Misteri Dewi Lanjar dan Ratu KidulRatu Kidul yang ada melegendaris di  terjemahan - Misteri Dewi Lanjar dan Ratu KidulRatu Kidul yang ada melegendaris di  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Misteri Dewi Lanjar dan Ratu KidulR

Misteri Dewi Lanjar dan Ratu Kidul

Ratu Kidul yang ada melegendaris di seluruh dunia :

1. Ratu Bilqist (Istri Nabi Sulaiman AS) beliau adalah ratu dari semua ratu bangsa Ahlus Simar,turun di zaman Ketauhidan.

2. Ratu Kidul Hizib Azrak. Beliau menguasai Laut Selatan bagian Bagdad dan sekitarnya, beliau juga bagian dari tangan Ratu Bilqist.

3. Ratu Naga Biru Lapis tiga, beliau salah satu ratu dedemit sebelum Walisongo, dan pernah menduduki sebagai penguasa Laut Selatan. Ratu Naga biru salah satu dari guru semua Ratu Pantai Selatan yang ada di pulau Jawa.

4. Dewi Nawang Wulan

5. Nawang Sari. Beliau berdua putri dari Prabu Siliwang, dari Ratu Palaga Iggris (bangsa Ahmar Seleman) yang pada akhirnya ngahyang dan menjadi penguasa Laut Selatan, bagian Jawa Barat dan Cilacap

6. Dewi Nawang Wulan, istri dari Joko Tarub,menguasai bagian laut Selatan Jawa Tengah dan Solo.

7. Siti Fathimah Demak Bintoro, beliau salah satu putri Prabu Siliwangi dari keluarga Demak Bintoro,yang akhirnya ngahyang dan menjadi penguasa laut Selatan bagian Yogyakarta.

8. Dewi Kencono Wungu, istri dari Joko Tingkir,penguasa laut Selatan bagian Wonosobo dan Magelang.

9. Dewi Andini, Putra dari Ibu Ratu Kidul Nawang Wulan bin Prabu Siliwangi,yang menguasai bagian Tasik dan sekitarnya.

10. Nyi Blorong, putri Prabu Siliwangi, dari ratu Seleman,yang menguasai bagian Cilacap dan pulau Penyu (nusa kambangan)

11. Ratu Sejagat Alam dan putrinya,menguasai dari 7 generasi dan paling lama menduduki ratu pantai Selatan,terhitung dari zaman Togog, Adli, Seleman, Lelembut dan baru ngahyang pada zaman Wali Songo.

Sedangkan Dewi Lanjar atau Siti Hj.Khodijah binti pangeran Demak Raja Pulasaren, beliau adalah ratu tunggal yang menguasai laut Utara. Dewi lanjar ini pernah menjadi istri dari Mbah Kuwu Cakra Buana, Cirebon, yang menempati pulau Selamaran Pekalongan.

Dari semua Ratu diatas, kita hanya paham satu ibu Ratu kidul, yaitu era Wali Songo, Dewi Nawang Wulan dan Nyi Blorong. Nah, sekedar ulasan kecil, kami akan ceritakan kronologi perjalanan Ibu Dewi nawang Wulan dan Dewi Lanjar, di era yang sama.

Dalam nasab atau sifat keturunan, Allah telah menjadikan dua arah yang saling bersebrangan tapi satu ikatan, yaitu dari Anwas dan Anfus,dari keduanya melahirkan dua jalur yang berbeda : Turun ke para Nabi – Turun ke Sanghyang.

Dari nasab Nabi menghadirkan keturunan para Waliyulloh dan dari nasab Sanghyang, menurunkan Para Ahlul Bathin atau kesaktian. Dari perjalanan Ahlul Bathin, Allah menempatkan keturunan Sanghyang ini ke sifat penjaga alam atau disebut Abdul Jumud (bangsa lelembut) Sedangkan dari nasab sampai ke Nabi Allah menciptakan sifat kholifah atau pemimpin umat.

