CARA MELEPASKAN INFUS PengertianMelepaskan infus adalah pencabutan cai terjemahan - CARA MELEPASKAN INFUS PengertianMelepaskan infus adalah pencabutan cai Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan




Melepaskan infus adalah pencabutan cairan yang telah dimasukkan ke dalam tubuh pasien melalui pembuluh darah karena keadaan pasien yang sudah membaik.


Agar tidak timbulnya reaksi alergi, emboli udara, infeksi, edema paru-paru pada pasien.


Bagi pasien yang sudah mendapat izin dari dokter untuk pulang, sembuh dan bagi pasien yang sudah terpenuhi oksigennya


Bagi pasien yang belum sembuh dan mendapatkan izin dari dokter untuk pulang sarta belum terpanuhi oksigennya.

Persiapan Alat

Perlak dan pengalas
Sarung tangan
Kapas alkohol larutan antiseptik (klorheksidin glukonat 2%, alcohol 60-90% atau PVI 10%
Plester bedah atau band aid steril, kasa 2×2 cm,
Gunting plester
6. Bengkok

Memberitahu pasien tindakan yang akan dilakukan
Mendekatkan alat
Mencuci tangan
Memasang perlak dan pengalas
Memakai sarung tangan
Membasahi plester yang melekat pada kulit dengan kapas alkohol
Melepas plester dan kassa dari kulit
Menekan tempat tusukan dengan kapas alkohol dan mencabut infus pelan-pelan
Menekan kapas alkohol dengan plester
Membereskan alat dan merapikan pasien
Melepas sarung tangan
Mencuci tangan
Mendokumentasikan tindakan yang telah dilakukan
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
HOW TO LET GO OF INFUSION UnderstandingRelease the infusion is the lifting of the liquid that has been inserted into the patient's body through the blood vessels due to the State of the patient is improving.The purpose ofTo prevent the incidence of allergic reactions, air emboli, infection, Lung edema in patients.INDICATIONS:For patients who have got permission from doctors to return home, healed and for patients who have already fulfilled their oxygen CONTRAINDICATIONS:For patients who have not been cured and get permission from doctors to return home when her terpanuhi yet sarta. Preparation ToolsPerlak and pengalasGlovesCotton alcohol antiseptic solution (klorheksidin gluconate 2%, 60-90% alcohol or 10% PVIBand aid plaster surgical or sterile gauze, 2 × 2 cm,Plaster shears6. CrookedProcedureTell the patient action to performHold the toolWash your handsInstalling perlak and pengalasWear glovesWetting the plaster are attached to the skin with cotton alcoholKassa plaster and took off from the skinPressing place piercing with cotton alcohol and drip slowlyPressed cotton alcohol with plasterTidy tools and smoothing the patientTake off the glovesWash your handsDocument the actions that have been carried out
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]


Removing infusion revocation of liquid that has been inserted into the patient's body through the veins because the patient's condition is getting better.


To avoid allergic reactions, air embolism, infection, pulmonary edema in patients.


For patients who have received permission from doctors to go home, recover and for patients who have already fulfilled their oxygen


For patients who have not healed and get permission from doctors to return sarta not terpanuhi oxygen.

Preparation Tool

Perlak and pengalas
Cotton alcohol antiseptic solution (chlorhexidine gluconate 2%, 60-90% alcohol or 10% PVI
Plaster or band aid surgery sterile gauze 2 × 2 cm,
Scissors plaster
6. Crooked

Advise patient that action will performed
Closer tool
Washing hands
Add perlak and pengalas
Wearing gloves
Wet plaster attached to the skin with an alcohol swab
Removing plaster and gauze on the skin
Hitting the puncture site with an alcohol swab and take the IV slowly
Pressing alcohol swab with plaster
Tidy tool and smoothed patient
Release gloves
documenting actions taken
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