Tour in Kampung TuatunuAs said before, this village is very special because it offers You the place of religious tourism, history and nature in one location. As you enter the village is still very natural you will find the largest mosque in Bangka Belitung, namely the Tuatunu mosque was inaugurated by a Minister. Here, you can pray and if you are lucky you can see traditions Nganggung held at the mosque on a daily basis the great religions.This mosque is very special because in addition to being the center of religious activities also has a unique construction that is a green roof shaped like pan or a hood-food that is often used on the feast of the Nganggung and there is 47,5 metres high tower. For the drum that is in the mosque also utilises i.e. unique drum eletronik utilizes sensor pressure on the surface of the skin that is then processed by beduk loudspeakers.After you are satisfied to enjoy one of the places of religious tourism, history and nature in this Tuatunu then you can proceed to the well Pekasem. Here you can enjoy a rather spooky history tour that is a well used by the people's security Army TKR to dispose of the corpse of the invaders were killed. It is kind of spooky but nice enough to add to the knowledge about the history of the struggle for the independence of Indonesia for your kids.Selanjutnya Anda juga bisa menikmati wisata alam yang berupa perkebunan nanas yang telah dibudidayakan secara turun temurun. Anda bisa bersantai sambil menikmati alam dan makan nanas di pondok-pondok yang ada disekitar perkebunan nanas tersebut dan jika sudah puas Anda bisa lanjut ke hutan Tuatunu yang masih banyak dihuni satwa liar seperti monyet, ular, lebah, dan kancil.
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