1.2 Tujuan Tujuan umum: - Ikut mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa - Ikut me terjemahan - 1.2 Tujuan Tujuan umum: - Ikut mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa - Ikut me Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

1.2 Tujuan Tujuan umum: - Ikut menc

1.2 Tujuan Tujuan umum: - Ikut mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa - Ikut mempersiapkan generasi yang cerdas dan mampu menjawab tuntutan jaman - Ikut meningkatkan Sumber Daya Manusia di Indonesia - Mewujudkan sarana dan fasilitas pendidikan yang baik yang mampu menunjang aktifitas pendidikan yang telah direncanakan sehingga dapat mencetak lulusan yang berkualitas.
7. Tujuan khusus: - Memberikan pendidikan yang berkualitas kepada masyarakat - Memberikan Alternatif pendidikan kepada masyarakat 1.3 Nama Lembaga Lembaga ini bernama “Bright Choice”
8. 1.4 Penyelenggara Lembaga ini didirikan dan diselenggarakan oleh 4 orang individu yang mempunyai kepedulian terhadap dunia pendidikan yang berkualitas, mereka adalah Nur Awaliah , Fatimah Syahrah Mukhtar , Badariah T , dan Supri Wahid 1.5 Tempat Penyelenggaraan Lembaga ini berlokasi di Jalan Dr. Sam Ratulangi No 16 Makassar
9. 1.7 Jenis Pendidikan Jenis pendidikan yang kami selenggarakan, yaitu: Kursus Akuntansi Kursus ini mengajarkan Akuntansi dengan berbagai tingkat yaitu tingkat dasar, tingkat menengah dan dan tingkat tinggi.
10. 1.8 Sasaran Program-program dalam bimbingan belajar ini sengaja dibuka untuk SMA/SMK dan Mahasiswa yang ingin memiliki kemampuan di bidang Akuntansi ataupun keahlian di bidang komputer dengan cepat dan mudah. Baik bagi pemula maupun yang sudah pernah kursus. Dengan metode pengajaran yang begitu mudah, praktis, tidak teoritis dan materi yang disajikan disampaikan oleh staff pengajar yang berkualitas diharapkan siswa didik mampu menerima materi dengan baik.
11. BAB 2 RINGKASAN BISNIS 2.1 Profil Usaha Nama Usaha : Bright Choice Jenis Usaha : Jasa Alamat Usaha : Jln, Dr Sam Ratulangi N0 16 Telepon : (0411) 434 768
12. 2.2 Gambaran Awal Usaha Usaha ini merupakan usaha kami yang pertama. Dalam kursus ini yang menjadi staff pengajar adalah kami berempat. Namun apabila dikemudian hari kursus ini berkembang pesat maka tidak menutup kemungkinan kami akan mengangkat beberapa orang tentor yg bisa membantu kami dalam menjalankan usaha ini. Sumber dana yang kami gunakan untuk mendirikan usaha ini berasal dari kami berempat yang secara bersama-sama menyetorkan modal sebagai modal awal. Masing-masing sebesar 10.000.000 dengan kata lain bahwa modal awal untuk usaha kami adalah 40.000.000
13. 2.3 Aspek Pemasaran Bimbingan belajar ini dibuka untuk pelajar SMA/SMK dan Mahasiswa. Dalam bimbingan belajar ini siswa mendapatkan modul yang telah disediakan, selain itu bimbingan belajar ini juga memberikan fasilitas yang membuat para pelajar nyaman selama kegiatan belajar mengajar berlangsung.
14. Tenaga pengajar yang disediakan juga masih berusia muda, agar murid dengan pengajar dapat mengakrabkan diri dengan mudah. Adapun program yang ditawarkan adalah: 1. Untuk pelajar SMA/SMK : mata pelajaran Pengantar Akuntansi, Pengantar Perpajakan 2. Untuk Mahasiswa :Mata Kuliah Akuntansi Keuangan Lanjutan (Advance) , Pengantar Akuntansi, Pengantar Perpajakan, Intermediate.
