Sukarno was Indonesia's first President who served in the period 1945 – 1966. He played an important role for the nation of Indonesia's colonization of the occupied Netherlands. He was a Digger Pancasila. He is the Proclaimer of independence Indonesia along with Mohammad Hatta on August 17, 1945Sukarno was born in Blitar, 6 June 1901 Kusno Sosrodihardjo by name. His father named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo, his mother was Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai came from Buleleng, Bali. While still small, sickly because, according to the custom of the people of Java by his parents renamed to Sukarno.At the age of 14 years, a friend of his named Tjokroaminoto invited Sukarno lived in Surabaya and was educated to the Hoogere Burger School (H.B.S.) there while reading the Qur'an in places Tjokroaminoto. In Surabaya, Indonesia, Sukarno many met with the leader of Sarekat Islam, an organization led by that time Tjokroaminoto. Sukarno then joined the organisation Jong Java (Javanese).Finished H.B.S. 1920, Sukarno proceeded to Technische Hoge School (now ITB) in Bandung, and graduated in 1925. While in Bandung, Tjipto Mangunkusumo interact with Sukarno and Dr. Douwes Dekker, who was then a leader of the National Organization of the Indische Partij.In 1926, Sukarno founded the Algemene Studie Club in Bandung. This Organization became the forerunner to the national party of Indonesia, which was founded in 1927. In ADDITION, THIS led to Sukarno's activity caught Netherlands in December 1929, and gave rise to a phenomenal pledoinya: Indonesia Sues, until freed again on December 31, 1931.In July 1932, Sukarno joined the Indonesia (Partindo), which is the fraction of the ADDITION. Sukarno was arrested again in August 1933, and was exiled to Flores. Here, Sukarno was almost forgotten by the national figures. But his spirit was still smoldering as implied in every letter to a teacher of Islamic Unity named Ahmad Hassan.In 1938 to 1942 Sukarno was exiled to the province of Bengkulu.Sukarno returned free at colonial rule Japan in 1942. In 1943, Prime Minister of Japan Hideki Tojo invite figures Indonesia namely Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta and Ki Bagoes Hadikoesoemo to Japan and received directly by Emperor Hirohito. Even the Emperor gave the star of Empire (Ratna) to three figures in Indonesia. The granting of Stars that makes the Government the occupation of Japan was surprised, because it means that the third character that Indonesia considered the Emperor's family of Japan itself.Sukarno shared national figures begin to prepare ahead of the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia. After the session of the Committee for preparatory work of independence Indonesia BPUPKI, a small Committee made up of eight people (official), a small Committee which consists of nine people/the Committee of nine (which produced the Jakarta Charter) and the Preparatory Committee of the independence of Indonesia, Soekarno-Hatta PPKI founded the State of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 CONSTITUTION. There was this Rengasdengklok Incident until on August 16, 1945; Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta were persuaded by the youth to step aside to the defenders of the motherland army boarding Map Rengasdengklok. A character who convinces, among others, Soekarni, Wikana, Singgih and Chairul Saleh. The youths demanded that Sukarno and Hatta declared the independence of the Republic of Indonesia immediately. Sukarno set the moment right for independence of the Republic of Indonesia namely chosen August 17, 1945 when it coincides with the 17th of Ramadan, the holy month of Muslims believed to be the first revelation is the date the decline of the Muslims to the Prophet Muhammad i.e. Al Qur'an. On 18 August 1945, Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta was appointed by the PPKI to become President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. On August 29, 1945 appointment to become President and Vice President be confirmed by 1918.President Sukarno also gives a lot of ideas in the international world. His concern towards the fate of the Asian-African Nations, is still not free, do not have the right to self-determination, led to President Sukarno, in 1955, took the initiative to convene the Asian-African Conference in Bandung, which produced the Dasa Sila. Known as the capital of the Bandung Asia-Africa. Inequality and conflict due to the "time bomb" left by Western countries that branded still worried about imperialism and colonialism, inequality and the fears of the emergence of a nuclear war that changed civilization, injustice international agencies in solving conflicts also be attention. Together with President Josip Broz Tito (Yugoslavia), Gamal Abdel Nasser (Egypt), Mohammad Ali Jinnah (Pakistan), U Nu, (Burma) and Jawaharlal Nehru (India), he held an Asian-African Conference which resulted in the Non-Aligned Movement. Thanks