1. the process of the project has not been prepared because there are still some obstacles or problems in the face. Associated with nature, for example, there is a problem that does not just happen at Sea alone but is also associated with the condition and position of the geographic location that will be used to carry out the project. As noted in the sunda Strait lies the volcano Krakatoa which until now still active and there is still possibility to erupt. This eruption could cause an earthquake that will ultimately influence as well as a very large impact on the construction of the bridge.Other related msalah institutional system in Indonesia that regulates matters relating to the construction project of the sunda Strait bridge itself, all kinds of regulations that have a relationship with the development process and system operation must be provided in advance.But after I read at KOMPAS.com that mention that the Sunda Strait Bridge Megaproject or JSS linking Java and Sumatra island could not be continued during the reign of Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla. Two things into consideration presidential primary.First, he said, feared would turn off identity JSS Indonesia as the country's maritime according to Minister of national development planning Andrinof Randysim Sunda Strait became one of the busiest crossings, though the line is still a lot of lack of performance. If (crossing the Sunda Strait) is turned off and in fact not improved its performance, it will eliminate the identity of Indonesia as a maritime StatePreferably, services or performance to cruise on the crossing of the Sunda Strait improved, for example by adding the ship crossing, docks, and other supporting facilities repair.As for the second consideration is the continued construction of the bridge is about inequality. According to Andrinof, how funny if a Government berkoar-koar will hit the inequality thus making megaproject that augments inequality. In addition to these considerations, Andrinof two also mentioned that the President knowingly Jokowi also is the fulfillment of the needs of people's homes are still minimal. Backlog or inequality between demand and availability of the House was home to at least reach 15 million households, with more than 1 million homes per year. The backlog was due to concessions of land tenure. Mastery of the land by a handful of entrepreneurs make land prices are not affordable. So, the next should be clear, build it for what it is. Build for a handful of people or for the people a lot. So far the project is not yet ready may even be cancelled.2. Advantages of the sunda Strait Bridge close to mount Krakatoa is if we want to travel to mount Krakatoa distance might be getting closer, and we also see bias of Krakatoa off the top of the bridge.The loss of the sunda Strait Bridge close to the volcano is still active and there is still possibility to erupt, eruption could cause an earthquake that will ultimately influence as well as a very large impact on the construction of the bridge. 3. who will take part in the construction of the bridge the sunda Strait adalkah Government diprakarsi by PT Graha Sejahtera Lampung and Banten (GBLS).And what happens is terjadnya konfik decrease against maritime transport vessel and, construction of a bridge linking the Sunda Strait Java-Sumatra predicted may give rise to a conflict of land. Under the rebuilding of infrastructure connecting the Java-Sumatra next ditahun-tahun, land conflicts will surely happen according to the teaching of sociology and POLITICAL SCIENCE Darmajanti Linda University of Indonesia, it happens because in spatial science, if a road infrastructure was built, her left dikanan certainly could grow new developers. Many are not aware that the existence of these developers in the long run will disrupt social order and societal systems. The existence of infrastructure will make the system around very open. According to him, the land that is already built into the potential developers will be great and worth the price. To that end, the Government should start thinking of ' land bank ' that should not be owned by the private sector. Therefore, the Government should pay attention to the social values that arise when infrastructure is built.The conclusion is that if the Government wants to cancel the construction of the bridge projects the sunda Strait then we suggest that the Government should improve the service or performance cruise on crossing the Sunda Strait, Indonesia's identity if you want as a maritime Nation is not lost, for example by adding the ship crossing, docks, and other supporting facilities repair. But the Government should also consider about the construction of the bridge of the sunda Strait, because Congestion is already too often happens in crossing the sunda Strait and a broad impact to the toll road, Jakarta – Merak exposes the bad face of transportation in our country. This can be seen from the infrastructure on the ground that ambush, where ferry boats used alone was very old and most are in fact already unworthy to wear so it is very risky for the user services crossing and because the conditions are a little bit should be diperbaikan. This became one of the cause of clutter or jamming because it would lead to shortages of the carrier fleet. Construction of the bridge the sunda Strait will automatically eliminate all the clutter that occurred during these crossings in the sunda Strait. It will also make it easy for people to cross over from Java to Sumatra and one thing is very certain, much safer than a lot of people living in mempertauhkan in the existing crossings at all but still forced to serve a relatively compromised crosswalks. Hopefully the Government is more concerned with the interests of society by building a bridge penyebarangan the sunda Strait instead of listening to the interests of a handful of stakeholders in sunda Strait ferry crossings.
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