Sudah saatnya Jakarta memiliki MRT. Mungkin banyak yang masih asing de terjemahan - Sudah saatnya Jakarta memiliki MRT. Mungkin banyak yang masih asing de Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Sudah saatnya Jakarta memiliki MRT.

Sudah saatnya Jakarta memiliki MRT. Mungkin banyak yang masih asing dengan MRT, apakah itu MRT? MRT adalah Mass Rapid Transit yang secara harfiah berarti angkutan yang dapat mengangkut penumpang dalam jumlah besar dengan cepat. MRT terdiri dari 2 macam, ada MRT yang menggunakan jalan raya seperti busway, atau yang menggunakan rel.

MRT yang direncanakan dibangun di Jakarta adalah yang menggunakan rel dengan jenis heavy rail transit, kapasitasnya seperti kereta api listrik di Jabodetabek. Keberadaan MRT nantinya akan memberikan manfaat langsung sebagai sarana transportasi yang handal, cepat, aman dan nyaman. Warga Jakarta nantinya akan semakin mudah untuk bepergian, pertumbuhan ekonomi serta perbaikan kualitas hidup warga kota pun diharapkan meningkat.

Selain itu, MRT juga berdampak pada penciptaan lapangan kerja, perbaikan lingkungan, peningkatan kapasitas transportasi publik dan memiliki kesempatan besar untuk meremajakan wajah kota.

Munculnya MRT juga menimbulkan sebuah pertanyaan besar, akankah MRT mampu menyelesaikan kemacetan di Jakarta? Ya, peran MRT akan dan pembatasan volume lalu lintas. Yang terpenting adalah mendorong pengguna kendaraan pribadi beralih ke MRT , dengan berkurangnya penggunaan kendaraan pribadi, maka ruang gerak di jalan raya akan semakin luas, itu berarti tingkat kemacetan dan polusi akan berkurang.

Proyek pembangunan MRT adalah proyek yang menjadi tanggung jawab Pemerintah Pusat RI bersama dengan Pemerintah Daerah DKI Jakarta. Dengan didampingi kontraktor, konsultan, expert specialist, perencana kota, ekonomis, traffic planner, traffic engineer yang berpengalaman dalam membangun sistem MRT di berbagai kota besar dunia lainnya, PT MRT Jakarta bersama Dinas Perhubungan Pemrov DKI Jakarta akan berupaya mengendalikan dampak kemacetan yang mungkin timbul dengan adanya pembangunan MRT.

Upaya tersebut adalah pelebaran ruas jalan sepanjang rute MRT Jakarta, pelebaran ruas jalan alternative, mengurangi konflik lalu lintas pada simpang. Penertiban hambatan samping, pengalihan arus melalui penutupan jalan dan tentunya penempatan petugas.

Pembangunan MRT untuk koridor Selatan-Utara Tahap I (Lebak Bulus – Bundaran HI) dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh pemerintah melalui pinjaman luar negeri Jepang dengan bentuk kerjasama government to government dalam bentuk Special Term for Economic Partnership dengan bunga pinjaman rendah di bawah 1%. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta menjamin kesinambungan proyek ini sejak masa pembangunan dan saat masa operasinya.

Begitu matangnya rencana pemerintah membangun MRT untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah krusial di Jakarta, kita lihat saja, apakah keberadaan MRT sanggup mengatasinya? (Laras)

kepada yang terhormat:
Bapak Adi
Bapak Ali

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
It is high time Jakarta has a MRT station. Perhaps many are still unfamiliar with the MRT, MRT is it? The MRT Mass Rapid Transit is that it literally means of transport that can carry large numbers of passengers quickly. MRT consists of 2 kinds, there is the MRT uses the highway as the busway, or who use rail.

