Anyer kepantai vacation Last Sunday my family on vacation and ak kepantai-ak from anyer, preparing meals, snacks, drinks, clothes, toiletries, and tools of another reply, After that ak are ready-prepared to depart, finished his ak straight meet sodara ku, ak and after a few minutes my sodara were offtowards anyer. Along the way the ak sees lots of trees, flowers, mountains, wrote beautiful rice fields, and much more, very glad, and ak ak pun sing sing it along with sodara-sodara me, after a few hours and my sodara ak ever gets to the intended place, where his viewsvery beautiful, ak ever had lunch first with sodara ku, after eating the a.k. and any water playing my sodara, play sand, surf, and ak any happy because my sodara ak ak swim bath exhaustion, and buy gift shop, after buy ak and my pun to sodara car forgetting ready to go home. Along the way home ak and sodara ku share snacks, after that, due to the exhaustion of ak ak any sleep for a moment, a few hours later and my pun sodara akuntil the home safely.
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