ASYIK ADA FANWAR! -_- Sebenarnya udah muak sih, apalagi kalau udah kel terjemahan - ASYIK ADA FANWAR! -_- Sebenarnya udah muak sih, apalagi kalau udah kel Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

ASYIK ADA FANWAR! -_- Sebenarnya ud

ASYIK ADA FANWAR! -_- Sebenarnya udah muak sih, apalagi kalau udah keluar kalimat "BaekYeon Haters itu gak mature" atau "BaekYeon Haters itu gak punya hati nurani". Gak semua begitu lho. Gue adalah BYH tapi gue tau tempat dimana gue harus mencurahkan kekesalan gue. Sesama BYH misalnya /? Gue punya temen SONE sekaligus BYS di dunia nyata, gue jujur gimana gak sukanya gue sama ini Shipper dan so far kita tetap akur, berteman, dan mencoba untuk saling menghargai satu sama lain. Tapi di dumay kok susah banget ya? Dan GUE EMANG CHANBAEK SHIPPER TAPI GUE GAK PERNAH MAU IDOLA GUE JADI GAY SUMPAH! Gue shipperin mereka karena gue merasa ikatan BROTHERSHIP mereka itu kuat. GUE SUKA GAK TERIMA AJA GITU KALO BYS NGOMONG BYH ITU NGEDOAIN IDOL MEREKA JADI GAY a.k.a HOMO. GUE ENGGAK LHO, malah sebenernya gue agak -_- gimana gitu sama YAOI/YURI. Intinya GAK SEMUA BYH itu YAOI LOVERS. Walaupun gue gak pernah nyalahin para penyuka YAOI. Karena apa? Setiap manusia punya hak buat nentuin pilihannya.

GUE JADI BYH BUKAN TANPA ALASAN! BUKAN CUMA KARENA CEMBURU BUTA DAN PENGEN MILIKIN BBH SEUTUHNYA. I LOVE HIM TOO MUCH, INDEED. But I'm realize how impossible it was. Who's Baekhyun? Who I am? Azzz -_- Ini point of view a.k.a sudut pandang gue aja ya. Gue jadi BYH karena gue ngerasa bikin-bikinannnya SM ini lebih menjurus ke "kehancurannya Baek". Gak lama setelah foto dating kok langsung ada foto Baekhyun ke club waktu masih di bawah umur? Masalah sebelumnya aja belom kelar. Yaiyalah makin jadi aja mereka yang ngehujat baek, mana bahasanya super anjuuu. Bahkan gue tau banget sampe ada beberapa Shiners yang ninggalin Baek dan cari bias lain. Gue ngerti sih mereka gitu karena kitati banget sama rumor datingnya Baek. Dan inilah alasan gue. Gue cuma ngebayangin gimana terlukanya Baek karena semua ini, dia tau banyak yang minta dia berenti jadi MC salah satu acara musik, dibash sana-sini , parahnya sampe ada yang minta dia KELUAR DARI EXO. Sementara setau gue ITU SEMUA MIMPINYA SEORANG BYUN BAEKHYUN! KEHILANGAN PENGGEMAR juga pasti asdfghjkl banget. Apa jadinya seorang idol tanpa fans-nya? Ibarat makan kacang tapi gak punya gigi kali, susaaaah~ Eh di saat kek gini gak lama TTS LANGSUNG COME to the BACK dong. Ratingnya naik drastis. GILA ENAK BANGET KAN NIHOLANG? Padahal idol gue lg empot-empotan dengan menyedihkan :( Okelah kty juga dibash sampe nangis minta maaf di airport, tapi gue malah merasa itu fake dan sorry -> GAK NGARUH BUAT GUE.

Gue udah terlalu kecewa sama fakta kalo Baekhyun nyaris kehilangan mimpinya. Gue gak akan pernah lupain itu sampe kapanpun! Intinya gue ini BYH yang GAK menaruh MINAT SAMA SEKALI untuk nyulap diri jadi BYS. Tapi gak cape apa fanwar? Sebenernya gampang aja sih, BYS gak usah peduliin BYH, gitu juga sebaliknya. Gue suka nemu postingan BYS di dumay tapi gue berusaha sellow dan gedeknya gue simpen sendiri atau engga gue bagi sama temen seperjuangan gue yang sehati /? Soalnya setiap fanwar sadar gak sadar itu kalimat BYS juga suka nyakitin BYH lho. EMANG UDAH SEMATURE APA SIH SHIP MEREKA SAMPE JUDGE KITA BINATANG YANG GAK PUNYA HATI NURANI? OKE GUE MINTA MAAP KALO ADA BYH YANG SAMPE NGEDOAIN KTY GARA-GARA INSIDEN SEMALEM. TAPI GUE YAKIN ITU CELETUKAN DOANG, GAK BENER-BENER MEREKA TUH BERDOA SAMBIL NGANGKAT TANGAN DAN NGOMONG SAMA TUHAN kek di pelm-pelm. Mereka ngomong begitu juga sambil ngetik dan fokus ke gadget. Coba pikir, apa iya Tuhan bakal dengerin doa macem ini? KALO NGERASA MATURE HARUSNYA SIH TINGGAL ABAIKAN AJA! TAPI MEREKA JUSTRU NYERANG BALIK. APA INI MATURE NAMANYA?DENGAN MEREKA BERDOA YANG JELEK-JELEK BUAT PARA HATERS APA BEDANYA DONG MEREKA SAMA HATERS YANG NGEDOAIN KTY? MIRROR LAH KITA MASIH SAMA-SAMA IMMATURE NGADEPIN MASALAH KLISE KEK GINI :v