The planned MRT Jakarta was built using Rails with the kind of heavy rail transit capacity, such as electric trains in the Jabodetabek area. The existence of the MRT will provide a direct benefit as a means of transportation that is reliable, fast, secure and convenient. The citizens of Jakarta will be easier to travel, economic growth and the improvement of quality of life of the townspeople were expected to increase.

Moreover, MRT also have an impact on job creation, improvement of the environment, enhancement of the capacity of public transportation and has a great chance to rejuvenate the face of town.

the emergence of MRT also raises a great question, will the MRT was able to complete gridlock in Jakarta? Yes, the role of the MRT will be restricted and the volume of traffic. The most important is encouraging users vehicles switch to MRT, with the decline in the use of private vehicles, the space on the highway will be more extensive, it means the level of congestion and pollution will be reduced.

MRT development project is a project which became the responsibility of the Central Government of INDONESIA together with the local Government of DKI Jakarta. Accompanied by contractors, consultants, expert specialist, urban planners, traffic, economic planner, traffic engineer who is experienced in building the MRT system in various cities of the world, PT MRT Jakarta along with The relationship of the Pemrov Jakarta would attempt to control the impact of congestion that may arise with the development of MRT.

These Efforts is the widening of roads along the route of the MRT Jakarta, widening alternative roads, reducing traffic conflict at intersection. Curbing inhibitions aside, diversion of the flow through the closure of roads and of course placement officer.

MRT Development for South-North corridor phase I (the Lebak Bulus – HI Roundabout) is financed entirely by the Government through Japan's overseas loans with partnership government to government in the form of Special Terms for Economic Partnership with low-interest loans under 1%. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of DKI Jakarta guarantees the continuity of this project since the time of construction and during operations.

so matangnya the Government's plans to build the MRT to tackle crucial issues in Jakarta, we just look, whether the existence of the MRT was able to handle it? (The barrel)

: dear to Mr. Adi

Ali's Father
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
It's time to have the MRT Jakarta. Perhaps many are still unfamiliar with the MRT, the MRT does it? Mass Rapid Transit MRT is literally transports that can carry passengers in large quantities quickly. MRT is composed of two kinds, there is MRT which uses the highway as the busway, or the use of rail. planned MRT Jakarta is built using rails with the type of heavy rail transit, such as rail capacity electricity in Greater Jakarta. The existence of the MRT will provide immediate benefits as a means of transportation that is reliable, fast, secure and convenient. Jakarta residents will be increasingly easier to travel, economic growth and improved quality of life of city residents are expected to increase. Moreover, MRT also have an impact on job creation, environmental improvement, increased public transport capacity and has a great opportunity to rejuvenate the city faces. Emergence MRT also raises a big question, will the MRT is able to resolve the congestion in Jakarta? Yes, the role of the MRT will and restrictions of traffic volumes. The important thing is to encourage private vehicle users to switch to the MRT, with reduced use of private vehicles, the space on the highway will be widened, it means the level of congestion and pollution will be reduced. MRT construction project is the project that is the responsibility of the Central Government of Indonesia together with local government of Jakarta. Accompanied by a contractor, consultant, expert specialists, city planners, economic, traffic planners, traffic engineers experienced in building the MRT system in various major cities of the world, PT MRT Jakarta Provincial Government together with Jakarta Transportation Department will seek to control the congestion effects that may arise with the construction of the MRT. Such efforts are widening roads along the MRT route, widening alternative roads, reducing traffic conflicts at intersections. Control barrier aside, the transfer of current through road closures and course placement officer. Development MRT North-South corridor for Phase I (Lebak Bulus - HI Roundabout) is fully financed by the government through foreign loans with the Japanese government to government cooperation in the form of the Special Term for Economic Partnership with low-interest loans under 1%. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Jakarta Government to guarantee the continuity of this project since the construction period and the current period of operation. soon maturation of the government's plan to build the MRT to address crucial problems in Jakarta, we see whether the presence of the MRT to meet it? (Barrel) to Dear: Mr. Adi Mr. Ali

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