Secara ilmu Tauhid, seluruh Bangsa Abdul Jumud, diciptakan sebagai pendamping kekuatan Walisongo,sebab mereka tercipta sebagai hamba Abdul Jumud, dan hanya tunduk terhadap Bangsa Athob. Adapun Abdul jumud disini, terbagi menjadi 2 kelompok :

Kelompok Abyad (putih)
Kelompok Aswad (hitam)

Sama seperti manusia, Baik (lembut) anarkis (jahat) Kisah Ibu Ratu Dewi Nawang Wulan, dalam hidupnya beliau pernah di nikahi oleh beberapa Waliyulloh, diantaranya : Syeikh Abdurrahman atau Pangeran Panjunan, Ki.Gede Plered, Arya Panangsang, Raja Samudra, pangeran Bulakamba, Arya Bengah dan yang terakhir kanjeng Sunan Kali Jaga.

Adapun Dewi lanjar, pernah dinikah oleh Raja Mataram, Kiyai Tubagus Ampel, pangeran Samudra, Arya sabakingking dan terakhir Mbah Kuwu Cakra Buanakedua penguasa laut ini masih golongan sanghyang atau abdul jumud (lelembut) lalu bagaimana dengan pandangan orang umum dalam menyikapi mereka yang konon sebagi lambang pesugihan ?

Dalam ilmu tauhid dijelaskan : Bahwa Allah SWT, akan membagi rejekinya di tiga golongan : Para nabi seturunannya atau Manusia. Bangsa Jin dan Lelembut. Dari perjalanan rejeki ini yang diberikan oelh Allah, hanya para lelembutlah yang mampu mengendalikan keuangan.

Sebab mereka tercipta sebagi hamba yang selalu memakai aturan. Sedangkan bangsa Nabi, Wali atau Manusia serta bangsa Jin, semuanya lebih memasrahkan hartanya demi agama (perjalanan secara hukum agama).

Jadi masuk akal secara pandangan Hukum, bila para abdul jumud, lebih memperkaya dalam hal materi dari pada sifat manusia atau jin sehingga dengan sifat anarkis dan nafsu sahwatnya para mansuia dan jin, mereka yang kurang iman, memohon kepada para abdul jumud.

Nah…disini proses terjadinya PESUGIHAN. Manusia dan jin, memaksa kehendak, seperti secara lahiriyyah.mereka masuk dalam sifat rentenir semakin kita masuk semakin hidup kita hancur.

Adapun bangsa Abdul Jumud, tinggal menerima segala apa yang dijanjikan manusia bejat dan tak bermoral. Sudah jelas bahwa Allah SWT, telah membagi rejekinya dengan cara kasbi, tapi ada saja manusia dan jin memakai caranya sedniri dengan wasilah bangsa lainnya.