Oke ini status gue panjang dan ngabisin energi. Jadi gue tutup sampe di sini. Sekian dan terimakasih.

Sincerely Shiners who really love Baekhyun
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
FUN IS NO FANWAR! -_-You've Really fed up anyway, especially if you've come out the phrase "Haters was not mature BaekYeon" or "BaekYeon Haters that do not have a conscience". Not all so lho. GUE was BYH but I know a place where I had to shed my pique. Fellow BYH eg/? I have temen SOÑE simultaneously BYS in the real world, I'm honestly how I liked not these same motorcycle club and so far we still get along, make friends, and try to mutually respect each other. But kok susah banget ya dumay? EMANG GUE And CHANBAEK MOTORCYCLE BUT I NEVER WANT To BE GAY I SWEAR IDOL! I shipperin them because I felt that their BROTHERSHIP strong ties. GUE GITU AJA GAK RECEIVED LIKE KALO NGOMONG BYH BYS that THEIR IDOL NGEDOAIN SO GAY a.k.a. FAGGOT. I'M NAH LHO, even I actually I kinda-_-so just what YAOI/YURI. The point that NOT ALL YAOI LOVERS BYH. Although I'm never interested in the YAOI nyalahin. Because what? Every human being has a right to make choices nentuin. I'M SO BYH NOT WITHOUT REASON! NOT JUST BECAUSE THE BLIND JEALOUSY AND WANT MILIKIN BBH COMPLETELY. I LOVE HIM TOO MUCH, INDEED. But I'm realize how impossible it was. Who's Baekhyun? Who I am? U Chump azzz-_-this is point of view aka gue aja ya viewpoint. I'm so BYH because I feel make this more bikinannnya-BC lead to the "destruction Baek". Not long after the photos dating direct there kok Baekhyun photos to club time still under? The previous issue of aja belom there. Yaiyalah makin so their aja ngehujat baek, where language is super anjuuu. Gue banget sampe tau even there are some Shiners who ninggalin Baek and search other bias. I understand the hell they so because kitati really just rumor datingnya Baek. And this is the reason I. I just ngebayangin how the Swedish Baek because of all this, he knew that many who have him berenti so MC one musical event, cleansed here and there, the severity of the sampe anyone ask him OUT of the EXO. While I setau IT ALL OUT to BE a DREAM BAEKHYUN! LOST FANS also definitely asdfghjkl really. What would an idol without her fans? Like eating peanuts but have not got the teeth time, susaaaah ~ Er when kek gini not long TTS IMMEDIATELY COME to the BACK of dong. Rating goes up drastically. CRAZY AWFUL KAN NIHOLANG? When the idol-empot lg empotan gue with sad:( Kty'll also cleansed sampe nangis apologized at the airport, but I even feel it is fake and sorry-> GUE GAK BUAT'S INFLUENCE.I've very disappointed at losing narrowly Baekhyun kalo fact his dream. I'm not going to have the sampe lupain anytime! The bottom line is I'm not BYH interest at all to myself so nyulap BYS. But not cape what fanwar? Aja sih, sebenernya easy BYS BYH peduliin not have, so vice versa. I like nemu postings BYS in dumay but I tried gedeknya and sellow gue gue engga simpen alone or for the same temen compatriots gue that one accord/? Because every single fanwar is aware not aware that the sentence BYS also liked nyakitin BYH lho. EMANG UDAH SEMATURE WHAT THE HELL SHIP THEIR ANIMALS WHO WE JUDGE SAMPE GAK HAVE A CONSCIENCE? OKAY I'M SORRY KALO ADA BYH THE SAMPE NGEDOAIN KTY SEMALEM INCIDENT QUARREL. BUT I'M SURE IT'S CELETUKAN DOANG, GAK BENER-BENER TUH PRAYED WHILE THEIR HANDS and SPEAKING the SAME NGANGKAT LORD kek at pelm-pelm. They speak so well while typing an and focus to the gadget. Just think, what will God hear prayer iya macem this? KALO FEEL MATURE SHOULD BE IGNORE AJA LIVING HELL! BUT THEY INSTEAD ATTACK BACK. WHAT IS THIS MATURE NAME?THEY PRAYED WITH THE UGLY-UGLY FOR THE HATERS WHAT DOES IT MATTER THE HATERS THEY ARE DONG NGEDOAIN KTY? MIRRORS that WE STILL are similarly IMMATURE NGADEPIN KEK GINI CLICHE PROBLEM: vONCE AGAIN I'M SORRY DEH SAME BYS FOR THE MAXIMUM KEKURANGSOPANAN NANGGEPIN INCIDENT SEMALEM BYH. If after this still willing to say ALL BYH ga mature? Free aja sih ~Okay this long and I'm splurging status of energy. So I close the sampe here. All this and thanks.Sincerely Shiners who really love Baekhyun < 3 < 3
