PROSEDUR KERJA PEMASANGAN INFUS 1.0 Tujuan pemasangan infus 1.Mengembalikan dan mempertahankan keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit tubuh2. Memberikan obat-obatan dan kemoterapi3. Transfusi darah dan produk darah4. Memberikan nutrisi parenteral dan suplemen nutrisi2.0 CakupanKeadaan emergency (misal pada tindakan RJP), yang memungkinkan pemberian obat langsung ke dalam Intra Vena Untuk memberikan respon yang cepat terhadap pemberian obat (seperti furosemid, digoxin) Pasien yang mendapat terapi obat dalam dosis besar secara terus-menerus melalui Intra vena Pasien yang membutuhkan pencegahan gangguan cairan dan elektrolit Pasien yang mendapatkan tranfusi darah Upaya profilaksis (tindakan pencegahan) sebelum prosedur (misalnya pada operasi besar dengan risiko perdarahan, dipasang jalur infus intravena untuk persiapan jika terjadi syok, juga untuk memudahkan pemberian obat) Upaya profilaksis pada pasien-pasien yang tidak stabil, misalnya risiko dehidrasi (kekurangan cairan) dan syok (mengancam nyawa), sebelum pembuluh darah kolaps (tidak teraba), sehingga tidak dapat dipasang jalur infus. Untuk menurunkan ketidaknyamanan pasien dengan mengurangi kebutuhan dengan injeksi intramuskuler.3.0 Tanggung jawab Inflammation (swelling, pain, fever) and infections at the site of installation of the infusion. The area of the forearm in patients failing kidneys, because this location is to be used for the installation of fistula of artery-vein (A-V shunt) on the action of hemodialysis (washing the blood). Potential irritant drugs against venous vessels are small, slow blood flow (eg venous vessels in the legs and feet). 4.0 Preparation Tools 4.1 materials-Standard infusionCiran-infusion and infusion sets as needed-Needles/needle wings/abocath according to the size required-Splint/drip trays-Perlak and torniquet-Plaster and scissors-Bent-Clean gloves-Kassa seteril-Cotton alcohol in its place-Bethadine into place4.2 working procedures-Nurse hand-washing-Inform the actions that will be performed and plug the sampiran-Infusion hose Mengisis-Open the plastic infusion set correctly-Protect the ends of the hose seteril-Drape infusion set with fluid infusion fluid infusion leads to the position over the-Hang the liquid infusion in the infusion fluids standard-Fill the compartment infusion set by pressing (but not submerged)-Fill the hose with the correct fluid infusion-Close the ends of the hose and the CAP with retaining keseterilan-Check the presence of air in the hose-Wear clean gloves when necessary-Choose the right position for attaching the infusion -Put the leaders and pengalas under section which will be dipungsi-Choosing the right vein and right-Install the torniquet-Disinfection of the vein with the right engineering with alcohol with the dwarf in a circular or from top to bottom once delete-Open the catheter (abocath) and check for damage-Menusukan catheter/abocath on the chosen vein with what direction from the direction of the side-Pay attention to the presence of blood in the catheter in the blood compartment, if there is then the mandrin little by little pulled out while the catheter is inserted slowlyTorniquet-repealed-Connect with the tip of the hose that has been first issued the fluid for a bit, and while it is left dripping a little bit-Gives the plaster on the tip of a plastic catheter/abocath but do not touch the area of the stabbing for fixation-Wrap with bethadine kassa seteril and covering it with dried seteril kassa-Gives the plaster correctly and maintain the security of the catheter/abocath so as not to cut out-Set the tetasan infusion in accordance with client needs-The tools are dealt with and notice the client response-Nurse hand-washing-Note the actions taken5.0 REFERENCESUR & feature = related
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