PETA DISTRIBUSI BARANG DAN JASALumbis ogong sulit dilakukan pembukaan  terjemahan - PETA DISTRIBUSI BARANG DAN JASALumbis ogong sulit dilakukan pembukaan  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan


Lumbis ogong sulit dilakukan pembukaan akses dikarenakan kondisi daerahnya yang berupa dataran tinggi yang terjal. di bagian barat daya dan timur laut tidak bisa karena kondisinya serupa, di sisi bagian Malaysia juga sama kondisinya, batu terjal dan lereng curam. (masayarakat nanam singkong di daerah curam, sehingga aman dari hama yaitu babi hutan)

Penjelasan bagian ini kami bagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu daerah pesisir dan pedalaman
Pada bagian pesisir, yaitu Pulau Sebatik, Nunukan dan sebagian simanggaris
dimana garis merah merupakan distribusi sembako dan bahan bakar minyak, dan kuning hanya sembako
Pada bagian pesisir, distribusi barang jasa yaitu sembako dan BBM, sebagian besar didapat dari Tawau, Malaysia
jika bahan bakar resmi dari Pertamina, Indonesia, maka BBM masuk melewati Tarakan dan Nunukan, namun itupun kuotanya terbatas, sehingga sebelum dapat didistribusikan ke dearha sekitarnya, stock nya sudah habis, bahkan kekurangan. Sehingga untuk menutupi kekurangan stock tersebut, membeli dari Tawau, Malaysia untuk didistribusikan ke pulau sebatik dan simanggaris.
- BBM resmi ada, namun kuota kurang sehingga harus mengambil dari Negara tetangga,
- alasan kedua, mengapa masyarakat lebih senang mengambil BBM dari Negara tetangga, karena :
murah, BBM dan sembako di Negara Malaysia murah karena ada subsidi barang dari pemerintahnya untuk masyarakatnya, sedangkan warga Tawau mereka menjual ke Indonesia karena dapat menjual dengan harga tinggi,

(walaupun menurut warga Indonesia masih lebih murah dibandingkan harga di Indonesia (akses transportasi yang panjang dan sulit membuat harga barang menjadi tinggi ketika sampai di perbatasan) )

mutu dan kualitas sembako dan BBM lebih bagus dibandingkan
rute Nunukan . Sebuku  Sebakung atulai, sebagian di simanggaris, tapi jarang-jarang

Untuk bagian pedalaman, yaitu Tulin Onsoi, Lumbis Ogong dan Krayan
Distribusi sembako diambil dari Sarawak, Malaysia
karena transportasi utama ke Long Bawan, Krayan hanya pesawat perintis, pesawat kecil dimana kemampuan angkutnya terbatas, itupun harus berbagi antara daerah Krayan dan Krayan selatan sehingga sebagian besar kebutuhan didapat dari Negara tetangga.
Sembako yang angkutannya di subsidi dari pemerinta Indonesia, terbatas hanya gula, tepung dan minyak goreng, itupun volume mengangkutnya terbatas.
jikapun terangkut, maka harga dan kualitas sulit bersaing dengan harga dan kualitas barang yg berasa dari Negara tetangga, sehingga sepenuhnya sembako dan BBM bergantung pada Negara tetangga

Kota Miri, Sarawak Malaysia yang jaraknya kurang lebih 30 km dari Long Layu, Krayan

Tulin Onsoi ambil barang dari Mansalong, kec. Lumbis, Nunukan
barang-barang Malaysia masuk ke Malinau melalui Mansalon (kurang lebih 1 jam jaraknya)

- Mentarang Hulu, Loreh, Malinau sudah ada jalan tembus
- Mansalong  Malinau  Krayan Selatan
- Bahau Hulu, Malinau  Krayan Selatan belum tembus karena ijin TN Kayan Mentarang
- akses rencana yang sudah dikerjakan tahun ini yaitu Mansalong ke Lumbis Ogong mengikuti alur sungai Mansalong
- Mansalong ke Desa Tau Lumbis, dimana pulang-pergi sekitar 10-12 jam menggunakan perahu kayu menyusuri sungai dengan biaya 10 jutaan, tidak ada sinyal komunikasi
pegawai negeri, khususnya guru mengambil gaji 6 bulan sampai setahun sekali
- Fenomena menariknya yaitu, jika hari senin guru mengajar masuk kelas, maka sekolah akan buka hingga hari sabtu seperti biasa, namun jika hari senin guru tidak datang, maka selama semingguan tidak ada pengajaran, hal ini karena gurunya pergi berburu
- di sisi malaysia yang bersebelahan dengan Desa Tau Lumbis, merupakan perkebunan kelapa sawit, jika hujan maka limpasan air dari sungai akan turun membanjiri Mansalog dan Sembakung
- Mansalong buka ke Desa Labang, Lumbis Ogong
- Mansalong  Malinau  Mentarang Hulu  Tau Lumbis, Lumbis Ogong
- Selain lereng terjal dan Gunung batu terjal banyak anak-anak sungai yang dilewati sehingga selain membuka akses jalan, juga membuat jembatan-jembatan
- Jika akan dibuka Bandar udara dengan landasan yang cukup panjang sehingga peswat besar dapat mendarat, kesulitannya adalah bahan bangunan yang harganya sangat tinggi dan kesulitan mengangkut alat-alat berat untuk pengerjaannya. Misalnya semen, yang di kota samarinda dijual dengan harga 200.000, di Krayan dijual 1 juta per sak karena angkutan udara biayana berdasarkan berat-volume barang yang diangkut. Saat ini membangun jalan yang ada, mengangkut alat beratnya dengan cara memasukkan alat-alat berat ke Tawau melewati Long Midang (Krayan) dan Long Nawang (Kayan Hulu, Malinau), dimana pengerjaan akan naik hingga dua kali lipatnya, karena biaya angkut dan biaya masuk setiap melewati cek point-cek point di Malaysia.
- Fokus perhatian selama ini di daerah perbatasan Kalimantan adalah Pulau Sebatik , karena pejabat lebih cepat dan akses mudah jika ke sana dan dekat dengan Tawau Malaysia sehingga bisa sekalian berpelesir kesana.
foto-foto tia lokasi, foto mobil nyebrang sungai

