This type of research is research development. Development model used is four-D Models that have been reduced. The reduction is done among other things simplifying development phases i.e. phase definition (define), stage design (design) and development stage (develop), is the stage of dissemination (desiminate) not implemented. The subject of research is the grade IVA and IVB SDN Banyu Urip VIII/524 experimental design Surabaya with Non Equivalent Control Group. Methods of data collection include validity, observation and tests the results of the study. Test the hypothesis in this study using independent sample t test. Results of the study hypothesis test pretest intended to find out the condition of the initial results of the study class of experiments and classroom control. While the results of hypothesis testing study posttest intended to find out or not the significant effects of the application of three dimensional Media in Learning Model Student Team Achievement Division against the results of the study grade IV elementary school. The results showed that 1) Kevalidan device developed fine categories. 2 learning devices categorized Practicality) very good 3) effectiveness of instructional media in terms of the results of the activity of the students in the class of experiments shows the percentage of good, in terms of ketuntasan class of classical experiments showed that the percentage of ketuntasan more than minimum criteria, and the results of a test of the hypothesis on the pretest indicated that there is no significant difference between the average percentage yield learning class experiments with classroom control. While the results of the test of the hypothesis on the posttest suggests that the influence of the application of three dimensional Media in Learning Model of student learning outcomes against STAD class experiment is better compared to conventional learning methods of influence towards the learning outcomes grade control.Based on these results it can be concluded that the resulting device is eligible to apply to learning because it has met the three criteria, namely kevalidan, practicality, and effectiveness.
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