selamat pagi nona dan tuan, sekarang kita akan melanjutkan kembali keg terjemahan - selamat pagi nona dan tuan, sekarang kita akan melanjutkan kembali keg Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

selamat pagi nona dan tuan, sekaran

selamat pagi nona dan tuan, sekarang kita akan melanjutkan kembali kegiatan ini.
yang saya hormati dosen saya prof zaimi dan hadirin sekalian yang tercinta.
Pertama-tama, mari kita panjatkan puju sukur kepada Allah SWT , karena berkat-dan rahmatnya kegiatan ini dapat kita lanjutkan.
Kedua, shalawat dan salam juga sampaikan kepada nabi kita Muhammad SAW, yang telah menuntun kita dari kegelapan ke alam yang lebih baik seperti saat ini.

Nah, Ladies and gentlemen.
Sebelum presentasi ini kita mulai, izinkan saya memperkenalkan terlebih dahulu, saya..........................
................................................ Sebagai Moderator
................................................ Sebagai Pertama Presenter
................................................ Sebagai Kedua Presenter
................................................ Sebagai Presenter ketiga
Wanita dan pria.
Dan sekarang, mari kita buka acara ini mengucapkan basmallah bersama: "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim"
Terima kasih, agenda selanjutnya adalah sesi presentasi, untuk giliran pertama
akan diberikan oleh presenter pertama, ...............
Giliran berikutnya adalah untuk pembicara kedua, ............ waktu dan tempat kami persilahkan .

--------------- PRESENTASI WAKTU ----------------

Terima kasih untuk semua presenter. Nah, ladies and gentlemen. Sekarang, kita masuki sesi tanya Jawab. Akan ada dua sesi dan setiap sesi untuk dua pertanyaan., Sebelum itu silakan angkat tangan, berdiri dan Jangan lupa untuk menyebutkan nama Anda. Setiap pertanyaan mungkin?
 giliran berikutnya: * giliran berikutnya *
 Sillently, silakan! : * Harap Tenang *
 keras, silakan !: * mohon dikeraskan *
 jadi tunggu satu menit fiew !: * kalau BeGiTu, tunggu silahkan *
 silakan mr / miss apakah Anda Sudah PUAS dgn jawaban yg diberikan? *
 mungkin dua pertanyaan yang cukup bagi kita sekarang: *

---------------- (Q DAN SESI) -------------------

Wanita dan pria! Akhirnya, Kami datang ke agenda terakhir. Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih lagi untuk presenter dan semua penonton untuk berpartisipasi aktifnya tepuk tangan untuk kita semua. mudah mudahan persentasi ini akan memberikan manfaat bagi kita. Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda. Sampai ketemu lagi………..

Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
good morning Miss and master, now we will resume these activities.I respect my lecturer Prof. zaimi and audience all loved.First of all, let's panjatkan puju sukur to God Almighty, because the blessings and graces this activity we can continue.Second, the blessings and greetings also pass on to our Prophet Muhammad, which have lead us from darkness to a better nature.Well, Ladies and gentlemen.This presentation before we start, let me introduce first, I ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .................................................... As A Moderator................................................ As The First Presenter................................................. As Both A Presenter................................................ As the third Presenter.Women and men.And now, let's go to the show say basmallah together: "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim"Thank you, the agenda of the next session presentation, for the first turnwill be given by the first presenter, ... ... ... ... ...The next turn is to the second speaker, ... ... ... ... the time and place of the survivors.-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-PRESENTATIONS OF TIME----------------Thank you to all the presenters. Well, ladies and gentlemen. Now, we have one question and answer session. There will be two sessions and each session for two questions., before that please raise your hand, stand up and don't forget to mention your name. Each question perhaps? the next turn: * next * turn Sillently, please! : * Please Calm Down * hard, please!: * Please be hardened * so wait a minute fiew!: * If so, wait please * Please mr/miss if You are already satisfied with the reply given answer? * Maybe two questions are enough for us today: *---------------- (Q DAN SESI) -------------------Ladies and gentlemen! Finally, we come to the last agenda. We would like to thank you again for all presenters and the audience for applause for the active participation of all of us. easy to hope this percentage will provide benefits to us. Thank you for your attention. See you again ... ... ... ... ... ....
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Miss morning and host, now we will resume this activity.
I respect my lecturer prof Zaimi and dear ladies and gentlemen.
First of all, let us pray to Allah SWT Puju sukur, for blessings and grace of these activities can we proceed .
Second, prayers and greetings also to convey to our prophet Muhammad, who brought us out of the darkness to the better nature as it is today. Now, Ladies and gentlemen. Before this presentation we begin, let me introduce first, i .. ........................ .......................... As Moderator ...................... .......................... First ...................... As Presenter ......................... As the Second Presenter ....................... ........................ ........................ As the third Presenter . Women and men. And now, let's go to this event together Basmallah saying: "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim" Thank you, The next agenda is a presentation session, for the first turn will be given by the first presenter, ............... next turn is to the second speaker, time ............ and where we invite. --------------- ---------------- PRESENTATION TIME Thanks to all the presenters. Well, ladies and gentlemen. Now, we enter answer session. There will be two sessions and each session for two questions., Before that please raise your hands, feet and do not forget to mention your name. Any questions may be?  next turn: * next turn *  Sillently, please! : * Please Quiet *  loud, please!: * please hardened *  so wait a minute fiew!: * if BeGiTu, waiting please *  please mr / miss if you're satisfied with the answers given? *  maybe two questions are enough for us now: * ---------------- (Q AND SESSION) ----------------- - Women and men! Finally, we come to the last agenda. We want to thank you again for all the presenters and the audience to participate actively applause for all of us. This percentage will hopefully benefit us. Thank you for your attention. See you again………..

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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