I. INTRODUCTION Banjarmasin with its position as the capital of South Kalimantan province has a strategic function as a center of growth in the province, which has consequences as a center of commerce, government and social services regional scale. It is based RUTRK Banjarmasin 2001-2011, in which the city of Banjarmasin has a primary function as a provincial capital and the center of trade and services. As a center of trade and services, this can be seen from the contribution of sectors / activities to the GDP of Banjarmasin in 2002 from commercial activities ( trade, restaurants and hotels; transport and communications; finance, leasing and business services; Services) is the largest, amounting to Rp 2,066,977,885 (57.43%). The trade sector is a sector basis in Banjarmasin for nearly 42.60% (2005) Labor Force age population absorbed into TSB sector. In addition, the city of Banjarmasin is traffic areas Trans Kalimantan and acts as a port city (one piece Trisakti ocean port, a harbor dock Martapura fruit and three People's Pier Sailing) which causes the flow of the circulation of goods and people so rapidly, good circulation between districts and inter-provincial and inter-island.
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