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Pengisi suara: Tom KennySpongeBob S

Pengisi suara: Tom Kenny
SpongeBob SquarePants, tokoh utama dalam kartun ini yang adalah seekor spons yang sebenarnya berbentuk spons mandi berwarna kuning ini adalah pribadi yang baik, mudah diajak berteman, dan optimistis. Spongebob tinggal di dalam rumah berbentuk nanas di laut, di Jalan Conch nomor 124, Bikini Bottom. Dia juga memelihara seekor siput yang bernama Gary. Pekerjaannya sehari- hari adalah koki di rumah makan Krusty Krab (dia sendiri pun mendapat penghargaan "Employee of the Month" (Pegawai Teladan Bulan Ini) 374 kali berturut - turut), yang terkenal dengan burgernya Krabby Patty. Dia juga bersekolah di Mrs. Puff Boating School, sekolah mengemudi Mrs. Puff, namun selalu gagal ketika tes mengemudi. Ia juga suka berburu ubur ubur bersama Patrick.

Patrick Star
!Artikel utama untuk bagian ini adalah: Patrick Star
Pengisi suara: Bill Fagerbake
Patrick Star adalah seekor bintang laut berwarna merah muda yang merupakan sahabat Spongebob. Walaupun sering kali tidak berkonsentrasi dalam percakapannya dan terjadi salah pengertian, Patrick adalah sahabat yang baik. Patrick tinggal bersebelahan dengan rumah Squidward yang juga bersebelahan dengan rumah nanas Spongebob dan rumahnya terletak di bawah batu. Patrick merupakan hewan paling bodoh di Bikini Bottom karena dia sering melakukan perbuatan yang konyol dan bodoh.

Patrick tidak pergi ke sekolah kecuali ke sekolah mengemudi (hanya sekali saja dalam episode New Student Starfish karena menemani SpongeBob). Patrick juga tidak bekerja, segala perbelanjaan untuk kehidupannya di Bikini Bottom selalu diberikan oleh ibu bapaknya (Herb dan Margie) yang menetap jauh dari Bikini Bottom.

Setiap pagi Patrick akan berdiri di luar rumahnya untuk berkata "Hai SpongeBob" kepada SpongeBob yang akan pergi ke tempat kerjanya di Krusty Krab dan Patrick akan terus berdiri di luar rumahnya sampai SpongeBob pulang dari tempat kerjanya untuk bermain berdua. Patrick dan SpongeBob selalu mengganggu tetangga mereka Squidward Tentacles (meskipun mereka berdua tidak menganggap yang mereka lakukan itu menggangu.

Squidward Tentacles
!Artikel utama untuk bagian ini adalah: Squidward Tentacles
Pengisi Suara: Rodger Bumpass
Squidward Tentacles adalah seekor cumi-cumi berusia 32 tahun, ia kasir yang sering membuat ulah, dan membuat repot semua orang di sekitarnya. Ia tidak senang dengan kedua tetangganya karena dianggap sering mengganggunya. Pekerjaan sehari-hari Squidward adalah menjadi kasir di rumah makan Krusty Krab. Tergolong pemalas, suka bermain klarinet walaupun musik yang dilagukannya jelek. Ia sendiri menganggap dirinya seorang seniman hebat dan orang yang pintar. Memiliki seorang saingan sejak SMA bernama Squilliam Fancyson.

Mr. Krabs
!Artikel utama untuk bagian ini adalah: Eugene H. Krabs
Pengisi suara: Clancy Brown
Eugene H. Krabs adalah seekor kepiting pemilik restoran Krusty Krab yang terobsesi dengan uang. Karena ia terlalu mencintai uang, ia sampai-sampai tidak rela memberi uang satu sen pun. Mr. Krabs mempunyai pesaing yang bernama Sheldon Plankton, pemilik restoran Chum Bucket yang daganganya tidak pernah laku. Gambaran umum Mr. Krab adalah kepiting yang tamak dan pelit dan Spongebob seringkali menjadi korban ketamakannya. Mr. Krabs memiliki putri bernama Pearl, dan ibu Mr. Krab sudah tua.

Sandy Cheeks
!Artikel utama untuk bagian ini adalah: Sandy Cheeks
Pengisi suara: Carolyn Lawrence
Sandy Cheeks (Sandy si Tupai) - adalah seekor tupai atau bajing yang tinggal di dalam laut. Karena Sandy merupakan binatang darat, kesehariannya di Bikini Bottom mengharuskannya memakai baju astronot yang berisi udara pada helmnya sehingga ia bisa bernapas di dalam laut. Sandy menyukai karate, dan senang aksi-aksi berbahaya. Sandy sendiri berasal dari Texas, namun kini bertempat tinggal di Bikini Bottom dan menjadi sahabat Spongebob. Tempat tinggalnya adalah sebuah kubah akuarium kedap air dan berisi udara. Ciri khas rumahnya adalah mempunyai pohon besar sebagai tempat tinggalnya. Spongebob dan Patrick bila berkunjung harus terus menerus memakai mangkuk penuh berisi air yang dipakai terbalik menutupi kepala mereka. Sandy sendiri bekerja sebagai ilmuwan di Treedome Corporation dengan bosnya yang monyet. Di episode Chimps Ahoy, dia hampir meninggalkan Bikini Bottom karena percobaan yang dia buat dianggapnya selalu salah