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
MAP OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF GOODS AND SERVICESLumbis ogong difficult opening access due to the condition of its territory in the form of a steep plateau. in the Southwest and Northeast could not because his condition is similar, on the part of Malaysia is also the same condition, stone ravines and steep slopes. (masayarakat nanam cassava in the area is steep, so it is safe from pests namely boar)Explanation this section we share into two parts, namely the coastal regions and inlandOn the coast, namely Sebatik Island, Nunukan and most simanggariswhere the red line is the distribution of basic food and fuel oil, and yellow only basic foodOn the coast, the distribution of basic food goods and services namely BBM, mostly obtained from Tawau, MalaysiaIf the official fuel of Pertamina, Indonesia, then the incoming FUEL past the Tarakan and Nunukan, but then kuotanya is limited, so before it can be distributed into the surrounding dearha, its stock is up, even deficient. So to cover the shortage of stock, purchase from Tawau, Malaysia to be distributed to sebatik island and simanggaris.-Official FUEL there is, however, less quota so it must take from the neighbouring countries,-the second reason why the community prefer to take FUEL from neighboring countries, because:cheap, fuel and basic food in the country of Malaysia is cheap because there are subsidies on goods from his Government for the people, while the residents of Tawau they sold to Indonesia because it can sell at a high price, (although according to the citizens of Indonesia is still cheaper than the price in Indonesia (access transportation was a long and difficult makes the price of goods being high when arriving at the border))the quality and the quality of basic food and FUEL is better than Nunukan route   Sebuku. Sebakung atulai, some simanggaris, but infrequentlyFor the Interior, i.e. Pure Onsoi, Ogong and Krayan LumbisThe distribution of basic food taken from Sarawak, Malaysia Since the main transportation to Long Bawan, the pioneering aircraft only Krayan, the small aircraft where the ability of angkutnya limited, that should be shared between the Krayan and Krayan selatan so most of the needs of neighbouring countries.The people to another government subsidies in Indonesia, limited to just the sugar, flour and cooking oil, and even then the volume moved are limited.If they terangkut, then the price and quality is difficult to compete with the price and quality of goods from neighboring countries felt wrote, so completely that FUEL and relies on neighbouring countriesThe town of Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia which are approximately 30 km from Long wither, KrayanPure Onsoi take stuff from Mansalong, kec. Lumbis, NunukanMalaysia's incoming goods to Malinau through Mansalon (approximately 1 hour away) THE EXISTING ROAD MAP AND PLANMentarang National Park-Hulu, Malinau Loreh, there is already a way to penetrate-Mansalong   Malinau Krayan SelatanBahau-Hulu, Malinau  Krayan Selatan yet translucent due to permit MR. Kayan Mentarang National Park-access plan that's been worked this year Mansalong to Lumbis Ogong follow River Mansalong-Mansalong to the village of Tau Lumbis, where round-trip of around 10-12 hours using a wooden boat down the River at a cost of 10 millions, no signal communicationcivil servants, particularly teachers took a salary of 6 months to a year once-A phenomenon that is, if the Yanks Monday incoming teacher teaching a class, then the school will be open until Saturday as usual, but if Monday's teacher doesn't come, then for semingguan there is no teaching, this is because his teacher went hunting-the Malaysian side adjacent to the village of Tau Lumbis, is Palm oil plantations, if it rains then the runoff water from the River will drop Mansalog and overwhelm the Sembakung-Mansalong open to the village Labang, Ogong Lumbis-Mansalong    Malinau Mentarang National Park Upper Tau Lumbis, Ogong Lumbis-In addition to steep slopes and rugged rock many creeks that bypassed so that in addition to opening the access road, also makes bridges-If you want to open the airport with runways long enough so that the peswat can be landed, the difficulty was the building material price is very high and the difficulty of transporting heavy equipment to work. For example, the cement, which in the city of samarinda is sold at 200,000, in the Krayan sold 1 million per sack since air transport biayana by weight-the volume of goods transported. Currently building the roads, transporting the tool weighs in with how to enter the heavy equipment to Tawau passed Long Midang (Krayan) and Long Nawang (Kayan Hulu, Malinau), where the work will take up to two times, because the cost of transport and entrance fees at any point checks-check point in Malaysia.-Focus attention during this time in the border area is Borneo Sebatik Island, because the acting faster and easy access if there and close to Tawau Malaysia so that all berpelesir of tia's locations, car nyebrang river photos
