Cahaya matahari adalah cahaya polikromatik (terdiri dari banyak warna) terjemahan - Cahaya matahari adalah cahaya polikromatik (terdiri dari banyak warna) Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Cahaya matahari adalah cahaya polik

Cahaya matahari adalah cahaya polikromatik (terdiri dari banyak warna). Warna putih cahaya matahari sebenarnya adalah gabungan dari berbagai cahaya dengan panjang gelombang yang berbeda-beda. Mata manusia sanggup mencerap paling tidak tujuh warna yang dikandung cahaya matahari, yang akan terlihat pada pelangi: merah, jingga, kuning, hijau, biru, nila, dan ungu.

Panjang gelombang cahaya ini membentuk pita garis-garis paralel, tiap warna bernuansa dengan warna di sebelahnya. Pita ini disebut spektrum warna. Di dalam spektrum warna, garis merah selalu berada pada salah satu sisi dan biru serta ungu di sisi lain, dan ini ditentukan oleh perbedaan panjang gelombang.

Pelangi tidak lain adalah busur spektrum warna besar berbentuk lingkaran yang terjadi karena pembiasan cahaya matahari oleh butir-butir air. Ketika cahaya matahari melewati butiran air, ia membias seperti ketika menembus prisma kaca dan keluar menjadi spektrum warna pelangi. Jadi di dalam tetesan air, kita sudah mendapatkan warna yang berbeda-beda berderet dari satu sisi ke sisi tetesan air lainnya. Beberapa dari cahaya berwarna ini kemudian dipantulkan dari sisi yang jauh pada tetesan air, kembali dan keluar lagi dari tetesan air. Cahaya keluar kembali dari tetesan air ke arah yang berbeda, tergantung pada warnanya. Warna-warna pada pelangi ini tersusun dengan merah di paling atas dan ungu di paling bawah pelangi.

Pelangi terlihat sebagai busur dari permukaan bumi karena terbatasnya sudut pandang mata, jika titik pandang di tempat yang tinggi misalnya dari pesawat terbang dapat terlihat sebagai spektrum warna yang lengkap yaitu berbentuk lingkaran. Pelangi hanya dapat dilihat saat hujan bersamaan dengan matahari bersinar, tapi dari sisi yang berlawanan dengan si pengamat. Posisi si pengamat harus berada di antara matahari dan tetesan air dengan matahari di belakang orang tersebut. Matahari, mata si pengamat, dan pusat busur pelangi harus berada dalam satu garis lurus.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The Sun's light is a light polikromatik (made up of many colors). White light from the Sun is actually a composite of various light with different wavelengths. The human eye is able to observed at least seven color contained light from the Sun, which will be seen in a rainbow: red, Orange, yellow, green, blue, Indigo, and violet.The wavelength of light forms a Ribbon of parallel lines, each colour nuances the colour next to it. This band is called the color spectrum. In the color spectrum, the red line is always on one side and blue and purple on the other hand, and this is determined by the difference of the wavelength.The Rainbow is none other than the color spectrum of the arc-shaped loop that occurs due to refraction of light of the Sun by a grain of water. When sunlight passes through water droplets, such as membias when he broke through a glass Prism and out into a spectrum of colors of the Rainbow. So in the droplets of water, we've got different colors run from one side to the other water droplets. Some of the colored light is then reflected from the far side on water droplets, and back out again from water droplets. The light went out again from the droplets of water in different directions, depending on color. The colors in the Rainbow is composed with red at the top and purple at the bottom of the Rainbow.A rainbow is visible as an arc of the Earth's surface because of the limited point of view of the eye, if the point of view in a high profile example of an airplane can be seen as a full color spectrum that is shaped like a circle. A rainbow can only be seen when the Sun is shining along with the rain, but from the opposite side to the Viewer. The position of the viewer must be in between the Sun and the water drops with the sun behind the person. The Sun, the eye of the Viewer, and the center of the bow should be in a straight line.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
The sunlight is polychromatic light (composed of many colors). The white color of sunlight is actually a combination of different wavelengths of light with different. The human eye is capable of perceiving at least seven colors contained in sunlight, which will look at the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The wavelength of this light to form ribbons parallel lines, each color with shades of color next to it. This band is called the color spectrum. In the color spectrum, the red line is always located on one side and blue and purple on the other hand, and this is determined by the difference in wavelength. The Rainbow is nothing but a huge arc-shaped circle color spectrum that occurs due to the refraction of sunlight by the drops . When sunlight passes through water droplets, it refracts like a prism when it penetrates the glass and out into a spectrum of colors of the rainbow. So in a trickle of water, we've got different colors in a row from one side to the other water droplets. Some of the colored light is then reflected from the far side of the water droplets, back and out again of the water droplets. The light came back out of the water droplets in different directions, depending on the color. The colors of the rainbow is made ​​with red at the top and purple at the bottom of the rainbow. Rainbow seen as the arc of the earth's surface because of the limited viewpoint of the eye, if the point of view in such a high place of the aircraft can be seen as a complete color spectrum ie circular. Rainbow can only be seen when the rain along with the sun shining, but from the opposite side to the viewer. The position of the observer must be between the sun and the water drops with the sun behind the person. The sun, the eye of the observer, and the center of the arc of the rainbow should be in a straight line.

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