15. Dalam bagian ini kami paparkan beberapa program yang kami tawarkan dalam bimbingan belajar akuntansi yang akan kami realisasikan dan kembangkan. Programprogram dalam bimbingan belajar ini sengaja dibuka untuk SMA/SMK dan Mahasiswa yang ingin memiliki kemampuan di bidang akuntansi dengan cepat dan mudah. Adapun program yang ditujukan kepada pelajar tingkat SMA/SMK sampai Mahasiswa adalah sebagai berikut :
16. Tabel Biaya kursus Akuntansi per bulan No 1 2 3 4 Jenis Pengantar Akuntansi Intermediate Advance Pengantar Perpajakan Biaya Rp. 100.000 Rp. 125.000 Rp. 150.000 Rp. 150.000
17. 2.4 Aspek yuridis Aspek yuridis berguna sebagai bukti bahwa usaha yang kita jalankan memiliki dasar hukum yang jelas. Sehingga usaha yang kita jalankan dapat dengan mudah melakukan kerjasama dengan berbagai instansi karena legal keberadaannya. Untuk tahap pertama kami membuat ijin dengan melapor kepada ketua RT setempat untuk mengurus Surat Ijin Gangguan Lingkungan. Setelah surat ijin gangguan lingkungan selesai, maka dengan pertimbangan efektif, efisiensi, dan tepat guna maka kami menggunakan jasa notaris untuk melegalkan usaha kami yang meliputi pengurusan NPWP, TDP, SIUP.
18. 2.5 Aspek Teknik Pelayanan Pemanfaatan tempat, cukup strategis. Karena sekitar 100 meter dari lokasi terdapat SMA/SMK dan selain itu daerah ini cukup mudah untuk dijankau karena jalur pusat. Dengan kapasitas tempat yang dapat dibuat 6 ruangan yang dapat digunakan sebagai kelas dan ruang para tentor, setiap kelasnya dapat menampung 15 siswa, maka keseluruhan dapat menampung 75 siswa. Dengan fasilitas yang standart diharapkan dapat meminimalisir cost dalam variable cost. Karena dalam usaha ini kami tidak menyediakan fasilitas yang mewah, tetapi kami menyediakan pengajaran yang berkualitas. Dalam pelaksanaannya, kegiatan bimbingan belajar ini akan mendekatkan antara siswa dengan tentornya. Agar terjalin komunikasi yang baik dan keharmonisan.
19. Ada beberapa hal kunci sukses kami dalam menjaga keloyalitasan customer, yaitu; 1. Konsisten dalam melayani siswa 2. Kemampuan dan keterampilan petugas serta keramahan dan kepercayaan 3. Kesigapan dalam menyelesaikan masalah 4. Suasana belajar yang nyaman dan tidak membosankan 5. Mudah dimengerti, mudah dipahami, dan pemahaman terhadap keinginan konsumen.
20. 2.6 Aspek Finansial Jumlah biaya usaha secara keseluruhan ditaksir sebanyak Rp. 70.000.000,Yang diperinci dalam 5 komponen seperti diuraikan di bawah ini. 1.1 Biaya sewa gedung / tahun 1.2 Perabotan dan peralatan belajar mengajar 1.3 Biaya renovasi dan persiapan Jumlah biaya usaha Rp. 10.000.000 Rp. 15.000.000 Rp. 5.000.000 Rp. 30.000.000
21. •Taksiran pengeluaran rutin (fix cost)/ bulan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rekening listrik, telepon, air Penyusutan peralatan kantor Iuran keamanan Biaya tak terduga Gaji Tentor (4 x Rp. 1.000.000) + Total fix cost/ bulan Rp. 500.000 Rp. 1.000.000 Rp. 100.000 Rp. 300.000 Rp. 4.000.000 Rp. 5.800.000
22. Pendapatan Pendapatan utama dari usaha ini berasal dari anak didik kami. Untuk awal kami menargetkan untuk membuka masing-masing 1 kelas akuntansi dari setiap jenis tingkatan. Jadi ada 4 kelas yang rencananya akan kami buka. Setiap kelas terdiri dari 15 orang. Jadi rincian penerimaan kami perbulan sbb:
23. No Kelas Pendapatan 1 Pengantar Akuntansi 1.500.000 2 Intermediate 1.875.000 3 Advance 2.250.000 4 Pengantar Perpajakan 2.250.000 Total Pendapatan 7.875.000 Pendapatan per bulan itu kemudian dikurangi dengan biaya tetap per bulan dikurangi dengan tetap per bulan. Maka pendapatan bersih yang kami terima perbulan adalah 3.075.000 Dan akan mencapai titik BEP di pada bulan ke 10 setelah usaha ini kami jalankan.