to their contributions, many Asian and African countries that gained independence. But unfortunately, there are still many who experience prolonged conflict until recently because of the injustice in problem solving, which is still controlled by powerful countries or superpowers. Thanks to this service, many residents of the region of Asia and Africa are not forgotten when Sukarno will remember or know is going to Indonesia.Soekarno sendiri wafat pada tanggal 21 Juni 1970 di Wisma Yaso, Jakarta, setelah mengalami pengucilan oleh penggantinya Soeharto. Jenazahnya dikebumikan di Kota Blitar, Jawa Timur, dan kini menjadi ikon kota tersebut, karena setiap tahunnya dikunjungi ratusan ribu hingga jutaan wisatawan dari seluruh penjuru dunia. Terutama pada saat penyelenggaraan Haul Bung KarnoTag: biografi, Bung Karno, Guru Bangsa, Presiden, proklamator, soekarnoBiografi Ir. SoekarnoPosted by: Dian Nurdiana on: Februari 8, 2009 In: Guru Bangsa | soekarno Tinggalkan sebuah KomentarIr. Soekarno (lahir di Blitar, Jawa Timur, 6 Juni 1901 – wafat di Jakarta, 21 Juni 1970 pada umur 69 tahun) adalah Presiden Indonesia pertama yang menjabat pada periode 1945 – 1966. Ia memainkan peranan penting untuk memerdekakan bangsa Indonesia dari penjajahan Belanda. Ia adalah penggali Pancasila. Ia adalah Proklamator Kemerdekaan Indonesia (bersama dengan Mohammad Hatta) yang terjadi pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945.Ia menerbitkan Surat Perintah 11 Maret 1966 Supersemar yang kontroversial itu, yang konon, antara lain isinya adalah menugaskan Letnan Jenderal Soeharto untuk mengamankan dan menjaga kewibawaannya. Tetapi Supersemar tersebut disalahgunakan oleh Letnan Jenderal Soeharto untuk merongrong kewibawaannya dengan jalan menuduhnya ikut mendalangi Gerakan 30 September. Tuduhan itu menyebabkan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Sementara yang anggotanya telah diganti dengan orang yang pro Soeharto, mengalihkan kepresidenan kepada Soeharto.Background and educationSukarno, born Kusno Sosrodihardjo by name. His father named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo, a teacher at Surabaya, Java. His mother was Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai came from Buleleng, Bali [1].When small Sukarno lived with his grandfather in Tulungagung, East Java. At the age of 14 years, a friend of his named Tjokroaminoto invited Sukarno lived in Surabaya and was educated to the Hoogere Burger School (H.B.S.) there while reading the Qur'an in places Tjokroaminoto. In Surabaya, Indonesia, Sukarno many met with the leader of Sarekat Islam, an organization led by that time Tjokroaminoto. Sukarno then joined the organisation Jong Java (Javanese).Finished H.B.S. 1920, Sukarno proceeded to Technische Hoge School (now ITB) in Bandung, and graduated in 1925. While in Bandung, Tjipto Mangunkusumo interact with Sukarno and Dr. Douwes Dekker, who was then a leader of the National Organization of the Indische Partij.The Sukarno FamilyWife Of Sukarno Oetari Inggit Garnasih Fatmawati Hartini Ratna Sari Dewi Sukarno (real name: Naoko Nemoto) HaryatiSons and daughters of Sukarno Guruh Sukarnoputra Megawati Sukarnoputri, President of Indonesia's term 2001-2004 Guntur Sukarnoputra Rachmawati Sukarnoputri Montana Sukarnoputri Bobby and Vayu (from his wife Hartini) Kartika Sari Dewi Sukarno (from wife Dewi Sukarno)Masa pergerakan nasionalPada tahun 1926, Soekarno mendirikan Algemene Studie Club di Bandung. Organisasi ini menjadi cikal bakal Partai Nasional Indonesia yang didirikan pada tahun 1927. Aktivitas Soekarno di PNI menyebabkannya ditangkap Belanda pada bulan Desember 1929, dan memunculkan pledoinya yang fenomenal: Indonesia Menggugat, hingga dibebaskan kembali pada tanggal 31 Desember 1931.Pada bulan Juli 1932, Soekarno bergabung dengan Partai Indonesia (Partindo), yang merupakan pecahan dari PNI. Soekarno kembali ditangkap pada bulan Agustus 1933, dan diasingkan ke Flores. Di sini, Soekarno hampir dilupakan oleh tokoh-tokoh nasional. Namun semangatnya tetap membara seperti tersirat dalam setiap suratnya kepada seorang Guru Persatuan Islam bernama Ahmad Hassan.Pada tahun 1938 hingga tahun 1942 Soekarno diasingkan ke Provinsi Bengkulu.Soekarno baru kembali bebas pada masa penjajahan Jepang pada tahun 1942.Masa penjajahan JepangSoekarno bersama Fatmawati dan GunturSoekarno bersama Fatmawati dan GunturPada awal masa penjajahan Jepang (1942-1945), pemerintah Jepang sempat tidak memperhatikan tokoh-tokoh pergerakan Indonesia terutama untuk “mengamankan” keberadaannya di Indonesia. Ini terlihat pada Gerakan 3A dengan tokohnya Shimizu dan Mr. Syamsuddin yang kurang begitu populer.Namun akhirnya, pemerintahan pendudukan Jepang memperhatikan dan sekaligus memanfaatkan tokoh tokoh Indonesia seperti Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta dan lain-lain dalam setiap organisasi-organisasi dan lembaga lembaga untuk menarik hati penduduk Indonesia. Disebut
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