Inilah susunan Alam, menurut kitab : Bumi, tercipta bagi manusia dan jin, juga lelembut dan ahmar serta bangsa Abdul jumud lainnya. Bumi tercipta 7 lapis astral atau hijab dan mempunyai 70 alam yang b
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The mysteries of the goddess Lanjar and Queen of the SouthQueen of the South that exists worldwide: melegendaris1. Queen Bilqist (wife of Prophet Sulaiman us) he is the Queen of all Queens of Nations Ahlus Simar, down in the age of whence are.2. Queen of South Hizib Azrak. He mastered the Sea South of Baghdad and surrounding areas, he is also part of the hand of Queen Bilqist.3. three coats of Blue Dragon Queen, he was one of the Queen prior to dedemit Information, and never occupied as ruler of the southern sea. Blue Dragon Queen one of the teacher all of Queen of the South coast that is on the island of Java.4. Dewi Nawang Wulan5. Nawang Sari. He was both the daughter of Prabu Siliwang, Queen of Palaga Iggris (nation Ahmar Seleman) that ultimately ngahyang and became the rulers of the South Sea, parts of West Java and Cilacap6. Goddess Nawang Wulan, wife of Joko Tarub, occupying parts of Central Java and South Sea Solo.7. the Demak Bintoro Fathimah Siti, she the daughter of Prabu Siliwangi one of Demak Bintoro, the family finally ngahyang and became sovereign of the seas south of Yogyakarta.8. Goddess Yes Wungu, wife of Joko Tingkir, Lord of the Sea South of Magelang and Wonosobo.9. Goddess of Andini, the son of Ratu Kidul Mother Nawang Wulan bin Prabu Siliwangi, who ruled parts of the Lake and its surroundings.10. Nyi Blorong, daughter of Prabu Siliwangi, from Queen Seleman, who ruled parts of Cilacap and Turtle Island (nusa kambangan)11. the Universal Nature of the Queen and her daughter, master of the 7th generation and longest occupied South Beach Queen, accounting of Togog, Adli, Seleman, Lelembut and new ngahyang at the time of Wali Songo.While the Goddess Lanjar or Khodijah binti Hj. Siti Prince of Demak King Pulasaren, he was the sole Queen who rules over the North Sea. Lanjar goddess was once a wife from Mbah Kuwu Chakra Buana, Cirebon, Pekalongan that occupy Selamaran island.Queen of all the above, we only know one mother of Queen of the South, that the era of the Wali Songo, Dewi Nawang Wulan and Nyi Blorong. Well, just small reviews, we will tell the chronology of the journey of the Mother Goddess nawang Wulan Lanjar Goddess and, in the same era.In the forbidden or the nature of the seed, God has made two-way mutual bersebrangan but one bonds, i.e. from Anwas and Anfus, from both of which spawned two different lines: down to the prophets – down to the trance dance.From forbidden the Prophet presents the descendants of the Waliyulloh and of the forbidden Sanghyang, lose The Spiritual or supernatural powers ". From the Ahl, the Spiritual descendants of God put this into nature guards Sanghyang nature or called Abdul an old-fashioned (lelembut nation) while from forbidden up to the Prophet God created nature of the Caliph or leader of the faithful.In science, the Unity of the whole nation Abdul an old-fashioned, created as a companion to the power of Information, because they are created as a servant Abdul an old-fashioned, and only subject to the nation's Athob. As for Abdul, an old-fashioned here, divided into 2 groups:Group Abyad (white)The Group Aswad (black)Just like humans, good (soft) anarchist (wicked) tale of Queen Mother Goddess Nawang Wulan, in his life, he never married by several Waliyulloh, including the following: Sheikh Abdurrahman or Prince Panjunan, Ki Gede Plered., Arya Panangsang, the King of the ocean, Prince Bulakamba, Arya Bengah and the last of his Sunan Kalijaga.As for the Goddess lanjar, ever dinikah by the Kings of Mataram, Kiyai Tubagus Ampel, Prince of ocean, Arya sabakingking and final Buanakedua Chakra Kuwu Mbah sovereign of the seas is still the sanghyang or abdul an old-fashioned (lelembut) how to view people in addressing their supposedly as symbol of pesugihan?In the science of monotheism was explained: that God Almighty, will split with in three groups: the prophets are Human or seturunannya. The nation of Jin and Lelembut. From this good fortune journey given by God, only the lelembutlah are able to control finances.Because they are created as servants who wearing rule. While the nation's Prophet, guardians or human as well as the nation of Jin, they entrusted her for the sake of more religion (religion legally travel).So it makes sense in view of the law, when the abdul an old-fashioned, more enriching in terms of material on the nature of man or Jinn so as to the nature of anarchist and sahwatnya the deceased appetite and jin, the less faith, appealed to the abdul an old-fashioned.Well ... here the process of occurrence of PESUGIHAN. Humans and Jinn, force of will, like in lahiriyyah. they enter in the nature of loan sharks more we entered the more our lives are ruined.As for Abdul, an old-fashioned Live Nation accept all what was promised and unscrupulous depraved human beings. It's obvious that God Almighty, has split with kasbi way, but there are just men and Jinn to wear sedniri with the way other Nations wasilah.This is the order of nature, according to the book: Earth, created for mankind and the Jinn, also lelembut and ahmar and other old-fangled Abdul nation. The Earth was created 7 coats of the astral or hijab and had 70 natural b
