashing the neck buffalo using a machete in one swing and buffalo were immediately lay bathed in blood a few moments later. Toraja people live in small communities where children who are married to leave their parents and start a new life elsewhere. Although the children follow the father and mother lineage but they are all one big family who live in the ancestral home (tongkonan). Tongkonan is the center of social life of the Toraja. Rituals associated with tongkonan very important in the spiritual life of the Toraja. Therefore, all family members are required to participate as a symbol of their relationship with the ancestors

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