24. 2.7 Aspek Sosial Dengan didirikannya lembaga kursus ini, kami juga berharap bisa membantu perekonomian penduduk di sekitar lokasi lembaga. Mereka dapat membuka warung makanan, alat tulis, fotocopy dan sebagainya.
25. BAB III KESIMPULAN Pendirian lembaga bimbingan belajar Bright Choice ini dinilai layak dari sisi pasar dan financial. Lokasi pendirian lembaga ini pun sangat strategis sehingga mudah dijangkau. Selain itu, biaya kursusnya pun relatif murah. Kesimpulan dari permasalahan studi kelayakan yang kami lakukan yaitu; 1. Model usaha bimbingan belajar yang kami jalankan adalah bimbingan belajar untuk siswa SMA/SMK dan Mahasiswa 2. Tipe pengajaran yang diterapkan adalah mudah dimengerti dan dipahami oleh siswa.
26. 3. Kebijakan pemerintah yang melarang sekolah negeri untuk menyelenggarakan pelajaran tambahan dengan memungut biaya, maka bimbingan belajar kami sebagai alternative guna menunjang prestasi. Secara keseluruhan usaha bimbingan belajar memiliki prospek yang cerah untuk dilakukan. Karena didukung oleh kebijakan pemerintah yang melarang sekolah negeri untuk menyelenggarakan kursus atau pelajaran tambahan yang memungut biaya dari siswanya. Maka dari itu, siswa memilih lembaga kursus sebagai pendidikan non-formal guna menunjang prestasi belajarnya.
27. BAB IV PENUTUP Dengan mengacu pada uraian di atas, maka kami juga memiliki harapan – harapan kedepan nantinya. Harapan dalam kurun waktu satu tahun pertama, bimbingan belajar kami sudah dikenal oleh masyarakat dan tempat kami sudah memenuhi daya tampung. Kurun waktu dua tahun, pay back period. Selain itu, besar harapan kami untuk membuka cabang-cabang Bright Choice lainnya di tahun-tahun berikutnya.
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Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
1.2 Objectives the general objective:-Join the intellectual life of the nation-Join the smart generation prepare and be able to answer the demands of the era – increase human resources in Indonesia-Embody a means and a good education facilities that are able to support educational activities which have been planned so that it can print high-quality graduates.7. Special purpose:-providing quality education to the community – give an alternative education to communities 1.3 institution name this agency named "Bright Choice"8.1.4 the organiser the institution was founded and organized by 4 people that have individual awareness of the world of a quality education, they are Nur Awaliah, Syahrah Fatima Mukhtar, Badariah T, and Looks Wahid 1.5 venues of this institution located on the street Dr. Sam Ratulangi No. 4 Makassar9.1.7 the kind of education the kind of education that we have held, namely: Accounting Course this course teaches accounting with various levels i.e. Basic, intermediate and high levels.10.1.8 Target programs in tutoring is deliberately open to the SMA/SMK and students who would like to have the ability in the field of Accounting or expertise in the field of computers quickly and easily. Good for beginners or who have been the course. With the method of teaching is so easy, practical, not theoretical and material presented by the teaching staff of quality expected of students students are able to receive the material well.11. Chapter 2 SUMMARY 2.1 BUSINESS Profile Business Name: Bright Choice type of business: Business Address Services: Jln, Dr. Sam Ratulangi No. 16 phone: (0411) 768 43412.2.2 Early description of this Enterprise is our first effort. In this course the teaching staff is being four of us. But if the future course of this rapidly expanding then does not close the possibility we will appoint some people can reply tentor assist us in doing business. The source of the funds that we use to establish this business comes from the four of us who collectively make the capital as the initial capital. Each of 10,000,000 in other words that the initial capital for our efforts is 40,000,00013.1.4 tutoring Marketing Aspects was opened for students and SMA/SMK students. In this students get tutoring modules that have been provided, in addition to tutoring is also providing facilities that make students comfortable during teaching