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Goddess mystery Lanjar and Queen of South Queen of the South that is melegendaris worldwide: 1. Bilqist queen (wife of Solomon AS) she is the queen of all queens nation Ahlus Simar, fell in the age of monotheism. 2. Queen of South Hizib azrak. He mastered the South Sea and surrounding parts of Baghdad, he is also part of the Queen Bilqist hand. 3. Lapis Blue Dragon Queen of three, he was one of the queen Evils before Walisongo, and has held as the ruler of the South Sea. Blue Dragon Queen one of the teachers of all the Queen of the South Coast of the island of Java. 4. Dewi Nawang Wulan 5. Nawang Sari. He was both the daughter of King Siliwang, of Queen Palaga Iggris (nation Ahmar Seleman) that ultimately ngahyang and become the ruler of the South Sea, parts of West Java and Cilacap 6. Dewi Nawang Wulan, the wife of Joko Tarub, mastering South marine parts of Central Java and Solo. 7. Siti Fatimah Demak Bintoro, he was one of the daughters of King Siliwangi of Demak Bintoro family, which eventually became the ruler of the sea ngahyang and Southern parts of Yogyakarta. 8. Wungu Kencono goddess, wife of Joko Tingkir, the ruler of the South Sea and parts of Wonosobo, Magelang. 9. Dewi Andini, the Son of the Mother Queen of the South Nawang Wulan son of King Siliwangi, who controlled parts of the Lake and surrounding areas. 10. Nyi Blorong, daughter of King Siliwangi, of the queen Seleman, which controls parts of Cilacap and island Turtle (homeland to crawl) 11. Queen of the Universe Nature and her daughter, master of the seventh generation and the longest occupied queen South coast, starting from the time Togog, Adli, Seleman, and new lelembut ngahyang at the time of Wali Songo. While Dewi Lanjar or Hj.Khodijah Siti bint prince Raja Pulasaren Demak, He is a single queen who controls the North Sea. Linear goddess was once the wife of Mbah Kuwu Cakra Buana, Cirebon, Pekalongan Selamaran who occupy the island. Of all the Queen of the above, we only know one mother queen kidul, namely the era of Wali Songo, Dewi Nawang Wulan and Nyi Blorong. Well, just a little lesson, we will tell the chronology of the trip Mrs. Dewi Nawang Wulan and Goddess Lanjar, in the same era. In nasab or the nature of heredity, God made ​​the two-way mutually bersebrangan but a single bond, ie from Anwas and anfus, from both gave birth to two different pathways: Down to the Prophet - Down to Sanghyang. From nasab descendant of the Prophet brings the Waliyulloh and of nasab Sanghyang, lowering the Ahlul Bathin or magic. Of the trip Ahlul Bathin, God puts descent Sanghyang it to nature keepers natural or called Abdul old-fashioned (nation lelembut) As of nasab to the Prophet God created nature caliph or leader of the people. In the science of Tawheed, the entire nation Abdul old-fashioned, created as a companion force Walisongo because they are created as a servant Abdul old-fashioned, and subject only to the United Athob. As for Abdul old-fashioned here, divided into 2 groups: Group Abyad (White) group Aswad (black) Just like humans, Good (soft) anarchist (bad) story of the Queen Mother Goddess Nawang Wulan, in his life he has in married by some Waliyulloh, including : Sheikh Abdurrahman or Prince Panjunan, Ki.Gede Plered, Arya Panangsang, King Ocean, prince Bulakamba, pedantic and last Arya Kanjeng Sunan Kali Jaga. The Goddess of linear, never dinikah by the King of Mataram, Kiyai Tubagus Ampel, prince Ocean, Arya sabakingking and last Mbah Kuwu Chakra Buanakedua sea power is still class sanghyang or abdul old-fashioned (lelembut) and how the views of the public in dealing with those who supposedly as a emblem pesugihan? In the science of monotheism explained: That Allah, will split the fortune in three groups: The seturunannya or human prophet. Jin and lelembut. The fortune of the trip given enumerated by God, just the lelembutlah capable of controlling the finances. Because they are created as a servant who always wears rules. While the nation of the Prophet, the Mayor or the Man and the Jin, everything is surrendering his wealth for the sake of religion (traveling by law). So it makes sense in view of the law, if the abdul old-fashioned, more enriching in terms of the material from the nature of man or jinn so by nature anarchists and lust sahwatnya the mansuia and jinn, those who lack faith, appealed to Abdul old-fashioned. Well ... here the process of pesugihan. Humans and jinn, force of will, such as lahiriyyah.mereka entered in nature moneylenders increasingly more we enter our lives ruined. The nation Abdul old-fashioned, just accept what was promised man depraved and immoral. It is clear that Allah, has split the fortune by means kasbi, but there are only human and jinn put on how sedniri with wasilah other nations. This is the arrangement of Nature, according to the book: the Earth, created for humans and jinn, also lelembut and Ahmar and nation Abdul old-fashioned Other. 7 layers of earth created astral or hijab and has 70 natural b

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