Cara Kerja:Gantry 1 dan 3 : Control Point, Gantry 2: Charging pointGan terjemahan - Cara Kerja:Gantry 1 dan 3 : Control Point, Gantry 2: Charging pointGan Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Cara Kerja:Gantry 1 dan 3 : Control

Cara Kerja:
Gantry 1 dan 3 : Control Point, Gantry 2: Charging point
Gantry 1 -> Ganty2 : Deteksi dan klasifikasi kendaraaan, identifikasi kendaraan dan kirim data OBU dan posisi serta
rekam nomor depan kendaraan.
Pada saat kendaraan melewati Gantry 1 menuju Gantry 2 pada titik (1) terjadi kegiatan pendeteksian kendaraan dengan
Laser scanner (B) dan pada titik (2) terjadi perekaman nomor depan kendaraan dengan ANPR Kamera (D) serta
pengidentifikasian kendaraan dengan DSRC Reader (C) yang membaca OBU (berada di dalam kendaraan) . Pada saat
kendaraan melewati Laser scanner B.1 maka data OBU dan posisi kendaraan akan dikirim ke Multilane Controller
Gantry 2-> Gantry 3: Kasifikasi kendaraan dan rekam nomor belakang kendaraan serta pengiriman data klasifikasi dan
Kendaraan discan oleh Laser Scanner (B) dari depan hingga belakang kendaraan), kemudian apabila kendaraan sudah
melewati laser scanner (B), maka pada titik (3) ANPR Kamera (A) akan merekam nomor belakang kendaraan. Data
klasifikasi kendaraan dan image akan dikirim ke MLC melalui DSRC reader (C). Data yang ada di MLC : 2 image foto,
nomor kendaraan, Obu ID, Lokasi gantry, tanggal dan waktu transaksi berlangsung.
Karena dasar ERP-nya adalah Pajak maka sistem yang dibangun harus memiliki akurasi tinggi dan rendah
kesalahan, maka perekaman nomor kendaraan dilakukan 2 kali ( depan belakang) serta menggunakan 2
identifikasi ( OBU dan Gambar)
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
How it works:
Gantry 1 and 3: Control Point, Gantry 2: Charging point
Gantry 1-Ganty2 >: Detection and classification of vehicle, vehicle identification and send data and positioning as well as OBU
record number to the front of the vehicle.
at the moment the vehicle passes the Gantry 1 towards the Gantry 2 point (1) vehicle with detection activities happen
Laser scanner (B) and (2) on the point of going on the recording front number vehicles with ANPR Cameras (D) as well as identifying vehicles with DSRC
Reader (C) reads the OBU (inside the vehicle). At the moment the vehicle passes the Laser scanner
b. 1 then the data vehicle position and OBU is sent to Multilane Controller (MLC)
Gantry > Gantry 2-3: Kasifikasi vehicle rear vehicle number and record as well as the delivery of data classification and

Vehicle image scanned by a Laser Scanner (B) from the front to the rear of the vehicle), then if the vehicle already
passing the laser scanner (B), then at that point (3) ANPR Cameras will record (A) the number of the back of the vehicle.
Data classification of vehicles and image will be sent to MLC via DSRC reader (C). Existing Data in the MLC: 2 photos, image
number of vehicles, Location ID, Obu gantry, the date and time the transaction took place because the Foundation.
ERP is a tax system that was built then it should have a high accuracy and low
errors, then recording the number of vehicles carried out 2 times (front back) as well as using 2
identification (OBU and pictures)
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
How it Works:
Gantry 1 and 3: Control Point, Gantry 2: Charging point
Gantry 1 -> Ganty2: Detection and classification of vehicles, vehicle identification and send the data OBU and position as well as the
record number of vehicles ahead.
At the time the vehicle passes to the Gantry Gantry 1 2 at the point (1) occurs with activity vehicle detection
laser scanner (B) and at the point (2) recording occurs next number of vehicles with ANPR cameras (D) as well as the
identification of vehicles with DSRC Reader (C) which read OBU (in the vehicle) . At the time
the vehicle passes the laser scanner B.1 OBU and the data will be sent to the vehicle's position Multilane Controller
Gantry 2-> Gantry 3: Kasifikasi rear vehicle and record the vehicle number and the delivery of data classification and
scanned by the Laser Scanner Vehicle ( B) from the front to the rear of the vehicle), then if the vehicle has
passed through a laser scanner (B), then the point (3) ANPR camera (A) will record the number of vehicles behind. Data
classification of the vehicle and the image will be sent to the MLC via DSRC reader (C). Existing data on MLC: 2 photo image,
number of vehicles, Obu ID, Location gantry, the date and time the transaction took place.
Due to its basic ERP is the tax system that is built must have high accuracy and low
error, then recording the number of vehicles carried 2 times (front and back) as well as using 2
identification (OBU and Images)
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Bahasa lainnya
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