UU RI No. 1 Th. 1974 about marriage; PP RI No. 9 Th 1975 on the implementation of UU RI No. 1Th. 1974 about marriage; RI PRESIDENTIAL INSTRUCTION No. 1 of 1991. Compilation of Islamic law.Pp. RI No. 28 Th 1977 about the Perwakafan Landholdings.RI ACT No. 17/1999 regarding the Organization of the Hajj.UU RI No. 38/1999 regarding management of Zakat; The decision of the President of the REPUBLIC of INDONESIA No. 8 in 2001 aboutAmil Zakat Nasional Agency; Kepmenag RI No. 581 in 1999 on the implementation of law No. 38 Th 1999.about the management of Zakat and Kepmenag RI No. 373.2003 on the implementation of ACT No. 38 of 1999.about the management of Zakat.UU RI. No. 7/1992 on Banking; UU RI No. 10 Th 1998 on amendment of ACT No. 7 of 1992.about Banking; UU RI No. 23 Th 1999 about Bank Indonesia that mandated the establishment of theBank or bank branch Shari'ah Government; and REGULATION No. 70 and 72/1992 describing the bank forresults in law No. 7/1992.Act No. 7/1989 of religious courts.A. Rahmad Rosyadi and Rais Ahmad, Formalisasi Islamic Shari'ah Law in Governance in the perspectiveIndonesia, Cet. I (Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia, 2006), 167. For example, Act No. 44/1999 of ImplementationAceh Province Special privileges, which is also concerned about the implementation of the Islamic Sharia; ACTNo. 18 of 2001 on Special autonomy for Aceh as Isitimewa Areas of Nanggroe Aceh ProvinceDarussalam which implement the Shari'ah of Islam through the Court of Syarìyah
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