"Thus the Mbah. If a child is not able to set up, how great if it later? If the nggarong gave/ask gimana? our own right later that hassle? "Mbah gelagapan Atmo. Not real. Have not the words again to defend his adopted grandson. Sekasar whatever the word, indeed is true. Mbah Atmo admit it. The little boy who often stayed at home was indeed a clay, no bias is controlled again.Call Mr. Dukuh and other citizens of the cruel and heartless it seems also not too precise. Goodness citizens poured on Warjono is not a little. Kang Parno Sadak, Mr. Grace, Yanto, Bu Sutarni, and other citizens of always feeding if the boy had come to their home. Do not forget the little money they have given to the gallery. Also once in a while they bought clothes. When trees fall Warjono kueni until his hand was broken, they were willing to help, bring it to deny one Menthel in the area until healed."I know you are very fond of Warjono, Mbah. But, this is for the sake of us together. "Mbah atmo away silently. There, her eyes begin to issue a clear liquid.Yes, Mbah. Warjono will send it to the city. To Jogja.The decision was not went sour. But, Mr. dukuh and citizens already had no other choice. In this village, Warjono already can not be regulated and only akam make noise. Meanwhile, if you want was penalized, obviously could not. The boy was still too small in the eyes of the law. Topo, Jumino as well as kang sepiono. Please bring immediately Warjoni go to our hometown dri!.Well, Mr. Dukuh!. The third person was immediately dragged Warjono which still tied both legs into the car pick up courtesy of Mas sincere. The car's engine soon turned on. The smoke is billowing meet Pak home page Host. Before the car was moving, with his old power Atmo Mabh approached Warjono. Hug him.Heart ya URnak.air eyes grandfather was unstoppable.Mouth gaping Warjono. Hematoma hematoma on his face still visible.Simbah don't cry. Mbah atmo kian tightly embraced Warjono. Now if the night could listen simbah wayang kulit. The radio link is not noisy again, Mbah.
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