di suatu pagi yang cerah dengan awan yang menghiasi langit biru disina terjemahan - di suatu pagi yang cerah dengan awan yang menghiasi langit biru disina Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

di suatu pagi yang cerah dengan awa

di suatu pagi yang cerah dengan awan yang menghiasi langit biru disinari cahaya matahari. terlihat seekor tikus yang sedang memperhatikan seekor kucing yang sedang bermalas-malasan di sebuah pojok jalanan. kemudian si tikus itu pun menghampiri kucing itu dan tikus pun bertanya " sedang apa kau disini...??" kucing pun menjawab " itu bukan urusan mu.. jika kau tak pergi dari sini aku akan memakanmu..!!!!" teriak si kucing yang membuat tikus yang tak berdosa itu pun lari ketakutan dan meninggalkan si kucing
Tak lama setelah kepergian si tikus, kucing yang masih bermalas-malasan itu terkejut akibat mendengar gonggongan dari dua ekor anjing yang sedang bertengkar. Anjing pertama berteriak " Rasakan !! Dasar manusia Guk guk !!" Anjing kedua membalasnya " kamu yang Manusia guk guk !!", melihat pertengkaran yang terjadi antara kedua anjing tersebut, kucing pun merasa takut dan akhirnya berlari meninggalkan tempat itu, namun sayang sebelum kucing itu pergi anjing tersebut menyadari keberadaannya, dan kedua anjing itu pun sepakat untuk mengejar si kucing pemalas tersebut..
Sore hari pun menyambut Kucing pemalas tersebut masih terus berlari tanpa henti dan akhirnya sampai di sebuah hutan, namun sebelum Kucing tersebut masuk ke dalam hutan itu , kucing itu bertemu kembali dengan seekor Tikus yang menegurnya di pagi hari. Kucing itu bertanya " Apakah kau Tikus yang menegurku tadi pagi..??", tikus tersebut terdiam dan tak lama kucing tersebut berkata " maafkan aku, aku telah membuatmu marah !!". Tiba tiba tikus tersebut berlari ke dalam hutan dan tanpa pikir panjang kucing pemalas itu mengejar seekor tikus yang sebenarnya adalah hantu dari arwah tikus yang menegurnya di pagi hari akibat tertabrak sebuah truk yang melintasi jalan tempat si kucing itu bermalas-malasan.
Dan ketika Kucing pemalas tersebut berada di dalam hutan yang gelap itu, ia bingung mencari tikus yang ia ikuti dari tadi, kucing itu mengira matanya dapat menemukan tikus itu walau dalam kegelapan namun sayang tiba-tiba kucing tersebut mengeong kesakitan karena dia merasakan kedua kaki belakangnya ditarik oleh sesuatu yang tak dapat ia lihat dan rasakan,kucing itu pun pasrah dan berharap adanya pertolongan dari siapapun.
Matahari pun terbenam, pertanda malam pun tiba. Kucing pemalas itu masih berada di dalam hutan yang gelap gulita tanpa cahaya apapun bahkan bulan pun tak dapat menyinarinya. Kucing itu masih berharap akan datangnya pertolongan dari siapapun yang dapat menolongnya dan tak lama doanya itu terkabulkan, kedua anjing yang mengejarnya itu masuk kedalam hutan dan berteriak " Kucing kau ada dimana..guk guk " kucing pun terlihat lega dan merasa jika kedua anjing itu akan menolongnya,dan kucing itu pun menjawab " yah.. aku ada disini..!!" dan dengan cepat kedua anjing itu menolongnya dan membawa kucing pemalas itu keluar dari hutan itu, dan ketika mereka sudah berada di luar kucing itu terlihat bahagia dan berterima kasih atas pertolongannya, namun tak lama kedua anjing itu menyerang kucing itu dari belakang ketika kucing itu ingin kembali ke kota , kedua anjing itu melahap habis seekor kucing pemalas itu dengan tragis, dan begitulah akhir kehidupan dari seekor kucing yang kerjanya hanya bermalas-malasan.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
on a sunny morning with clouds that adorn the ceiling of the blue glowing light from the Sun. seen a mouse that is being noticed a cat lounging on a street corner. the mice were then approached the cat and rat ever asked "what are you here ...?" the cat pun replied "it is none of mu ... If you dont go from here I'll be memakanmu ..!! "cried the cat that makes mice the innocent were running scared and left the catShortly after the departure of the mice, the cat is still idled it shocked due to hear the barking of dogs from two who are fighting. The first dog is screaming "Feel!! Basic human Guk guk!! " The second dog responded "you the Man guk guk!", see the altercation that took place between the two dogs, cats ever feel fear and eventually ran to leave that place, but unfortunately before the cat is away the dog aware of its existence, the dog and the two agreed to pursue the Slacker cats..The evening welcomes any Slacker Cats still keeps running endlessly