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Lumbis ogong difficult to access due to the opening of the condition of the area in the form of a steep plateau. in the southwest and northeast can not be due to a similar condition, on the part of Malaysia also identical conditions, steep rocks and steep slopes. (community planted cassava on steep terrain, making it safe from pests that boar) Explanation this section we divided into two parts, the coastal areas and inland On the coast, namely Sebatik Island, Nunukan and most Simanggaris where the red line is the distribution of basic food and materials fuel oil, and yellow just groceries On the coast, the distribution of goods and services, namely groceries and fuel, largely derived from Tawau, Malaysia if the official fuel from Pertamina, Indonesia, the fuel in through Tarakan and Nunukan, but even then the quota is limited, so before dearha can be distributed to the surrounding, its stock is up, and even shortages. So as to cover the shortage of stock, the purchase of Tawau, Malaysia to be distributed to the island of Sebatik and Simanggaris. - BBM officially exist, but the quota is less so it must take from neighboring countries, - the second reason why people prefer to take on fuel from neighboring countries, because : cheap, fuel and groceries in the State Malaysia cheap because there are subsidized goods from the government for all its citizens, while citizens Tawau they sell to Indonesia because it can sell at high prices, (although according to Indonesian citizens still cheaper than in Indonesia (access to transport long and it is difficult to make the price of the goods to be high when he arrived at the border)) quality and quality of basic foods and fuel is better than the Nunukan . Sebuku  Sebakung atulai, partly in Simanggaris, but rarely to parts of the interior, namely Tulin Onsoi, Lumbis Ogong and Krayan Distribution of groceries is taken from Sarawak, Malaysia as the main transportation to Long Bawan, Krayan only pioneering aircraft, small aircraft in which the ability of transport is limited , that too must be shared between the regions Krayan and Krayan south so that most needs to come from neighboring countries. Sembako the conveyance in subsidies from pemerinta Indonesia, limited sugar, flour and cooking oil, and even then the volume of transport is limited. Even if transported, then the price and quality is difficult compete with the price and quality of the goods that come from neighboring countries, so as groceries and fuel entirely dependent on neighboring countries City Miri, Sarawak Malaysia a distance of approximately 30 km from Long Wilt, Krayan Tulin Onsoi take goods from Mansalong, excl. Lumbis, Nunukan goods Malaysia entered into Malinau through Mansalon (approximately 1 hour away) ROADMAP existing and PLAN - Mentarang Hulu, Loreh, Malinau already the pass - Mansalong  Malinau  Krayan South - Bahau Hulu, Malinau  Krayan South not translucent because the license TN Kayan Mentarang - access plan that has been done this year is Mansalong to Lumbis Ogong follow the river flow Mansalong - Mansalong to the village of Tau Lumbis, where the round-trip of about 10-12 hours using a wooden boat down the river at a cost of 10 million, no communication signal servants, especially teachers taking a salary of 6 months to once a year - phenomenon interesting is, if Monday teachers teaching to go to class, then the school will be open until Saturday as usual, but if Monday the teacher did not come, then for once weekly there is no teaching, it is because the teacher went hunting - on the side of Malaysia adjacent to the village of Tau Lumbis, an oil palm plantation, if it rains, the runoff water from the river will drop flooded Mansalog and Sembakung - Mansalong open to Desa Labang, Lumbis Ogong - Mansalong  Malinau  Mentarang Hulu  Tau Lumbis, Lumbis Ogong - In addition to steep slopes and mountain steep rock many tributaries that passed so that in addition to open access roads, also make bridges - When will be opened airport with runways long enough so peswat large can be landed, the difficulty is that the price of building materials is very high and difficult to transport heavy equipment for the process. Eg cement, which is in the town samarinda sold at a price of 200,000, in Krayan sold 1 million per sack for air transport biayana based weight-volume of goods transported. Is currently building a road there, transporting heavy equipment by inserting heavy equipment to Tawau passed Long midang (Krayan) and Long Nawang (Kayan Hulu, Malinau), where construction will rise until doubled, because the cost of transportation and entrance fee each pass through a check point check point in Malaysia. - The focus of attention so far in the border area of Kalimantan is Sebatik Island, because officials more quickly and easy access if there and close to Tawau Malaysia so that it can all berpelesir there. photos of tia location, photo of the car to cross the river

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