angka ini meupakan angka hutang pajak perusahaan untuk massa 2013. Awalnya perusahaan di tahun 2013 memiliki hutang pajak sebesar $85.478 dan di tanggal 2 Mei 2014 melakukan pembayaran sebesar $ 6.772,53 atau dalam rupiah sebesar Rp 78.100.869,-.
This number is the number of the tax debt of the company to the mass of 2013. Initially the company in 2013 have tax debt of $ 85,478 and on 2 may 2014 make a payment of $ 6,772.53 or in rupiah of Rp 78,100,869.0.
This figure meupakan corporate tax figure for the mass of 2013. Initially the company in 2013 had a tax liability of $ 85,478 and dated May 2, 2014 make a payment of $ 6,772.53 or in rupiah at Rp 78,100,869, -.