Media massa saat ini telah menjamur bagai tumbuhan ilalang. Tetapi dal terjemahan - Media massa saat ini telah menjamur bagai tumbuhan ilalang. Tetapi dal Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Media massa saat ini telah menjamur

Media massa saat ini telah menjamur bagai tumbuhan ilalang. Tetapi dalam global tentu masih banyak media massa yang kuat dan memiliki pengaruh terhadap suatu wilayah atau pemberitaan yang ada. Seperti kita ketahui, banyak media massa global mulai dari CNN, BBC serta Al-Jazeerah yang memiliki basis informasi pemberitaan yang kuat. Jika kita melihat pada sisi Al-jazeerah yang gencar memberitakan tentang pemberitaan dan permasalahan di daerah Timur Tengah, seperti pada permaslahan Syiria.
Dimana saat ini dunia tengah dihadapkan dengan berbagi krisis dan perlombaan disegala bidang. Termasuk media massa di dunia, banyak dari mereka yang saling menyebarkan pengaruhnyadi berbagia negara. Mereka seolah mengemas berita dengan cara yang baik, dan tampilan yang paling memukau. Memang pada hakikatnya dunia saat ini selalu terpengaruh serta berkiblat dengan media global yang ada. Maka dari itu, banyak dari negara-negara yang menjadi basis dari media-media yang telah mengblobal juga ikut dalam menyuarakan pemberitaan yang ada untuk menunjukan power serta kekuatan mereka. Terutama jika kita membahas isu-isu pada dunia internasional yang terus menerus semakin banyak. Maka dari situ juga timbulnya peran media massa sebagai penyambung pemberitaan dan penyebaran keseluruh dunia.
Permasalahan di timur tengah seolah tidak pernah ada habisnya untuk diamati. Setiap hari selalu ada pemberitaan yang terus menerus baru dan menjadi topic hangat. Seperti kita bisa lihat isu perang yang tidak pernah usai untuk dibicarkan, mulai dari Palestina, Syiria, KSA, dan berbagai negara Arab lainnya. Dengan jangkauan media global saat ini, kita dapat melihat bagaimana peran media massa serta perlombaan mereka untuk menunjukan eksistensi mereka. Dengan laporan-laporan terbaru dan terhangat membuat peran media massa global seperti CNN,BBC serta AL-Jazeerah saat ini terlihat lebih besar daripada media massa regional atau nasional dikawasan Timur tengah sendiri. Banyak dari kita saat ini, jika menginginkan atau mengetauhi permaslahan yang terjadi didaerah Timur Tengah selalu berkiblat pada 3(tiga) media massa tersebut. Padahal bisa saja kita melihat dari media local yang notabane nya lebih terpercaya. Tetapi dengan kekuatan media-media global yang berusaha untuk menghegemoni pemikiran-pemikiran dunia hingga media massa saat ini.
Dari penjelasan diatas tersebut, kita tentu mengetauhi bahwa Peran Media Global terhadap permaslahan di Timur Tengah tersebut memiliki daya tarik tersendiri untuk dibahas dan diperdalam selanjutnya. Setelah melihat pemaparan diatas tentu kita bisa lihat dari perspektif positif dan perspektif negative seperti :
1. Bagaimana pengaruh media massa global dalam menyingkapi isu di Timur Tengah?
2. Media massa seperti apa yang berhasil menjelaskan isu-isu di timur tengah?
3. Dari tiga media besar diatas, siapa yang paling kuat untuk menjelaskan isu di timur tengah

Kata kunci : Media massa, dunia, hegemoni
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The mass media have flourished like weeds in the plant. But of course there are still many in the global mass media has a strong influence on a region or might exist. As we know, a lot of global mass media ranging from CNN, BBC and Al-Jazeerah information base that has a strong news coverage. If we look at the side of the Al-jazeerah who repeatedly preached about the news coverage and the problems in the region of the Middle East, as in permaslahan Syria. Where currently Middle world are confronted with crisis and share real race fields. Including mass media in the world, many of them are spreading pengaruhnyadi berbagia country. They look like repackaged news in a good way, and the most dazzling display. Indeed on the fact that the world today has always been influenced and used by the global media. Therefore, many of the countries that became the base of the media that has mengblobal also participated in the voicing might exist to show their strength and power. Especially if we discuss issues on the international world that continuously more and more. Then there is also the emergence of the role of the mass media as the connectivity, the preaching and spreading throughout the world. The problems in the Middle East never seems endless for observed. Every day there's always a new continuous news coverage and became a topic. As we can see the issue of the war that never ended for dibicarkan, from Palestine, Syria, KSA, and a variety of other Arab countries. With the current global media outreach, we can see how the role of the mass media as well as their race to show their existence. With reports of the latest and hottest make the role of global mass media such as CNN, BBC and AL-Jazeerah currently looks bigger than the regional or national media come within the Middle East itself. Many of us today, if you want mengetauhi or permaslahan that occur in the Middle East always used on three (3) media. When can we see from the local media that his notabane is more reliable. But with the power of global media that seeks to menghegemoni thoughts of the world to the media at this time. From the above explanation, we are sure that the role of the Global Media mengetauhi against permaslahan in the Middle East that have attraction to discussed and deepened further. After seeing the above exposure of course we can see from the perspective of positive and negative perspectives such as:1. How does mass media influence on global menyingkapi issues in the Middle East?2. Mass Media like what works explaining the issues in the Middle East?3. Of the three major media above, who is the most powerful to explain the issues in the Middle EastKey words: Mass Media, world, hegemony
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
The mass media has now mushroomed like a plant reeds. But in the global mass media course there are many strong and have an influence on a region or a specific news. As we know, many global mass media ranging from CNN, BBC and Al-Jazeerah which has a strong base of news information. If we look at the side of Al-Jazeerah vigorous preaching about the news and the problems in the Middle East region, such as Syria permaslahan.
Where today the world is faced with a crisis and the race to share in all fields. Including the mass media in the world, many of them mutually spread pengaruhnyadi berbagia country. They seemed to package the news in a good way, and the most stunning views. It is essentially the world today is always influenced and oriented with the existing global media. Therefore, many of the countries that form the basis of the media have also joined in voicing mengblobal news is there to show their power and strength. Especially if we discuss the issues on the international scene is constantly increasing. Then there is also the emergence of the media's role as a connector reporting and dissemination throughout the world.
The problems in the middle east as the never ending flow to be observed. Every day there is always a new continuous news and become a hot topic. As we can see the issue of a war that never ended for dibicarkan, from Palestine, Syria, KSA, and various other Arab countries. With the global reach of the media today, we can see how the role of mass media and their race to show their existence. With recent reports and hottest make the role of global mass media such as CNN, BBC and Al-Jazeerah now appear larger than national or regional mass media the Middle East region alone. Many of us today, if you want or mengetauhi permaslahan happening in Middle East is always oriented to the three (3) of the mass media. In fact, we could see from the local media that his notabane more reliable. But with the power of global media who are trying to hegemonic thinking to the media world today.
From the above explanation, we certainly mengetauhi that the permaslahan Global Media Role in the Middle East has its own appeal for discussion and further deepened. After seeing the above presentation of course we can see from the perspective of positive and negative perspectives such as:
1. How to influence global mass media in menyingkapi issues in the Middle East?
2. The mass media such as what works explaining the issues in the middle east?
3. Of the three major media above, who is the most powerful to explain the issues in the middle east

Keywords: mass media, world, hegemony
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