Sheldon Plankton
!Artikel utama untuk bagian ini adalah: Sheldon J. Plankton
Pengisi suara: Doug Lawrence
Sheldon J. Plankton - pemilik rumah makan Chum Bucket yang sepi pengunjung. Plankton percaya bahwa bila ia berhasil mencuri resep Kraby Patty maka rumah makannya akan laku keras. Jadi segala daya upaya ia kerahkan untuk mencuri resep dari rumah makan saingannya ini, namun upayanya ini tidak pernah berhasil dan mengakibatkan kesialan untuk dirinya akhirnya di episode 'New Leaf' dia mengganti restorannya dengan toko souvenir. Memiliki istri berwujud sebuah komputer bernama Karen.

Gary si Siput
!Artikel utama untuk bagian ini adalah: Gary si Siput
Pengisi suara: Tom Kenny
Gary - adalah seekor siput peliharaan Spongebob. Berbunyi seperti kucing dan memiliki sifat yang pendiam dan baik. Ia tidak suka mandi dan hanya saat akan dimandikanlah Gary membuat onar.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Voiced by Tom KennySpongeBob SquarePants, the main character in the cartoon that is a sponge which is actually shaped bath sponge, yellow is a good person, easy to be invited to make new friends, and optimistic. SpongeBob lives in a pineapple shaped House at sea, Conch street number 124, Bikini Bottom. He also kept a snail named Gary. Its job everyday is the chef at the restaurant Krusty Krab (he himself was awarded "Employee of the Month" (Exemplary Employees this month) 374 consecutive consecutive), famous for its burgers Krabby Patty. He also attended Mrs. Puff Boating School, driving school Mrs. Puff, but always fails when the driving test. He also likes hunting jellyfish jellyfish with Patrick.Patrick Star!The main article for this section is: Patrick StarVoiced by: Bill FagerbakePatrick Star is a pink sea star who was a friend of Spongebob. Although often not concentrate in his talks and going wrong understanding, Patrick is a good friend. Patrick lived next door to the home that is also adjacent to Squidward take charge of the House and the House is Spongebob's Pineapple under a rock. Patrick is the dumbest animals in Bikini Bottom because she often do silly and stupid.Patrick didn't go to school except to driving schools (only once in the episode the New Student Starfish because to accompany SpongeBob). Patrick also does not work, all the shopping for her life in Bikini Bottom is always given by the mother of his father (Herb and Margie) staying away from Bikini Bottom.Every morning Patrick will stand outside her house to say "Hi SpongeBob" to SpongeBob who will go to work at the Krusty Krab and Patrick will continue to stand outside her house to SpongeBob came home from work to play both. SpongeBob and Patrick always annoy Squidward take charge of their neighbor's Tentacles (although they both didn't think they did it disturb.Squidward Take Charge Of Tentacles!The main article for this section is: Squidward take charge of TentaclesVoiced By: Rodger BumpassSquidward take charge of Tentacles is a squid, 32-year-old cashier who she often makes his way, and make the hassle everyone in the vicinity. He is not happy with both its neighbors because it is considered often disturb it. Squidward take charge of daily work is to be a cashier at the Krusty Krab restaurant. Is Slacker likes to play clarinet, although the music that dilagukannya ugly. He considers himself an artist great and smart people. Have a rival Squilliam Fancyson named HIGH SCHOOL ever since.Mr. Krabs!The main article for this section is: Eugene h. KrabsVoice actor: Clancy BrownEugene h. Krabs is a crab Krusty Krab restaurant owner who is obsessed with money. Because he too loves money, to the extent that he is not willing to give money to one penny. Mr. Krabs has a competitor named Sheldon Plankton, the owner of the restaurant the daganganya Chum Bucket never sold. An overview of Mr. Krab was avaricious and miserly crab and Spongebob often fall victim to feed their own greed. Mr. Krabs has a daughter named Pearl, and the mother of Mr. Krab is old.Sandy Cheeks!The main article for this section is: Sandy CheeksVoiced by Carolyn LawrenceSandy Cheeks (Sandy the Squirrel)-is a squirrel or a squirrel that lived in the sea. Because of the Sandy ground, the daily beast is in Bikini Bottom obliged him to wearing astronaut containing air at place Alonso at Benetton and so he can breathe in the sea. Sandy loves karate, and glad the harmful actions. Sandy himself came from Texas, but now resides in Bikini Bottom and became a friend of Spongebob. His residence was a dome of the aquarium water-proof and contains air. The hallmark of his home had a large tree is as a place of residence. SpongeBob and Patrick when visiting must constantly wear a bowl full of water worn upside down to cover their head. Sandy himself worked as a scientist at the Treedome Corporation with his boss a monkey. In the episode Chimps Ahoy, he nearly left the Bikini Bottom because the experiments he made he always wrongSheldon Plankton!The main article for this section is: Sheldon j. PlanktonVoice actor: Doug LawrenceSheldon j. Plankton-feeding home owner Chum Bucket is empty of visitors. Plankton believes that when he managed to steal the recipe Kraby Patty then the House will conduct its hard. So all the effort he muster to steal the recipe from his rival, but his attempt was never successful and result in bad luck for him eventually in the episode ' New Leaf ' he's replacing it with a souvenir shop. Wife takes the form of a computer has named Karen.Gary the Snail!The main article for this section is: Gary the SnailVoiced by Tom KennyGary is a pet snail-Spongebob. Reads like a cat and has a quiet and good nature. He doesn't like baths and only time will dimandikanlah Gary makes onar.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Voiced: Tom Kenny