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
THERE FANWAR fun! -_- Actually already fed up anyway, especially if you've come out the phrase "Haters BaekYeon was not mature" or "Haters BaekYeon that do not have a conscience". Not all so pretty. I was BYH but I know where I should devote my annoyance. Fellow BYH example /? I have a friend SONE once BYS in the real world, I honestly do not despise me how this same Shipper and so far we still get along, make friends, and try to respect each other. But in Dumay really really hard huh? And weve GUE CHANBAEK shipper BUT NEVER WANT IDOLA GAK GUE GUE SWEAR TO BE GAY! I shipperin them because I felt they were a strong bond BROTHERSHIP. GUE LIKE TO THANK AJA GAK so if BYS By BYH THAT THEY BE GAY IDOL NGEDOAIN aka HOMO. GUE LHO Nah, actually I kinda -_- even how so at YAOI / YURI. The point GAK ALL BYH it YAOI LOVERS. Although I do not ever blame the YAOI enthusiasts. Because of what? Every human being has a right for his choice nentuin. GUE BYH NOT BE WITHOUT REASON! NOT JUST JEALOUS BECAUSE THE BLIND AND PENGEN MILIKIN BBH completely. I LOVE HIM TOO MUCH, indeed. But I'm Realize how impossible it was. Who's Baekhyun? Who I am? Azzz -_- This point of view aka viewpoint I wrote it. I'm so BYH because I feel make this BC-bikinannnya more lead to the "destruction Baek". Not long after the photo anyway dating direct Baekhyun photo to the club when I was underage? The problem previously wrote Keith finished. Yaiyalah more so they wrote that ngehujat baek, where the language is super anjuuu. Even I know really until there is some Shiners are ninggalin Baek and find another bias. I understand the heck are they really the same so as kitati rumors datingnya Baek. And this is my reason. I was just nominated for how the injury of Baek because all of this, he knows many who ask him berenti so MC one of the musical events, dibash here and there, there is a request severity until she OUT OF EXO. While Setau I WAS ALL A Byun Baekhyun his dream! LOST FANS also definitely asdfghjkl really. What will become an idol without her fans? Like eating peanuts but do not have teeth times, susaaaah ~ Eh at the time not long TTS kek gini COME DIRECTLY to the BACK dong. The ratings go up drastically. CRAZY GOOD SO KAN NIHOLANG? Though my idol empot lg-empotan by depressing :( Okay Kty also dibash until crying apologize at the airport, but I actually felt it fake and sorry -> GAK influence FOR GUE. I'm already too disappointed at the fact if Baekhyun almost lost his dream. Gue it will not ever forget it till whenever! The bottom line is BYH that GAK I put INTEREST AT ALL for nyulap themselves so BYS. But not what fanwar cape? Actually easy aja, BYS need not peduliin BYH, so also vice versa. I'd love to find any posts BYS The Dumay but I tried sellow and gedeknya my own simpen same or engga me for my friend's arms were of one heart /? Because every fanwar not consciously aware of the sentence BYS also like nyakitin BYH know. emang udah SEMATURE SIH WHAT WE SHIP THEIR ANIMALS THAT JUDGE SAMPE GAK HAVE A CONSCIENCE? OKAY GUE if there BYH maap ASK THE SAMPE NGEDOAIN Kty-GARA GARA INCIDENT semalem. BUT IT SURE GUE doang remarks, GAK BENER tuh-BENER THEM WHILE PRAYING HANDS AND talking to lift Lord in pelm kek-pelm. They talk so well while typing and focus to the gadget. Just think, what yes God will listen to this macem prayer? If feel Mature SHOULD STAY SIH IGNORE AJA! Nevertheless, they have attacked BEHIND. WHAT IS HIS NAME Mature? WITH THEM TO PRAY THAT BAD-BAD FOR THE HATERS What difference DONG HATERS ARE THEY THE SAME NGEDOAIN Kty? MIRROR LAH-WE STILL THE SAME SAME PROBLEM immature NGADEPIN cliché KEK GINI: v AGAIN GUE DEH APOLOGIZE THAT SAME AMOUNT OF-BYS FOR INCIDENT NANGGEPIN BYH KEKURANGSOPANAN semalem. If after this still want to say ALL BYH mature ga? Free aja ~ Okay this is my status long and splurging energy. So I closed until here. And thank you. Sincerely Shiners WHO really love Baekhyun <3 <3

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