Measure the water sample as many as 25 ml or weigh a solid and semi solid examples of as many as 25 g and enter in a container of sterile
For sample preparation that will be analyzed
Create a solution of diluent composed of Butterfield's Phosphate-Buffered Water, Buffered anti-dilution provisions Pepton Water, and the media in order to Count Plate/PCA.
for preparing aqueous diluent and media used in analyzing the samples
Prepare a dilution of 10-2, 10-3, 10-4 or other appropriate dilution
To dilute the samples
homogeneous samples Of dipipet 10 ml into 90 mL of the diluent (1: 9). Shake all the dilution 25 times in a 30 cm for 7 sec.
to avoid foaming
sample Pipette 1 ml of each dilution in separate petri dish and do on a duplo, beat back the solution in the bottle-thinning if more than 3 minutes before dipipet into the petri dish samples for analysis of
Add 12-15 ml PCA media (media has been cooled at a temperature of 38 ± 1) for each dilution
For fertilization in samples
Combine media and sample by way of moving the petri back and forth gently in a circular on a flat surface
To flatten the samples with media
Let media solidified, behind the petri dish. Incubation for 48 hours at 37 ± 2. After 48 hours incubation
for bacteria count, and know the results
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