and learning activities taking place.14. Teachers provided also was young, so that pupils with a teaching can be familiarizing yourself with ease. As for the programs offered are: 1. to SMA/SMK: student subjects introduction to accounting, Taxation Introduction 2. For Students: Advanced Financial Accounting Courses (Advance), Introduction To Accounting, Taxation, Introduction To Intermediate.15. In this section we describe some of the programs that we offer tutoring in accounting that we'll never achieved and develop. Programprogram in tutoring is deliberately open to the SMA/SMK and students who would like to have the ability in the field of accounting quickly and easily. As for the programs addressed to the student level of SMA/SMK until the Student is as follows:16. Table Cost Accounting courses per month No 1 2 3 4 type of Introductory Accounting Intermediate Advance introduction to taxation of Costs Rp. 100,000 IDR 125,000 Rp. 150,000 Rp. 150,00017. the juridical aspects of the juridical Aspect 2.4 useful as evidence that the business we run have a clear legal basis. So we run businesses can easily cooperate with various agencies because of legal existence. For the first step we create a permission with the report to the Chairman of the local NEIGHBORHOOD to take care of Environmental Disruption Clearance Letter. After environmental disturbances completed documents, then with the consideration of effective, appropriate, and efficiency, we use the services of a notary public to legalize our efforts which include maintaining NPWP, SIUP, TDP.18.2.5 Engineering Aspects of service utilization of the place, quite strategic. Because about 100 meters from the location there are SMA/SMK and in addition the area is fairly easy to dijankau because the path of the Center. With a capacity of places that can be made 6 room that can be used as classroom space and the tentor, each class can accommodate 15 students, then the whole can accommodate 75 students. With the standard facilities expected to minimize cost in a variable cost. Because of this we are not in the business of providing luxurious facilities, but we provide a quality teaching. In practice, this tutoring activities will bring closer between students with tentornya. So entwined good communication and harmony.19. There are few things key to our success in keeping the keloyalitasan customer, namely; 1. Be consistent in serving students 2. The officer's abilities and skills as well as hospitality and trust 3. Alacrity in resolving problems 4. The comfortable atmosphere of learning and not boring 5. Easy to understand, easy to understand, and understand the desires of the consumer.20. The financial aspect of 2.6 total cost overall effort was estimated as much as IDR 70,000,000, detailed in 5 components as described below. 1.1 the cost to rent the building/Furniture and equipment by 1.2 years teaching and learning 1.3 renovation costs and total cost of preparation effort Rp. 10,000,000 IDR 15,000,000 Rp. 5,000,000 Rp 30,000,00021. routine expenditure Estimates • (fix cost)/month 1. 2.3. 4.5. The accounts of the electricity, telephone, water security Dues office equipment Depreciation Costs unanticipated Salary Tentor (4 x Rp. 1,000,000) + Total fix cost/month Rp. 500,000 Rp. 1,000,000 Rp. 100,000 to Rp. 300,000 until Rp. Rp 4,000,000 5,800,00022. the main Income Income from this business comes from our protégé. For our initial target for opening each 1 accounting of every type of class levels. So there are 4 classes that our plan would open. Each class consists of 15 people. So our acceptance details by month:23. No Income Class 1 Introduction 2 Intermediate 1,875,000 1,500,000 Accounting 3 Advance 2,250,000 4 introduction to Taxation Revenue Total revenue 7,875,000 2,250,000 per month was later reduced by a fixed cost per month is reduced by a fixed per month. Then we received net income per month is 3,075,000 and will reach the point of BEP in the 10th of the month after this business we run.24.1.7 the social aspect with the creation of the institution of this course, we also hope to help the economy of the population around the location of the institution. They