MASTERPLAN ROAD NETWORKS IN THE BORDER REGION MALINAU REGENCY NORTH KALIMANTAN PROVINCEAbstract. The formation of the province of North Borneo in particular as one of the Malinau Regency's efforts in organizing the area a viable solution in order to optimize the public service because it can shorten the span of control of the Government, making it more efficient and effective. Based on this, then it is necessary the presence of traffic facilities and infrastructure are adequate. The facilities and infrastructure in the form of network access roads and bridges in the unity of the transportation system. Road and bridge infrastructure is essential for the realization of national development that supports the development of production and services as well as the development of a region so as to materialize the alignment of the Division and conformity of the growth regions, urban and rural reginal organized holistically, environmentally sustainable, and empower communities.Key Words: Access, Roads, Bridges, Malinau, North Borneo INTRODUCTIONTransport is the basis for economic development and the development of the community as well as the growth of industrialization. The existence of transport cause specialization or the Division of work according to expertise in accordance with the culture, customs and culture of a nation or region. Where the road network is an important means in the implementation of the transport. In line with the growth and development of an area, it will not be detached from the existence of transport sector which is a major supporter of the movement of people and goods, so the need for transport will increasingly experience increased. The transport sector is the most important sector in the lives of people and become the backbone of a country's economy in General.One of the important elements in the Organization of the transport is the availability of good road network infrastructure and meet the development of the movement of people and goods, in particular in the province of North Borneo. The North Kalimantan province with an area of whole ± 75.467 .70 km2 and a total population of approximately 622.350 inhabitants has a network of road infrastructure that hasn't been fullest in optimizing public services particularly in the border region and the hinterland. Coupled with the general condition of the economy of Indonesia citizens in the border region, among others, as follows: The relatively isolated location (remote) with low accessibility level Rendahnya tingkat pendidikan dan kesehatan masyarakat Rendahnya tingkat kesejahteraan sosial ekonomi masyarakat daerah perbatasan (jumlah penduduk miskin dan desa tertinggal) Langkanya informasi tentang pemerintah dan pembangunan masyarakat di daerah perbatasanKONDISI WILAYAH DAN METODOLOGIProvinsi Kaltara terbagi menjadi 5 (lima) wilayah administrasi yang terdiri dari 1 (satu) kota dan 4 (empat) kabupaten, yaitu: Kota Tarakan, Kabupaten Bulungan, Malinau, Nunukan, dan Tana Tidung yang awalnya merupakan bagian dari Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Ibukota Provinsi Kaltara adalah Tanjung Selor yang berada di Kabupaten Bulungan.Pembentukan provinsi ini bertujuan untuk mendorong peningkatan pelayanan di bidang pemerintahan, pembangunan, kemasyarakatan, serta memperpendek rentang kendali (span of control) dalam pemerintahan terutama di kawasan perbatasan utara. Diharapkan juga dengan adanya Provinsi Kaltara dapat meningkatkan perekonomian warga Kalimantan Utara yang berada di dekat perbatasan dengan negara-negara tetangga. Secara geografis Provinsi Kaltara berbatasan dengan Negara Malaysia Bagian Sabah (Utara); Kabupaten Kutai Barat, Kutai Timur, Kutai Kartanegara, dan Kabupaten Berau (Selatan); Laut Sulawesi (Timur); dan Negara Malaysia Bagian Serawak (Barat). Wilayah ini juga berada di jalur pelayaran nasional dan internasional (Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia/ Archipelagic Sealand Passage) dan merupakan pintu keluar (outlet) ke Asia Pasifik. Secara geostrategis Provinsi Kalimantan Utara merupakan open gates ke Malaysia (Sabah), Philipina Selatan, dan Brunei Darussalam. Kabupaten yang terletak di wilayah utara Provinsi Kalimantan Utara yaitu Nunukan dan Malinau, berbatasan langsung dengan Negara Malaysia. Pada saat pemekaran pada tanggal 25 Oktober 2012 dengan ditetapkannya Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2012 provinsi Kaltara memiliki 38 kecamatan yang terdiri dari: Kota Tarakan dengan 4 kecamatan
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