SpongeBob SquarePants, the main character in this cartoon that is a real sponge bath sponge shaped yellow are good personal, easy to make friends, and optimistic. SpongeBob lives in a pineapple-shaped house in the sea, at number 124 Conch Street, Bikini Bottom. He also maintains a snail named Gary. Daily job is the chef at the Krusty Krab restaurant (he himself was awarded the "Employee of the Month" (Exemplary Employee of the Month) 374 times in succession - respectively), which is famous for the Krabby Patty burgers. He also attended Mrs. Puff Boating School, Mrs. driving school Puff, but always failed when test driving. He also likes to hunt jellyfish jellyfish with Patrick. Patrick Star The main article for this section are: Patrick Star Voiced: Bill Fagerbake Patrick Star is a pink starfish who is a friend of Spongebob. Although often not concentrate on the conversation and misunderstandings, Patrick was a good friend. Patrick lived next door to Squidward's house which is also adjacent to the house pineapple Spongebob and his house is located under a rock. Patrick is the most stupid animal in Bikini Bottom because he often acts silly and stupid. Patrick did not go to school unless the school to driving (only once in the episode New Student Starfish because accompany SpongeBob). Patrick also does not work, all the shopping for life in Bikini Bottom is always given by his mother and father (Herb and Margie) who lived far from Bikini Bottom. Every morning Patrick would stand outside his house to say "Hi SpongeBob" to SpongeBob who will go to the place works at the Krusty Krab and Patrick will continue to stand outside his house until SpongeBob home from work to play both. Patrick and SpongeBob always disturb their neighbor Squidward Tentacles (although they both do not consider that they are doing it disturbing. Squidward Tentacles main article for this section are: Squidward Tentacles Voice: Rodger Bumpass Squidward Tentacles is a squid was 32 ​​years old, he cashier who often throw tantrums, and make a fuss everyone around him. He was not happy with the neighbors because they often disturb him. The work everyday Squidward is becoming a cashier at the Krusty Krab restaurant. categorized as lazy, playful clarinet music dilagukannya although ugly . He himself considered himself a great artist and a clever man. Have a rival named Squilliam Fancyson since high school. Mr. Krabs main article for this section are: Eugene H. Krabs Voiced: Clancy Brown Eugene H. Krabs is a crab owner Krusty Krab restaurant obsessed with money. Because he was too fond of money, to the extent that he is not willing to give any money. Mr. Krabs has a competitor named Sheldon Plankton, the owner of the Chum Bucket restaurant that daganganya never sell. The general picture of Mr. Krab is greedy and stingy crab and Spongebob are often victims of greed. Mr. Krabs has a daughter named Pearl, and the mother of Mr. Krab old. Sandy Cheeks main article for this section are: Sandy Cheeks Voiced: Carolyn Lawrence Sandy Cheeks (Sandy the Squirrel) - is a squirrel or squirrels that live in the sea. Because Sandy is a land animals, daily life in Bikini Bottom required him to wear clothes that contain air astronaut on his helmet so that she could breathe in the sea. Sandy loves karate, and happy to dangerous actions. Sandy itself comes from Texas, but now residing in Bikini Bottom and become a friend of Spongebob. Residence is an aquarium dome waterproof and filled with air. Characteristic of the house is having a big tree as a place of residence. Spongebob and Patrick when visiting must constantly wear a bowl filled with water on backward cover their heads. Sandy's own work as a scientist at the Treedome Corporation with the monkey boss. In the episode Chimps Ahoy, he almost left Bikini Bottom as an experiment that he made ​​was always considered one of Sheldon Plankton main article for this section are: Plankton Voiced: Doug Lawrence Plankton - Chum Bucket restaurant owners who deserted visitors . Plankton believe that if he managed to steal the recipe Kraby Patty then eating house will sell well. So all efforts he deployed to steal the recipe of this rival restaurant, but his efforts have not been successful and resulted in misfortune for him finally in the episode 'New Leaf' he replace his restaurant with souvenir shops. Intangible wife have a computer named Karen. Gary main article for this section are: Gary Voiced by Tom Kenny Gary - is a pet snail Spongebob. Sounds like a cat and has a quiet and good nature. He did not like the shower and just when will dimandikanlah Gary making a scene.

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