can open food stalls, stationery, copy and so on.25. CHAPTER III CONCLUSION establishment tutoring Bright Choice is judged worthy of market and financial side. The location of this establishment is very strategically so that it is easy to reach. In addition, the cost of any course is relatively cheap. The conclusions of the feasibility study of the problems that we did, namely; 1. the Business Model of tutoring we run is tutoring for students and SMA/SMK Students 2. The type of teaching that is applied is easy to understand and be understood by students.26.3. Government policy prohibiting schools to organise extra lessons with charging, then our tutoring as an alternative to support achievement. The overall effort has tutoring a bright prospect to do. Because it is supported by Government policy that prohibits public schools to organise the courses or lessons that charge fees from their students. Thus, the students choose courses of institutions as non-formal education to support the achievement of their learning.27. CHAPTER IV COVER with reference to the above description, then we also have the hope – the hope fore later. Hope within a year of our tutoring first, already known by the people and places we've meet capacity. A period of two years, pay back period. In addition, we hope to open large branches Bright Choice more in subsequent years.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
1.2 Objectives The general objective: - Participate in educating the nation - Participate prepare the next generation of intelligent and able to answer the demands of time - Participate improve Human Resources in Indonesia - Delivering infrastructure and educational facilities are well capable of supporting educational activities that have been planned so as to print graduates quality.
7. Specific objectives: - To provide a quality education to the community - Providing Alternatives to public education 1.3 Name of Institution This institution named "Bright Choice"
8. 1.4 Organizers This institution was founded and organized by four individuals who have a concern for quality education, they are Nur Awaliah, Syahrah Fatima Mukhtar, Badariah T, and Supri Wahid 1.5 Implementation The institute is located at Jalan Dr. Sam Ratulangi No. 16 Makassar
9. 1.7 Educational type of education that we held, namely: Accounting Course This course teaches accounting at various levels ie basic level, intermediate level and high level and.
10. 1.8 Target programs in tutoring is intentionally opened for SMA / SMK and Students who wish to have the ability in the field of accounting or expertise in the field of computer quickly and easily. Both for beginners and courses ever. With a teaching method that is so simple, practical, not theoretical, and the material presented was delivered by qualified teaching staff are expected to educate students able to receive the material well.
11. CHAPTER 2 SUMMARY OF BUSINESS 2.1 Business Profile Business Name: Bright Choice Business Type: Services Business Address: Jl Dr Sam Ratulangi N0 16 Telephone: (0411) 434 768
12. Preliminary Overview 2.2 Business This business is our first attempt. In this course the teaching staff is the four of us. However, if in the future these courses is growing rapidly then it is possible we will lift some of the tutor who can help us in running this business. The source of funds we use to start a business is derived from the four of us were together depositing capital as initial capital. Each of 10,000,000 other words that the initial capital for our business is 40,000,000
13. 2.3 Marketing Aspect Tutoring is open to students of SMA / SMK and Students. In this tutoring students get modules which have been provided, in addition to tutoring also provides facilities to make students comfortable teaching and learning take place.
14. Faculty provided also still young, so that students with teachers can familiarize themselves with ease. The programs offered are: 1. For students of SMA / SMK: subjects Introduction to Accounting, Tax Introduction 2. To Students: Courses Financial Accounting (Advanced), Introduction to Accounting, Taxation Introduction, Intermediate.
