You know, im really have to forget. Tapi tidak melupakan perlakuan mer terjemahan - You know, im really have to forget. Tapi tidak melupakan perlakuan mer Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

You know, im really have to forget.

You know, im really have to forget. Tapi tidak melupakan perlakuan mereka ! Terutama dia telah menjadi bajingan. Tidak mengakui anaknya sendiri.tuhan akan menghukum dia masuk neraka. Also his wife.. She was talk front of much people that her son dont have father, so mydaughter soon also must dont have father. But and the reality… her son have a father and not mydaughter.. She also bastard ! Aku dendam, im an arogant people. Aku akan buat juga supaya apa yang dia bicarakan, akan sama dalam kenyataan. Anakny juga harus tidak punya bapak. Nanti jika aku laporkan bajingan itu ke polisi, mereka akan hancur.. Aku tidak akan melupakan apa yang mereka perbuat pada hidupku dan apa yang mereka rusak dalam hidup anakku. Mungkin sekarang tuhan masih memberi kesempatan mereka untuk hidup bahagia. Lihat saja nanti
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
You know, im really have to forget. But not to forget their treatment! Especially he has become assholes. Does not recognize his own son. God will punish him in hell. Also his wife ... She was the talk of the front of much people that her son dont have father, so mydaughter soon also must dont have father. But the reality ... her son have a father and not mydaughter.. She also bastard! I spite, im an arogant people. I will create also so that what he was talking about, would be the same in reality. Anakny should also have no father. Later if I report a bastard to the police, they will be crushed. .. I will not forget what they do on my life and what they are broken in my son's life. Maybe now the Lord still give their chances for a happy life. Just look at later
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
You know, im really have to forget. But do not forget about their treatment! Mainly he has been a bastard. Did not recognize her son sendiri.tuhan will condemn him to hell. Also his wife .. She was much talk front of her son that people dont have father, so mydaughter Also soon must dont have father. But the reality ... and her son have a father and not mydaughter .. Also She bastard! I grudge, im an arogant people. I will make also that what he is talking about, would be the same in reality. Anakny also must not have a father. Later if I report it to the police rogues, they will be destroyed .. I will never forget what they did in my life and what is damaged in my life. Maybe now God still gives them a chance to live happily. Let's see later
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