and finally up in a forest, but before the Cat went into the forest, the cat is reunited with a mouse who admonished him in the morning. The cat asks "are you a rat which menegurku this morning ..??", these mice are hushed and shortly the cat say "forgive me, for I have made you angry!!". Suddenly the mouse ran into the Woods and mindlessly Slacker cats was chasing a mouse is actually the ghost of deceased rat who admonished him in the morning due to getting hit by a truck which crossed the way places the cat was lazing.And when the Slacker Cats in a dark forest, he confused looking for mice that he follow from yesteryear, the cat thinks his eyes may find that even though the rats in darkness but unfortunately all of a sudden the cat meows in pain because she felt both hind legs being pulled by something that he could not see and feel, cats were surrendered and hope the presence of help from anyone.The Sun had set, any sign of the night ever arrived. Slacker cats that are still in the jungle darkness without light any even month can not shine on it. The cat is still hoping it will be the arrival of aid from anyone who can help him and soon his prayer that is answered, the two dogs who chased it into the Woods and shouted "where are you Cat. .. Guk guk "any cat looks relieved and feel if the two dogs that would help her, and the cat replied" well ... I exist here..!! "quickly and both the dog and help him bring the cat Slacker out of the forest, and when they've been outside the cat looks happy and grateful for his help, but soon the two dogs that attacked the cat from behind when the cat wants to come back to the city, the second dog was devouring Slacker of a cat that runs out with tragic , and that's the end of the life of a cat who works just lazing.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
on a sunny morning with clouds in the sky blue sunlit. seen a rat who was watching a cat lazing on a street corner. then the rat was also approached the cat and rat asks "what are you doing here ... ??" cat replied "it does not concern you .. if you do not leave here I'm going to eat .. !!!!" cried the cat kept mice were innocent it was running scared and left the cat
Shortly after the departure of the rat, the cat is still lazing was shocked due to hear the barking of two dogs who were arguing. The first dog shouting "Basic human !! Feel Woof woof !!" The second dog replied "you are Man woof woof !!", saw a fight that occurred between the dog, the cat was scared and eventually ran left, but unfortunately before the cat's away the dog aware of its existence, and the two dogs had agreed to pursue the slacker cat ..
In the afternoon, also welcomed the Slacker Cats continue to run without interruption and end up in a jungle, but before the cat into the woods, the cat was reunited with a Rat who admonished him in the morning. The cat was asked "Did you rat who spoke to me this morning .. ??", the mice soon fell silent and the cat said, "I'm sorry, I was upset !!". Suddenly these mice ran into the woods and without thinking cat slacker was chasing a mouse is actually the ghost of a ghost rat admonished him in the morning as a result of getting hit by a truck that crossed the road where the cat was lazing about.
And when the cat slacker the were in the dark forest, he was puzzled to find a mouse that he follow from the above, the cat was thought that his eyes can find the rat even in darkness but unfortunately suddenly the cat meowing in pain as he felt the hind legs pulled by something that can not be he saw and felt, the cat was let go and hope for help from anyone.
The sun was setting, a sign of the night arrived. Slacker cat was still in the forest of darkness without any light even the moon can not shine. The cat was still hope that the coming of help from anyone who can help him and soon his prayer was fulfilled, the dog chased it into the woods and yelling "Cats are you dimana..guk woof" cat also looks relieved and feel if the two dogs would help him, and the cat replied "well .. I'm here .. !!" and quickly the two dogs helped her and brought the cat lazy out of the forest, and when they were outside the cat looks happy and grateful for his help, but soon the two dogs attacking the cat from the rear when the cat wants to go back to the city, the dogs were devoured a cat lazy with tragic, and that's the end of the life of a cat who works just lazing.

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