15. In this section we describe some of the programs that we offer tutoring in accounting will be realized and developed. Programs in tutoring is intentionally opened for SMA / SMK and Students who wish to have the ability in accounting quickly and easily. The program addressed to students high school / vocational school until the student is as follows:
16. Table Cost Accounting courses per month No 1 2 3 4 Type Introduction to Accounting Introduction to Intermediate Advance Tax Cost USD. 100,000 USD. Rp 125,000. 150,000 USD. 150.000
17. 2.4 Aspects of Juridical Aspects of juridical useful as evidence that the business that we run has a clear legal basis. So that we run the business could easily cooperate with various agencies because of legal existence. For the first stage we make permission to report to the chairman of the local neighborhood to take care of Environmental Nuisance Permit. After the license is completed environmental disturbance, then the consideration of effective, efficient, and appropriate we use the services of a notary to legalize our business which includes the maintenance of TIN, TDP, SIUP.
18. 2.5 Aspect Technical Services Utilization place, quite strategic. Because about 100 meters from the location there SMA / SMK and in addition the area is quite easy to dijankau because the center line. With a capacity that can be made ​​6 rooms that can be used as a classroom and the tutor, each class can accommodate 15 students, then the whole can accommodate 75 students. With standard facilities expected to minimize the cost to variable cost. Because in this business we do not provide luxurious amenities, but we provide quality teaching. In practice, this activity will bring tutoring between students with tentornya. So that good communication and harmony.
19. There are some key things to our success in maintaining customer keloyalitasan, namely; 1. Consistent in serving students 2. Ability and skills of workers as well as the friendliness and confidence in solving problems 3. Alertness 4. learning atmosphere comfortable and not boring 5. Easy to understand, easy to understand, and the understanding of consumer desires.
20. Financial Aspects 2.6 Total estimated cost of the overall business as much as Rp. 70,000,000, which are itemized in the 5 components as described below. 1.1 The cost of building rental / year 1.2 Furniture and equipment 1.3 Cost learning renovation and preparation Total cost of Rp. 10,000,000 USD. 15,000,000 USD. 5,000,000 USD. 30,000,000
21. • The estimated recurrent expenditures (fixed cost) / month 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Account electricity, telephone, water Depreciation of office equipment security contribution Unexpected costs Salary Tentor (4 x Rp. 1,000,000) + Total fixed costs / month USD. 500,000 USD. 1,000,000 USD. 100,000 USD. 300,000 USD. 4,000,000 USD. 5,800,000
22. The main revenue revenue of this business comes from our students. For our initial target to open each one accounting class of each type levels. So there are 4 classes we planned to open. Each class consists of 15 people. So the details of our revenues per month as follows:
23. Class No. 1 Introduction to Accounting Revenue 2 1,500,000 1,875,000 3 Advance Intermediate 4 Introduction Taxation 2,250,000 2,250,000 Total revenue 7.875 million revenue per month is then reduced by a fixed fee per month is reduced by fixed per month. Then the net income that we receive per month was 3.075 million and will reach BEP point in the 10 months after we run this business.
24. 2.7 Social Aspects With the establishment of the institution of this course, we also hope to help the economy of the population in the vicinity of the institution. They can open a food stall, stationery, copy and so on.
25. CHAPTER III CONCLUSION Incorporation Bright Choice tutoring agency is considered feasible in terms of market and financial. Location of the establishment of this institution is very strategic so easy to reach. In addition, the cost of the course is relatively cheap. The conclusion of the feasibility study of the problems that we do that; 1. The business model that we run tutoring is tutoring for SMA / SMK and Student 2. Type of teaching applied is easy to understand and be understood by students.
26. 3. The government's policy prohibits public schools to organize extra classes for a fee, then tutoring us as an alternative to support achievement. Overall tutoring business has a bright prospect to do. Because it is supported by government policy that prohibits public schools to organize courses or extra lessons that collect fees from students. Therefore, students select courses institutions as non-formal education in order to support academic achievement.
27. CHAPTER IV CLOSING With reference to the above description, we also have hope - hope in the future will be. Expectations within the first year, tutoring we are well known by the people and places we already meet capacity. Over the past two years, the pay back period. In addition, our great hope to open branches Bright Choice winners in the following years.
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