Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan mendiskripsikan garis b terjemahan - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan mendiskripsikan garis b Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meng

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan mendiskripsikan garis batas dan mengidentifikasi faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat penegasan batas daerah antara Kabupaten Paser dengan Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui dokumen laporan, Berita Acara, wawancara dan observasi lapangan. Fokus penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui panjang batas dengan indikator (1) Batas sepakat, (2) Batas belum sepakat, (3) Total panjang batas..
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa panjang batas sepakat antara Kabupaten Paser dengan Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara adalah 34,43 Km, panjang batas yang belum Sepakat (sengketa) 87,85 Km, dan total panjang batas antara kedua kabupaten adalah 122,28 Km. Faktor pendukung penegasan batas yakni adanya alokasi anggaran percepatan penegasan batas daerah di provinsi dan kedua kabupaten, adanya rapat teknis dan pelacakan batas ke lapangan, terdapat wewenang gubernur untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan serta, terdapat dukungan dari masyarakat yang berbatasan. Faktor penghambat penegasan batas meliputi (1) faktor yuridis, terkait ketidaksinkronan UU pembentukan daerah dan Perda-Perda yang dikeluarkaan kabupaten dengan fakta lapangan (2) faktor sejarah, yakni batas menurut PP 21 tahun 1987 yang digambarkan kembali tahun 1995/1996 bahwa batas kecamatan Long Kali dengan Kecamatan Waru berada di muara Sungai Tulung dan Sungai Tualan tidak sesuai dengan keadaan terkini. (3) faktor data yaitu konflik data batas perijinan. (4) faktor pelyanan publik dimaksud yakni minimnya fasilitas kesehatan dan penerangan sehingga memicu masyarakat berbatasan untuk bergabung dengan daerah lain.

Kata kunci: penegasan_tapal batas
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
This research aims to analyze and mendiskripsikan the boundary lines and identify factors supporting and restricting factors of the area between the boundaries of affirmation District Paser Penajam Paser Utara Regency using qualitative approach. The technique of collecting data through reports, news document shows, interviews and field observations. The focus of the research is to find out the length of the boundary with indicators (1) Limits agreed, (2) Limit has not yet been agreed, (3) the Total length of the boundary. The research results showed that the length of the limit agreed between the Regency Penajam Paser Paser Utara Regency is 34.43 Km, the length limit that has not been Agreed (the dispute) 87.85 Km, and the total length of the boundary between the two counties is 122.28 km. Factor supporting the affirmation of the existence of a budget allocation limits i.e. the acceleration of the regional boundary of the affirmation in the provinces and districts, technical meetings and tracking the existence of limits to the field , there is the authority of the Governor to resolve disputes as well, there is the support of neighboring communities. Factors restricting the affirmation limits include (1) the juridical factors, related ketidaksinkronan ACT of creation and the dikeluarkaan-Perda Perda district with the fact the field (2) historical factors, namely, borderline according to PP 21 1987 described back in 1995/1996 that kecamatan limits Long Time with Sub Waru were in the estuary of the river Tualan and Please do not correspond to the current state of affairs. (3) factors i.e. data conflicts data limit permitting. (4) public pelyanan factors in question i.e. lack of health facilities and lighting so as to trigger the Community borders to join the other areas.Keywords: penegasan_tapal limit
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
This study aims to analyze and describe the boundary line and identify the factors supporting and inhibiting factors demarcation area between Paser with Penajam Paser Utara using a qualitative approach. Data collection through its filing, Minutes, interviews and field observations. The focus of the study is to determine the length of the border with the indicator (1) Limit agree, (2) limit has not been agreed, (3) Total length of the border ..
The results showed that the length of the border agreed between the Penajam Paser Paser Utara is 34.43 Km , length limits have not Agree (dispute) 87.85 Km, and the total length of the border between the two districts is 122.28 Km. Factors supporting the assertion that limit their budget allocation acceleration of demarcation regions in the province and two districts, their technical meetings and tracking the boundary to the field, there is a governor's powers to settle disputes as well, there is support from the community that borders. Demarcation inhibiting factors include (1) the juridical factors, related to the establishment of discrepancies in laws and regulation-regulation areas which dikeluarkaan districts with facts on the ground (2) of historical factors, namely the limits by PP 21 in 1987 described back in 1995/1996 that limit districts Long times with the District Waru located in the estuary of the River Tualan Tulung and not in accordance with the current state of affairs. (3) The data that conflict factors limit data licensing. (4) public pelyanan factor is the lack of health facilities and lighting that encourages the public to join the areas bordering other.

Keywords: penegasan_tapal limit
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