Ladies we mulyakan ...
The environment is a big house together. The large house all of humanity worldwide. Healthy or not the environment, will determine the 'health of its residents in it.
When the environment experienced contamination, whether air pollution, water pollution, soil contamination, pollution of noise, and others, then it was also the lives of living beings in it will be disturbed. Be it humans, animals and plants, all will be disrupted his life.
Just an example, when the neighborhood where we live there is contamination of air, factory smoke smelled rotten nose piercing, the air we breathe becomes fresh again. Instead of freshness we get, it penyakitlah who will descend on our bodies.
When the river water contaminated by sewage, the water will be toxic to all living things. Water plants will die, the fish will die. Humans also can no longer use the river to meet the needs of everyday life. Contaminated water can also cause the disease. Itching disease for example.
The environment is ours together. So each of us have the same obligations, they both keep the environment remain stable. Do not let the environment is being damaged. Few of the environment is damaged, then the consequences could be not only affects those who break it, but a terrible impact on many people.
Just an example, when we litter. Disposing of garbage in the gutter, throwing garbage in the river and in any place. When it rains, the drains will be clogged. Rain water can not flow smoothly. The result was predictable. Floods!
If it floods, then everyone will suffer. Possessions destroyed, houses were inundated, and even sometimes nyawapun drift due to the flood waters.
For this reason, let us take care of our environment. Apply discipline in us all. Discipline in protecting the environment. For example by removing the waste in place, planting trees in the yard is empty, do not damage the plant, clean up waterways in About a our homes, use water sparingly, and friendly behavior lingkunagn another.
Let us start from ourselves each. Right now!
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