“Dan hendaklah takut kepada Alloh orang-orang yang seandainya meninggalkan di belakang mereka anak-anak yang lemah, yang mereka khawatir terhadap (kesejahteraan) mereka. Oleh sebab itu hendaklah mereka bertakwa kepada Alloh dan hendaklah mereka mengucapkan perkataan yang benar.” (QS. An Nisa: 9)
"And let the fear of Allah those who wish to leave behind their children who are weak, they are worried (welfare) against them. Therefore let them cautious to Alloh and let them speak words of truth. " (QS. An Nisa: 9)
"And let fear of Allah those who suppose to leave behind their weak children, that they worry about the (welfare) them. Therefore, let them have fear of Allah and let them utter words of truth. "(QS. An-Nisa: 9)