Democracy is an order of state / government that comes from the people and for the people themselves. While the ideology of Pancasila is a basis in the State of Indonesia to set pemrintahan State. The view of Islam to democracy and Pancasila is the cornerstone less effective because they wear the laws made by humans, while in Islam itself assume that the most correct law is Islamic law that is stated in the Qur'an. But not a few organizations Islam who argue that the law of democracy Pancasila in Indonesia are in accordance with the teachings of Islam, but also many who think otherwise that the law in Indonesia was completely deviated from the religion of Islam, because in Islam there is no law to govern the state that should be applied in Indonesia where the law is used in the days of the Khilafah rosulullah. Democracy is the law of Greece applied in Indonesia, which is why many pros and cons due to the origin of this democracy, and Greece is also famous with the State that the majority of the population is Christian and this is also debatable because the NU mengaggap no problems with the rule of Pancasila considered deviated well as contrary to the grounding HTI menggap lot of laws are not suitable as governance in the time of Prophet Muhammad. Many causes are memicuh Islamic organizations to beselisih about Islamic democracy in Indonesia, particularly in Pancasila. One of the triggers are different views or opinions of democracy in Indonesia at this time, one example is the mass organization and mass HTI NU. HTI CSOs assume that the law is the ideology of western democracy and according to them in Islam tasyabbuh (resembling, mimic) those who disbelieve clearly forbidden. Moreover, imitating and practicing their ideological system of kufr (Source: This assumption is different from the notion of mass NU, NU organizations found Acceptance and implementation of Pancasila is the embodiment of efforts of Muslims in Indonesia to run syari'atnya (source: principle-Pancasila /).
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