Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.I respect the teachers and friends that I love.Praise and Thanksgiving let us panjatkan the presence of Allaah, where through mercy and his grace, we might gather here in a healthy state. And I mengucapakan many thanks because your friends want to listen to my speech.Friends that I love,The national exam Is on the doorstep. Estimated at the end of April the 23rd to be exact until April 26, 2010, the national JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Exams will be held. Our schools have made numerous attempts to set up 100% of its students graduated in the national exam. This year's graduation is getting heavy. We are all anxious, including me. But the kecemacasan don't need to overdo it, which most optimally prepare to graduate with the best results.Friends that I love,In this occasion, I would like to share a little about ' National Exam preparation for 2012 '. These steps constitute a simple preparation that we can easily start said from now on.1. learn how to best fit with our everyday learning style.2. Multiply consulted with teachers of subjects and discuss with friends about material that you think has not been mastered.3. Practice solve problems such as the UN or UN prediction problem.4. keep your health in order to keep fit by exercising and eating nutritious food.5. do not leave your five daily prayers and always pray to God and ask that be facilitated in the face of National Exams this year.6. Always do good, especially to our parents and everybody.7. prepare the test we need supplies, such as pencils, ruler, and eraser.8. don't spend the time to rah-rah and main. Don't let yourself regret do not pass the exam at a later date!9. once the maximum effort and pray, then pass the results on Alloh SWT. Remember! Whatever the result, ikhlaslah. Because of the good according to us may not be the best according to God.All friends,My conclusion on this occasion is the preparation before the war was an antecedent compulsory for a soldier. So too with us-we will follow the national exams this year. Don't be lost before the war, prepare yourself well, both mentally, physically, thoughts, and beliefs. How, do not consider the test as a scary, but try to relax and enjoy it most.Thus the explanation of my speech. Hopefully bring benefits for all of us and we could pass this year. I apologize for any shortcomings in the delivery of my speech just now.Upon his attention I say a lot of teriakasih.Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
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